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Borrow a couple of the mrs birth control pills and go get blood tests from an endo and you may get legal test ;)

Sure, if you're happy to settle with borderline female testosterone levels anyway. TRT isn't even a joke it's that pathetically ineffective. You could probably raise your natural production more effectively by meditating lol

I was talking about the families that are purely soy and the kids were growing breasts and menstruating at 6 years old or something.

Mind you that was a lifetime of only soy not something the average person would consume.

As far as im concerned i dont need any more estrogen.

If only drinking normal milk was like being on the gas hahah

my slang for gas may be different from yours...

Could be but the ratios you have sound like they suit your lifestyle and a friend of mine has similar ratios as in higher test than estro and she is a ball of energy literally wakes up and its like she on speed.

She lifts and competes as well. And A1 rig on her too.


Yeah it doesn't bother me, except I'm horny 24/7 lol. I think it annoys my partner more than it does me. I'd just like my hormones to be a bit more balanced to manage my pcos and to help with fertility


aren't there some pills you can take to help further stabalise?

Throw in my lower than normal libido and we have the polar opposite of a standard relationship lol

Maybe I should get on the test...

Maybe you should.

Funny thing about you to. Leesh is horny all the time, you have minimal libido. My relationship is the exact difference, she has no sex drive at all (literally) and I am still like a teenager

bahahahaha Adam starts pinning....nek minnit he's hit puberty round 2 and humping Leesh's leg like there's no tomorrow :P


Hahaha funny enough the girl i was talking about is exactly the same.

again pics or ban

Borrow a couple of the mrs birth control pills and go get blood tests from an endo and you may get legal test ;)

PS i didnt just type that hahaha.

Mind you bloods (full hormone panel) might be worth looking at if you are not exaggerating lower than normal libido. Most of the time everything is fine but quality of life can really go up with a minor tweek.

Have you taken OTC test boosters before? A mate took them for a while and lost pretty much all his libido and had to see an endo and did a HCG restart and was fine after that

Would that seriously work? I mean honestly?

I've done full bloods in the past when feeling down and tired and what not, no issues at all. They suggested more mental for me.

OTC test boosters are in my experience a waste. Only time I ever felt them doing anything was when I took 5 and 6 tablets at a time, even then I didnt feel any better or lift any better, was just angrier. Was good for MMA not so much for anything else. My cousin reckons the Bulk Nutrients one isnt bad in the powder form, but said it taste like arse.

my slang for gas may be different from yours...



aren't there some pills you can take to help further stabalise?

Maybe you should.

Funny thing about you to. Leesh is horny all the time, you have minimal libido. My relationship is the exact difference, she has no sex drive at all (literally) and I am still like a teenager


again pics or ban

Would that seriously work? I mean honestly?

I've done full bloods in the past when feeling down and tired and what not, no issues at all. They suggested more mental for me.

OTC test boosters are in my experience a waste. Only time I ever felt them doing anything was when I took 5 and 6 tablets at a time, even then I didnt feel any better or lift any better, was just angrier. Was good for MMA not so much for anything else. My cousin reckons the Bulk Nutrients one isnt bad in the powder form, but said it taste like arse.

Not sure if it still works but thats what the old school guys use to do.

And dont think she would appreciate pics hahah

Sure, if you're happy to settle with borderline female testosterone levels anyway. TRT isn't even a joke it's that pathetically ineffective. You could probably raise your natural production more effectively by meditating lol

Are you saying that trt is inneffective? I can assure you that not the case and im 110% certain on that!

meant to say I did another light leg session on Friday.

had a much better experience squatting. Not sure what was different but I just managed to hit the sweet spot easier. I didn't try to go full ATG but was below parallel which was good.

The only difference in my workout was that squats was my second or third exercise for the day and I ensured that I had a 10min warm up on the bike and a dynamic stretch to start the day, but I did do that earlier.

Still not running, will start that again soon as Oztag is around the corner

Not sure if it still works but thats what the old school guys use to do.

And dont think she would appreciate pics hahah

fair enough, my cousin wants to cycle before his 30th just to give it a whirl. Should tell him to try that and see if it works

don't care if she would appreciate the pics, its about my and fellow sauers appreciation :P

Edited by -FIGJAM-

Are you saying that trt is inneffective? I can assure you that not the case and im 110% certain on that!

Not literally 100% ineffective, but the gel is almost there, and if you're lucky enough to get an endo that'll go down the injection route don't even remotely expect your test levels to come even close to an acceptable range/normal. That, and the injection frequency is beyond a fkn joke - a single large injection every 6-8 weeks? No thanks. It's not like that single injection spread over the ridiculous timeframe even compares to a normal level anyway, ignoring the fact your blood levels will be all over the place.

I suspect you're speaking from personal experience though? No need to answer that, by the way :) privacy and all that jazz

The one injection 3 months is reandron and actually keeps levels really stable. These have to be done by your endo. It does take about 6-8 months for it to work to its full potential. But this way you avoid needles every week.

You can also get sustanon 250 which is done once every week or every 2 weeks. they come in pre loaded pins. Every weeks is preferable. Bloods show this.

Both of these have slow release esters. The sustanon has slow and fast release esters which i think is optimal.

Gel is shit 100% agreed on that. A good endo will give you a choice. Most choose the cream because of needles.

But yes unfortunatly from personal experience. Its not the prettiest route but 10 times better than low test and hard to lose weight etc. Libido was never an issue strangely enough. But does pick it up a fair bit initially .

As you said a switched on endo is the most important part of it all.

From everything I've read on others' experiences, anything more frequent than fortnightly is a pipedream at best lol... Maybe endos these days are just lazy shits (much like a lot of medical professionals, particularly GPs)...

From everything I've read on others' experiences, anything more frequent than fortnightly is a pipedream at best lol... Maybe endos these days are just lazy shits (much like a lot of medical professionals, particularly GPs)...

Sustanon you pin your self so you can inject when ever you like. Just means you have to load half into another syringe. No biggie and the path i chose. Endo is fine with it too. Actually said its better. They only come in 250mg shots though and for a dr to prescribe that every week you would have to have 0 test levels.

100% agree with the medical industry being lazy as and most dont have a good grasp on all areas. took me 2 endos to get the right one then he put me onto a good dr to monitor blood levels so it didnt cost me a fortune. I am very lucky in that sense.

But with trt comes fertility as well which is not to be messed with so we keep a close eye on that and do what we have to do. Gets a bit graphic with more info haha

I get yearly blood tests and I don't know about full panel, but my testosterone range always falls within normal...perhaps it could benefit from a minor boost...but there are other glands and hormones responsible for libido and they may be taxing me. I'm sure the hypothalamus in all it's regulatory glory would be impacting it somewhat. I seem to get libido in phases...can have a couple weeks of constant sex drive where I can't think of anything else, followed by very little interest in it for a couple weeks. It's weird. Prolly aligned to the moon phases lol

A lot of it has to do with tiredness and energy, I know this much. After a heavy gym session of high intensity or even with doms and fatigue the next day, the last thing I feel like doing sometimes is something energetic like having sex. Where this is a big problem is that your partner can take it personally and think it's a problem with them, lack of attraction etc. when it's a problem with you.

I get yearly blood tests and I don't know about full panel, but my testosterone range always falls within normal...perhaps it could benefit from a minor boost...but there are other glands and hormones responsible for libido and they may be taxing me. I'm sure the hypothalamus in all it's regulatory glory would be impacting it somewhat. I seem to get libido in phases...can have a couple weeks of constant sex drive where I can't think of anything else, followed by very little interest in it for a couple weeks. It's weird. Prolly aligned to the moon phases lol

A lot of it has to do with tiredness and energy, I know this much. After a heavy gym session of high intensity or even with doms and fatigue the next day, the last thing I feel like doing sometimes is something energetic like having sex. Where this is a big problem is that your partner can take it personally and think it's a problem with them, lack of attraction etc. when it's a problem with you.

Spot on!

The irony though is once you start introducing exogenous test, you shut down your own natural production anyway. So pin that 250mg every week, or every other week....either way, you won't be producing anything yourself...so ultimately you will be at 0 test lol

Personally, my recent digestive issues are pretty much entirely responsible for my (lack of) libido. I don't even want someone touching me (not even a fkn hug) when I feel like I do most afternoons, let alone get all naked and sweaty hahahahaha


I'm lucky in a way living literally less than 500m from my girlfriend's place lol... When I want it (and guaranteed she does too lol), it's less than 5 mins walk away ;)

But I still make her walk to my place. Of course.

Where this is a big problem is that your partner can take it personally and think it's a problem with them, lack of attraction etc. when it's a problem with you.

I know this feel on both sides of the coin. Lately more thinking that there is something wrong with me.

Lucky for me i get over those thoughts pretty quick

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