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I tried pina colida from bulk nutrients. ... never again

hahahahaha exactly this.

sounded like a good idea, end product ended up tasting and smelling exactly like one of the Meguiars car cleaning products (can't remember which one). On that note, never again for Cookies and Cream or Strawberry in WPC.

Chocolate WPI is an absolute f**king winner though, best tasting protein powder I've ever had.

why I don't buy into body somatypes http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Somatotype_and_constitutional_psychology

unlike many who blame various things like that and genetics, my fatness is a direct result of drinking heavily, and eating whatever the f**k I wanted from the ages of 22-26.

Edited by bozodos

Thank you for your honesty mate^

And because you accept it as your own doing, you're much more able to make changes than those who don't. Just wish every other fat ass and skinny runt would stop blaming their genetics and composition on their inability to change, given numerous people have been in their shoes and proven them wrong time and time again.

God, the arguments I have had to put up to lazy f**ks who try to tell me (while chomping a snickers bar) that my metabolism is responsible for me having a six pack in my late 20s. Funny that these f**kers were also the first to point out how much weight I had gained when I intentionally gained 10kg and the six pack disappeared.

Meanwhile none of my friends around the same age have a six pack; incidentally, they also don't go to the gym, do high reps of heavy deadlifts, or eat a routine diet of decent food...coincidence? These friends also used to give me shit about my early 20s diet of pies / sausage rolls and hardly any vegetables...yet were and still are all quite overweight. I'm loling and raging at the ignorance/hypocrisy.

Case in point:


Wonder where the magic weight is coming from...do hormones weigh 5kg or something?

I dunno why people get all crazy with flavours. Go for vanilla or unflavoured and add your own stuff at home to taste (baeeires, banana etc).

I just go Vanilla, winner every time.

As for the body type stuff I disagree a little.

I come from a family of skinny runts as Birds puts it and as a teen was heavily into video games and junk food and just eating all the time because it was the thing to do and I still weighed 60kg wringing wet when I left highschool (when the time came around I was also drinking heavily, sugary pre-mix shit)

No kg's gained.

So genetics/body type do have some impact. Many of my mates living the same lifestyle at the time got fat or at least bigger/heavier.

It was a very conscientious effort on my part to gain weight.

I dunno why people get all crazy with flavours. Go for vanilla or unflavoured and add your own stuff at home to taste (baeeires, banana etc).

I just go Vanilla, winner every time.

As for the body type stuff I disagree a little.

I come from a family of skinny runts as Birds puts it and as a teen was heavily into video games and junk food and just eating all the time because it was the thing to do and I still weighed 60kg wringing wet when I left highschool (when the time came around I was also drinking heavily, sugary pre-mix shit)

No kg's gained.

So genetics/body type do have some impact. Many of my mates living the same lifestyle at the time got fat or at least bigger/heavier.

It was a very conscientious effort on my part to gain weight.

genetics absolutely play a part in the overall scheme of things. Birds you are very narrow minded when it comes to this and your stand alone opinion does not mean you are right!

a true ecto while infact have completely different muscle fibres to that of a mix or meso/endo. This infact determines how hard/easy it is to build muscle and strength

given the above it is absolutely true that an ecto can become a body builder and become a massive kent, however this is going to include far more focus on dietry and routine plus dedication more than the others (not saying the others dont either)

in saying that if they are completely lazy or do not infact work on the diet and what not then i would agree that "blaming genetics" is an excuse for the fact that they are not dedicated in the goal at hand

When I started out, around 21-22 or so I thnk it was, after 12mths of gyming I'd only gained about 4-5kg. I started talking to my gym mates and a trainer and they all said the same thing, it's not what I'm lifting that was the issue it was what I was/wasn't eating.

After I shifted focus to what I called my period of "power eating" I actually gained some weight :)

Now I'm a fat kent.

Whether that was overcoming something in my makeup or just a change in metabolism due to age I dunno.

You'd think if it was genetic I'd have lost it all when I stopped training for 2 years to fix various injuries, I lost a lot of weight, got down to high 70's but didn't go back to the mid 60s. So maybe age is a factor for me too.

Edited by ActionDan

Sorry kids it's all bullshit. I also ate junk food and played video games as a kid. It means shit all. Junk food doesn't make you fat, eating too much of it does. If you don't break maintenance, there is no reason to be fat, which is exactly what you were doing as a kid. Now if you ate 6 meals of maccas a day for 6 months and didn't get fat, there might be some truth to what you're saying, but the reality is that you didn't or you would end up a fat ass no matter how ecto and inactive you are.

The moment I started gyming AND eating more than I'd eaten in my life is the also the moment I realised it's actually easy for a so called ecto to gain weight, all that needs changing is the perception of what is a lot of food. I'm what you quacks would call a natural ecto, was 63kg at 6'3, yet I know how to and can easily gain and lose a lot of weight as I please now. Solve that one, and don't give me the age slowing metabolism excuse because I have less bodyfat now than I did as a teen.

Like I said, so many people have proven it wrong by changing their diet and having the motivation to change, from all camps of ecto/meso/endo/bullshit. The real definition of an ecto is someone who doesn't know what a lot of food is. The real definition of an endo is someone who doesn't know what enough food is.

*shrug* I'm not really fussed what people think or whether this or that isn't or is not true.

I'm just sharing my experience.

If I ate now (as an active person) what I ate as an inactive teen I would definitely put on weight. There's no way I could eat that much that regularly now and stay the same weight. That might not be the case for you, but I'm not speaking for you.

That's a big part of my point. The "maintenance" amount you refer to has definitely shifted substantially over time. Put that down to age based metabolism if you want, the fact remains that there are people who at one point or another will find it harder than others to gain weight. I could give two f**ks about ecto/meso etc. I'm more of a metabolism explains it kind of person and some of us, you and I at least in here Birds, had/have faster/better/more aggressive metabolisms that take some serious eating effort to overcome. If people wanna call that being an Ecto, who gives a f**k, you know what they mean.

The swearing makes that sound more jazzed up than I am, Jimmies are yet to be rustled.

Edited by ActionDan

I dunno your jimmies sound fair rustled.

I'd love to test it by getting what people would call an ecto and an endo, who share very similar daily routines (amount of walking and daily activity), making them eat exactly the same diet and put them on exactly the same exercise program. Then see where they end up after a year.

Nah, without knowing me it's hard to really take how I respond in proper context, I've got no reason to lie about being pissed or not so you'll just have to take my word, not bothered, not pissed, not rustled, just sharing my point of view.

Would be a good test. Your assumption being that they should show similar gains (as a percentage of total BW or starting strength etc).

How do you measure and account for things like base metabolic rate that is shown to differ between individuals regardless of body type?


Even in that article it mentions 26 or so % of the variance was unaccounted for.

And you don't think people can genuinely be self describing as "Ecto" (knowing what they really mean is just hard gainer) and not see ANY basis for that claim?

That seems like a pretty sweeping generalisation dude, I'm no scientist and I'm often wrong about things but you've got to at least consider that there may be some truth in the idea that some people struggle to gain, and some others likely struggle to lose.

I'm like you, I can go up and down as I please now that I know how far away from maintenance I must go to achieve it, in my head though, maintenance is different for everyone and how far you need to move away from it to achieve your goal can also vary widely.

I dunno your jimmies sound fair rustled.

I'd love to test it by getting what people would call an ecto and an endo, who share very similar daily routines (amount of walking and daily activity), making them eat exactly the same diet and put them on exactly the same exercise program. Then see where they end up after a year.

my mate i train with we do same workout same amount of time almost identical food intake and he is skinny as all heck always has been and has not seen anywhere near the same results as to what i have. Personally id consider myself in the middle of your body profiles not super skinny not a fat ass

should note of course he has gotten results from training and nutrition but just a reduced scale.

Edited by alr33x

I agree with birds - I ate very healthily as a kid (thanks parents!), and was a typical skinny kid until I was 18, when I had a full time job and started drinking, eating bulk junk food etc. My somatype would have been "meso".

I think that the genetics part is overstated - people have a tendency to over and under estimate their activity and eating levels (barring any other medical conditions).

I used to put it down to things like metabolism, until I realised that those people who I thought had faster ones were actually just a lot more active than I, and/ or were doing a version of intermittent fasting, rather than absent mindedly snacking etc.

That said, the more lean body mass that you're carrying, the higher your basal metabolic rate will be, and therefore you can eat more without getting 'fat'.

Most of my family are rake thin tbh.

Edited by bozodos

There are too many variables to it to be able to theoretically pull off the experiment. But a lot of people I put onto the same diet and exercise have ended up with similar muscle development and similar body fat percentages.

As what boz said, people way overstate how strong the ecto/meso/endo stuff is, as if it's some pre-determinant of how they are going to be as a lifter or their body composition for the rest of their life, when their existing state prior to lifting has very little effect compared to their mindset throughout their lifting life. I don't doubt genetics playing a role in things, some are gifted...but it's credited way too much by people who have usually achieved fk all and are chasing very ordinary and achievable goals. People commonly blame genetics and ecto for not being able to get a 100kg bench. My mother likes to say that I take after her because she was always lean as a kid and never did any exercise...yet she conveniently forgot all about this when she commented that I was getting fat during a bulking phase.

It's not until people are elite athletes performing at their peak that you see the effects of genetics really hold someone back. Unless you're talking about a predisposition to injury or bone/joint structure, it's almost always in the head.

Case in point, almost all ectos think they est a lot. Then you look at their diet and it's really fk all or terrible foods that have little nutritional value. Endos reckons they've tried dieting before and can't lose weight; still eating enough for 2 people.

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