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So "spots" in your gym really mean jack, unless it's just a way for Leigh to pick up dudes?

Au contraire. I get a few compliments about my deadlifting (along with the occasional criticism about my back rounding), so top spot at my gym has it's value in ego feeding, because people there rarely see others lifting as much weight. As markos has pointed out in the past, some people prefer to train at these gyms because they like being the strongest there, rather than to train at a lifting gym and be humbled (or more accurately in my case, cbf driving 40 minutes for a gym session). If you compare us to powerlifters at a lifting gym, we will come up short, but compared to mainstream gyms and the exercising population as a whole...we hold our own in terms of strength. We'd probably be in the 95th percentile once you account for crossfitters deadlifting 16kg. But again, it was a joke. There's probably someone stronger than me pound for pound who goes to my gym when I don't.

Au contraire #2: top spots in lifting on the whole, at any gym, mean jack outside of the community of people who actually do the exercise or are interested enough to hear about it. And my gym is it's own community, so regardless of many outside being stronger than me, it's irrelevant. If I tell people at my gym who are impressed by my lifting, that so and so at PTC can lift so and so (and I sometimes do), they smile and nod at me pretending to give a shit / be amazed. As we've said before, society doesn't care if you can deadlift 300kg, they will pay compliment to the better looking dude who can only do 150kg. Strength has little weight in a society built around making machines do work for us.

Sort of along the lines of fast and loud cars don't attract girls, only other people with fast and loud cars.

Au contraire #3: Leigh is spoken for...

LOLed @ 10 year old deadlifting 400kg

I get what you're saying birds, part of the reason I'm thinking of going to Spartans is because in your head you NEED to lift more and work harder to become like those jacked guys around you (apparently I need a nohomo here.) whereas at genesis people don't lift that much / work as hard and aren't as ripped - kinda puts you in the 'well these guys are no where near what I'm lifting so I'll keep doing what I'm doing' mentality.

Guess it kind of sounds weak minded and that it shouldn't matter but hey it's just my opinion and I'll do what ever the f**k I wanna do! *hodgetwins*

Edited by UNR33L

Yep, well as I said, I doubt I'd be lifting anywhere what I do if I hadn't heard of the exploits at gyms like PTC. Things like this reassured me on the definitions of too heavy and hard training; made me realise I was capable of much more.

I'd like to think that, similarly, I motivate a couple of people at our gym to lift more, when they see what I'm capable of with my slender frame. I have been known to add 30kg to a couple of people's deadlifts just by telling them they can lift much more and having them prove it to themselves!

haha it's a bit like that isn't it Birdy.

I've had old guys, farken ripped, strong looking guys and a couple of power lifters compliment me on my squat depth and weight. I've explained to a few that it's more of a reflection of how low the standard is at our gym, and that I'll consider it ok when I'm squatting my 1RM for reps - I haven't seen anyone other than 1 middle aged former power lifter squat >130 for reps. Most use the smith machine + pussy pad though, and the pro bodybuilder + clients only does isolations (dat 600kg leg press though lol)

I reckon I'd feel pretty weak stepping into a PTC, but then again, I don't have a coach or a spotter, and I'm eating at a defecit still.

I think that the fact that I'm still fairly fat spins people out too, as there are no other fat guys who use the free weights at our gym, only bearmodes. My training style is very radical for our gym too - curls with straight bar, OHP, heavy squats, rows, SLDL 3x a week, face pulls etc.

Started doing bodyweight dips, feels good man (apart from stretching out one of my traps).

Edited by bozodos

Admittedly I was grumpy yesterday and today I've had some sleep :)

the reference to the top spot made by Birds was a joke.

I don't think he was really, his next post kind of shows that. I could almost say with certainty that we'd hear about this again too if this had not been discussed. Now that it's been said though he probs won't mention it again.

"yeah that guy lifted more, but he weighs 90kg+ and I'm only 83" i.e. I'm still awesome.
"Yeah that guy lifted more, but he has even proportions, my legs are too long so I'm deading at a deficit" i.e. I'm still awesome.

Birds cares, lol, oh he definitely cares - and there's nothing "wrong" with that as it provides motivation. As an aside, I've always been congratulatory of his acheivements, bloody sensational in my view for the weight and skill level.

Boz can attest to what I think about our achievements in here as "normal" gym goers as we've discussed it via PM before.

ego feeding

Bingo. This is more the thing I was getting at. I see ego as something that is highly misplaced by the general populace, lifters or not. As you said, there's always somebody doing everything single thing you can do better than you will ever do regardless of whether it's how much you lift or how you look - I mean you in the general sense not you "Bird" specific.

Stupid thing, I stopped caring that Markos girls were out lifting me, changed up my routine to make it enjoyable for me again and stupidly have had more comments now about arms or chest etc (it's singlet weather) than I did before while lifting less (less in max weight, probably more in volume which is why I have no issue with Birds euro training volume method as it works well for novices) That said, I could care less, because the most important thing is I'm enjoying myself again. There's no point in me having an ego about anything anymore when I know that there's a million people achieving more.


Why did you delete this post? I thought it was pretty accurate, albeit a little sharp :D

Guess it kind of sounds weak minded and that it shouldn't matter but hey it's just my opinion and I'll do what ever the f**k I wanna do! *hodgetwins*

Yep, that's the spirit. Oh and also, didn't know you were taken, belated congrats :)

Anyway, was a small comment, not clearly articulated, and said with the grumps on. Ultimately we'll all keep doing whatever we want :)

Get off my lawn.

farmer's walk, deadlift.

Has anyone tried 5/3/1 before? Thoughts on it? I was going to start it as my intermediate program, once I hit the 120kg bench and 200kg deadlift goals I currently have.

used it for the first 7 months of my training to go to 140/120/175. i liked it.

did you stay on it? Gotta read the book to see which variant I want to start off with.

No, but not because of it.

Work commitments meant I had to cut back my training a lot, then that led into the end of 2012, festive season, footy pre season.

Started on PPP in 2013 after injuring myself. Did 3 cycles.

New program for 2014 and I'm using a more volume based program.

I used Dave Tates periodisation for accessories. Still do.

ah yeah, how do you compare the PPP to 5/3/1? Sounded like they were kind of similar.

I looked at Beyond 5/3/1, but might be a bit advanced just yet.

PPP tapers down to mainly singles about 8 weeks in.

I really enjoyed it, having to do set weights really makes you focus.The down side was, for me personally, if i worked shift work/sleep/social activities and wasn't 90-100% towards the 1rm's it was very hard and not forgiving, which isn't a bad thing, I just found I wasn't up the task.

Progress was very successful, just the same. From a torn hamstring and not walking properly for 3-4months, to an increase of 40/25/35kg in 2-3 cycles of it, just one deadlift cycle as I did a lot of SLDL to get some hamstring strength again.

5/3/1 on the other hand progresses based on personal performance and submaximal training. so your 1+ day, bam, 3reps and thats what you calculate your next months totals on. More forgiving I feel in that aspect. Having a rough week, as long as you still hit prescribed numbers as a minimum, you're still progressing.

Only reason I changed from PPP is beacuse I wanted more volume in my main lifts. I was getting to a stage where I was grinding out some reps, which for me personally, isn't how I like to get PR's. If it's not explosive and on point, I don't count it.

Edit: One thing I have noticed with programs is that they are a lot better written, imo, than they used to be, for the public.

Including mobility work etc, and specific conditioning work. Brandon Lilly, CWS, Wendler all have it more in depth in the updated versions of their methods. They all focus on the same thing, becoming strong, all the time.

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