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Optimum nutrition gold standard whey was very popular at my powerlifting gym. Probably the best tasting protein shake I've ever had. A kg bag is about $60 though.

My sister loves species nutrition isolyze, haven't tried it myself though.

Yeah agreed. Had the ON whey from a friend once, was quite nice

I'm hearing ya re: changing off BN for a while - after I blasted through 5kg of banana WPI, BN was the last thing I wanted. 2kg of super sweet ON Gold Standard later, and I'm switching back to the cheaper blend they have out.

Some of us consume 3 shakes a day for our 3 hour arm workouts fyi Birds


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A WOMAN who fell over a tyre at a bootcamp session is now suing her fitness trainers.

Melbourne nurse Kathleen McLaren, 55, has launched County Court action against northern suburbs company Body Revival Health and Fitness after tripping over the “hazard” during her workout.

The Herald Sun understands the object would have been placed on the ground as a corner-point in an exercise course and that Ms McLaren may have been walking around it at the time she fell.

An owner of the business was seeking legal advice and was unable to provide comment before deadline.

According to a writ, Ms McLaren was training outside Body Revival’s High St, Epping, centre on July 1 last year when she tripped over the tyre and sustained a “serious injury”.

“The tyre was deliberately placed on the outside path of the premises, thereby creating a hazard,” the Doreen woman claims in court documents.

Ms McLaren claims to have injured both of her elbows following the fall and has since suffered psychological injuries including stress, anxiety and depression.

She is now seeking damages for loss of earnings as a result of being unable to work due to her injuries.

Ms McLaren is accusing her fitness instructors of “gross negligence” by failing to clear the area of “hazards” such as the tyre.

The business holds group fitness sessions across several locations in Melbourne’s north, as well as personal training and CrossFit.

She also claims in court documents her trainers did not give her “adequate warning ... of the danger to which she was exposed” and that they had failed to properly supervise the exercise program so that “participants did not suffer harm”.

Ms McLaren’s legal representative, Nowicki Carbone lawyer Nunzio Tartaglia, was unable to contact his client for comment.

Holy shit this thread takes off sometimes lol

Just drink the protein faggots, are you downing it for a soy latte substitute or for the gains

People used to drink raw eggs ffs

This. And Bulk Nutrients. lol.

Like I've said in my rants previously - if you're honestly prepared to spend MORE money on the same product when BN is fantastic quality and 100% legit, all because of taste....then be my guest - it's your purse, love :P

I'm almost inclined to suggest that if you're torn between protein powders over concern for their flavour rather than the quality of the product, you should probably reconsider whether lifting is really for you or not. Like with the raw eggs, you won't give a f**k when it comes to gains. Sacrificing potential gains (or money) just to avoid getting your blouse in a bunch over the taste ain't what men do.

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*haven't read article at time of this post, so don't know details/accuracy*

MY f**kING GOD. SOME PEOPLE. Someone seriously f**king shoot the bitch. I hope she gets enough undesired publicity to ruin her life beyond recovery.

That being said, why the f**k has the stupid trainer left himself open to this situation? Don't you have limited liability release contracts and/or insurance when running such a business? Or did the moron just decide to forgo all that...

Holy shit this thread takes off sometimes lol

This. And Bulk Nutrients. lol.

Like I've said in my rants previously - if you're honestly prepared to spend MORE money on the same product when BN is fantastic quality and 100% legit, all because of taste....then be my guest - it's your purse, love :P

I'm almost inclined to suggest that if you're torn between protein powders over concern for their flavour rather than the quality of the product, you should probably reconsider whether lifting is really for you or not. Like with the raw eggs, you won't give a f**k when it comes to gains. Sacrificing potential gains (or money) just to avoid getting your blouse in a bunch over the taste ain't what men do.

Bulk Nutrients are legit why? Because they say they are? Didn't we try and get the protein tests done with no success and Birds pocketing all yall monies? :P

I have nothing against Bulk and their business and I do purchase some of their products but end of the day no point in buying something if you're only going to spew it up afterwards like i have done with their protein, bcaa, pre workouts, dextrose in the past. Still a waste of cash for me.

I've not tried their hydro whey which may sit well with me personally to comment.

Finally as if taste and mix ability does not come into consideration when purchasing. You are lying to yourself if you think it doesn't. If it tasted like absolute arse you would go and spend some extra coin on it. You yourself have come on here and raved about how good one of their flavors is

That woman is everything wrong with the world today and the reason why we have nanny laws restricting our way of life to account for the lowest common denominator. It's reverse Darwinism and it's wrong.

I'm accusing her of gross negligence for not using her f**king eyes. Suing someone else because you, the moving person, fell over an inanimate object is ridiculous. Stress and anxiety? Really? Ever met a rape victim or a war vet? Harden the f**k up world.

Bulk Nutrients are legit why? Because they say they are? Didn't we try and get the protein tests done with no success and Birds pocketing all yall monies? :P

I have nothing against Bulk and their business and I do purchase some of their products but end of the day no point in buying something if you're only going to spew it up afterwards like i have done with their protein, bcaa, pre workouts, dextrose in the past. Still a waste of cash for me.

I've not tried their hydro whey which may sit well with me personally to comment.

Finally as if taste and mix ability does not come into consideration when purchasing. You are lying to yourself if you think it doesn't. If it tasted like absolute arse you would go and spend some extra coin on it. You yourself have come on here and raved about how good one of their flavors is

Legitimacy arguable. IIRC the failure of testing wasn't necessarily to do with BN, but a heap of f**king around finding and contacting the proposed testing facility? IDK.

Bringing up a range of their products after consumption would be a huge concern of mine, and not specifically directed at their product line but more a concern about what the hell is wrong with my body for it to purge. Possible allergy to whatever they use for flavouring would be the only thing I could think of, since otherwise you're going to encounter the same issue with any other company's product as I'd think flavouring and sweetener are the only things that should EVER differ between two products claiming to be the same thing (like WHEY PROTEIN).

I've never encountered a protein powder that didn't mix properly with water. Milk, yes - just about everything I've ever mixed with milk clumped. Personally I almost like the clumps lol.

If I hated all their flavours, then yes. However I actually only DISLIKE their vanilla flavour protein specifically when mixed in water....and even then, I'd still stick with it when I consider the cost difference of going with another brand. The only time I've come across another whey product (in a retail outlet, I should specify) that matched BN's price per kilo was when I've found Ultimate Nutrition Prostar Whey on sale....and there is absolutely NO way that product is legitimate in its claims of ingredients and nutrient breakdown. It tasted great, but holy f**king shit did it cause the most obscenely horrific smelling unrelenting gas. Not even joking, I would now only ever purchase it again for the sole purpose of gassing whatever building(s) I found myself in that day hahahaha.

And yes I've raved about how much I like their flavours. I'm not sure of your point. If I whinged about one and used it to justify my purchase of another more expensive brand then I'd see your point.

Re: the testing, I couldn't find any places willing to do it easily enough, so it went in the too hard basket. One place made it sound so easy, said they'd send me out a bag to put a sample in and then I just had to return it along with $$...never got the bag. From memory I returned one or two people's $10 cause they supplied me with their bank details, but there was one person who said don't worry about it.

BNs concentrate makes me feel crap because of the higher lactose...I used to be able to drink it but not anymore. Don't have a problem with the isolate. If something is making you ill then fair enough switch brands (though I agree with Troy, you might have something going on there if the isolate did it too)...but if you're just bored of taste or it's bland then I say just eat the damn orange.

*haven't read article at time of this post, so don't know details/accuracy*

MY f**kING GOD. SOME PEOPLE. Someone seriously f**king shoot the bitch. I hope she gets enough undesired publicity to ruin her life beyond recovery.

That being said, why the f**k has the stupid trainer left himself open to this situation? Don't you have limited liability release contracts and/or insurance when running such a business? Or did the moron just decide to forgo all that...

Prolly one of those cert 3 6 week course trainers who open up their own PT business with zero business acumen. They come and go for that reason.

Re: the testing, I couldn't find any places willing to do it easily enough, so it went in the too hard basket. One place made it sound so easy, said they'd send me out a bag to put a sample in and then I just had to return it along with $$...never got the bag. From memory I returned one or two people's $10 cause they supplied me with their bank details, but there was one person who said don't worry about it.

BNs concentrate makes me feel crap because of the higher lactose...I used to be able to drink it but not anymore. Don't have a problem with the isolate. If something is making you ill then fair enough switch brands (though I agree with Troy, you might have something going on there if the isolate did it too)...but if you're just bored of taste or it's bland then I say just eat the damn orange.

I'd still argue my point that switching brands shouldn't make any difference whatsoever (assuming you buy the same product - ie WPC or WPI) since the only things that should differ between two products claiming to be "100% WPI" is what they use to give it flavour and sweetness, and therefore I'd be concerned I have a possible intolerance to it.

Seemingly, I too have slowly but surely developed a potential lactose intolerance :( though it's too inconsistent to place blame in any one thing I consume regularly, particularly since my issue has almost entirely vanished from switching to lactose free milk (or that evil phytoestogen ridden soy shit when it's not available) without avoiding WPC. Might even be caffeine related in my instance :(

Prolly one of those cert 3 6 week course trainers who open up their own PT business with zero business acumen. They come and go for that reason.

I read the article, well most of it. It's a fairly well established "chain" of sorts, as they apparently run multiple bootcamps in a few locations....so I'm thinking the point here is ENTIRELY to do with this woman being an oblivious, incompetent, OPPORTUNISTIC parasite on society. I hope her suit fails big time, and she's left with nothing but a fallout of horribly bad publicity with everyone knowing her name and how much of a f**king moron loser she is.

Probably the same kind of dumbass mole that would try to blame anything and everything but her own lack of self control and self-inflicted ignorance for her obesity and subsequent health problems.

Edited by Trozzle
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Re: the testing, I couldn't find any places willing to do it easily enough, so it went in the too hard basket. One place made it sound so easy, said they'd send me out a bag to put a sample in and then I just had to return it along with $$...never got the bag. From memory I returned one or two people's $10 cause they supplied me with their bank details, but there was one person who said don't worry about it.

BNs concentrate makes me feel crap because of the higher lactose...I used to be able to drink it but not anymore. Don't have a problem with the isolate. If something is making you ill then fair enough switch brands (though I agree with Troy, you might have something going on there if the isolate did it too)...but if you're just bored of taste or it's bland then I say just eat the damn orange.

wasn't having a shot at u personally as a fyi, just a joke

I'd still argue my point that switching brands shouldn't make any difference whatsoever (assuming you buy the same product - ie WPC or WPI) since the only things that should differ between two products claiming to be "100% WPI" is what they use to give it flavour and sweetness, and therefore I'd be concerned I have a possible intolerance to it.

Seemingly, I too have slowly but surely developed a potential lactose intolerance :( though it's too inconsistent to place blame in any one thing I consume regularly, particularly since my issue has almost entirely vanished from switching to lactose free milk (or that evil phytoestogen ridden soy shit when it's not available) without avoiding WPC. Might even be caffeine related in my instance :(

In regards to my stomach issue, have tried a few different brands and the shake i have now is a winner, same with their BCAA. Sure cost is more but dont have the same issues.

Doctor said i probably have an issue with lactose and acidic type drinks which is why it happens. All I know is the hydro whey i have now causes me no grief at all, not even dry retching.

wasn't having a shot at u personally as a fyi, just a joke

In regards to my stomach issue, have tried a few different brands and the shake i have now is a winner, same with their BCAA. Sure cost is more but dont have the same issues.

Doctor said i probably have an issue with lactose and acidic type drinks which is why it happens. All I know is the hydro whey i have now causes me no grief at all, not even dry retching.

That's fair - as long as you've done more than simply switch brands while retaining the same product (ie sticking with WPI but going from BN to say Ultimate Nutrition - that's where my confusion and ergo my wtf point was).

However I can also say that if I had consistent (somewhat) illogical issues as bad as involuntary purging with a particular brand's product, and switching to another brand completely removed the issue, I'd likely ignore the price increase too. That, or I'd find a way to just go without that supp.

Personally, I just don't think mixability or to a lesser extent the taste of a particular product is enough to switch to a more expensive brand. If flavour was that much of an issue with ALL flavours from a particular brand....well, I'd try to stop being such an overly picky sonofabitch :P

Sometimes its nice to have a protein drink that you enjoy the taste.

if it comes to say an extra $10 a kilo that's only about 30cents a serving

Or one less Medium sized Mcdonalds meal a month


well that's put me off bulk nutrients lol

still getting that free sample sent to me though, comparing Protein Authority's & Bulk Nutrients Coffee flavour, and on that basis i will decide on my protein of choice

well that's put me off bulk nutrients lol

still getting that free sample sent to me though, comparing Protein Authority's & Bulk Nutrients Coffee flavour, and on that basis i will decide on my protein of choice

dont let my experience put you off Bulk.

my cousin loves their products. The ones I had just didn't sit with me.

When I get a free sample of their hydro whey i'll give it a go

well that's put me off bulk nutrients lol

still getting that free sample sent to me though, comparing Protein Authority's & Bulk Nutrients Coffee flavour, and on that basis i will decide on my protein of choice

I've been using Bulk nutrients for years and have been happy with their products :thumbsup:

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    • Huh, wonder why it blew then. I never really beat on the car THAT hard lol I dailyed it and the turbo blew after 6 months
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    • Yeah. I second all of the above. The only way to see that sort of voltage is if something is generating it as a side effect of being f**ked up. The other thing you could do would be to put a load onto that 30V terminal, something like a brakelamp globe. See if it pulls the voltage away comepletely or if some or all of it stays there while loaded. Will give you something of an idea about how much danger it could cause.
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