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They're right. Ive got more power low bar but the whole movement feels more comfortable with a higher bar position. It's a personal preference, I'm also back to squatting 3x week so that probably makes a difference.

I do high bar more for shoulder reasons. Low bar I fear will flare my shoulder injury and yes, has always been comfortable sitting on my traps. That said, I don't squat that heavy, so...

I find high bar makes me feel like I'm putting too much weight onto the ball of my foot rather than the heel. I realise this is a problem with my form and not inherent of high bar squats, but ehh low bar doesn't hurt like all f**k on my traps haha

  • 9 months later...

Thread revival 

So, Im having regular blood tests because Im on methotrexate for arthritis, seems creatine was playing havoc with my kidneys, stopped creatine and now kidneys are better.

Dose was 5g daily.

Kidney function was at 65%, steadily rising and now at 85% with the only change of stopping creatine.

All other results are fine.

From the doc, she said some people cannot tolerate creatine, the only way to find out is through multiple blood and urine tests.

I did not have any side effects from the lower kidney function, doc said sometimes there are no symptoms, one day your kidneys can just say "thanks for coming, were out of here".

On and off for 15 years.

Wow! Is there any research regarding long term (+10 years) use of creatine and the body? All the powerlifting/body building articles that I've read say it's fine to take long term, but I haven't actually read any studies explaining why it's fine.
4 hours ago, L33SH said:


Wow! Is there any research regarding long term (+10 years) use of creatine and the body? All the powerlifting/body building articles that I've read say it's fine to take long term, but I haven't actually read any studies explaining why it's fine.


From the doctor, if you have no kidney issues or dont have family with kidney issues you "should" be fine.


As I said, I had no idea that my kidneys weren't happy, the doc said I was lucky because of the testing I was having for the arthritis meds.

As for research, I believe most, if not all research in the supplement world is bias, the manufacturer or suppliers rarely say the supps they are pushing could be bad for you, and as for the so called independent testing, who paid for the testing and who did the testing, usually not alot of separation.

Creatine, I believe, has had the most research of anything supplement related, Ive found a few articles that have stated not to use it if you are susceptible to kidney problems.

Most people find out they are susceptible to kidney problems when the symptoms get bad.

The creatine apparently doesnt damage your kidneys, but once the kidneys start playing up the creatine makes it worse, some how.

I recommend getting a blood test to anyone now, I hear too often stories about "fit and healthy people" dropping dead.

There was a story a while ago in relation to all the bodybuilders from the 80's and 90's dropping dead, mainly heart attacks and renal failure, most likely from roids but really, who knows.


  • Like 1

Blood test is a yearly exercise for me - most GPs I request it from ask why, saying I'm young and healthy / don't need one...I'm always shocked to hear this attitude from a health care provider...what happened to prevention better than cure?

1 hour ago, Birds said:

Blood test is a yearly exercise for me - most GPs I request it from ask why, saying I'm young and healthy / don't need one...I'm always shocked to hear this attitude from a health care provider...what happened to prevention better than cure?

Most GP's I've found are rubbish, they will look at you and give you a script for painkillers or antibiotics.

Ask them anything which actually requires a diagnosis and they refer you to a specialist.

GP's are people who are almost smart enough to be a registered nurse.

  • Like 1

Have to agree

Have only had one GP who was a wiz...could look at or feel your affliction and instantly tell you what you needed. So much so that the clinic he worked at became overrun and double booked to the shit.

Now live a bit far away and don't fancy the 1.5 hour waiting times...

  • 2 years later...
1 hour ago, ActionDan said:

Given this sub forum is dead, are you guys frequenting any other health/fitness forums? 

I need some advice/strategies from smart people, not gym bros. 


Advice in relation to what?





Every forum has their own opinions 

Power lifting forums typically focus only on strength, working up to an event, or stripping to get to a weight class.

Body building forums are full of opinionated angry arseshole or newbs.

In the end if you sieve through the 98% of regurgitated or misinformed vomit you can find some stuff that is actually helpful.

Be aware, all of the PTI's with their online course diploma's and/or certification are not worth the paper that stuff is printed on.

Talking about opinionated arseholes, my old man (54) strenght training program is going well, well, I really need more cardio.

A. Agile 8 then Superset BB flat Bench with bodyweight rows (feet raised) 10 x 10

1 arm DB clean and press  5 x 3

DB Fly to pull over 5 x 10

Face pull 5 x 10

B. Limber 11 then 1 arm DB row 10 x 3

Superset BB shoulder press 10 x 10 with BW Chin

C. Fluff day, biceps, triceps, alot of mobility and stretching, be that creapy old guy looking at the girls, LOL, just joking, but seriously.....

D. Limber 11 then Superset Squats 10 x 5 with BW glute ham raise (my heavy squats and deads are not what they use to be, my knees hate me and I need to watch how much load I put on mt back nowdays as well)

I usually do AB then a day off then CD then 2 days off.

Cardio is walking and pushbike, I need to do alot more.

My diet is fairly good, I do drink to much beer (because bulking bro)



1 hour ago, ActionDan said:

Program design + injury mangement and avoidance primarily. 

Did you just reply so you could share your workout... 


I did say I was opinionated, plus I'm at work with nothing better to do.

Program design for what, running, football, martial arts, powerlifting, general fitness?

Injury avoidance can be put into three camps,  mobility, form and "sensible" progression.

I'm by no means qualified in anything, but, my job has the advantage of enforced fitness (Defence), run by qualified PTI's.

I have access to them for all and any fitness or strength related questions, in saying that they focus more on fitness than just strength, but, they are trained in everything from someone who wants to start or improve their running, to someone who wants to get into Olympic lifting.

Typically the PT sessions they run are a mix of crossfit for strength and cardio

I went to a PT for advice on form, due to injuries, and he assessed mobility at the same time, he told me my form and mobility were quite good, within the context of those injuries, so my issues will either be breakdown of form as weight goes up, not sensible progression, or lack of mobility/secondary support systems as weight goes up.

My "issues" include. 

- Repeated strain type injuries as I progress in weight. Usually elbow/bicep tendons, knee tissues and lower back tissues. 
- Muscle/strength inbalances. E.G. I regularly get back to benching in the 90-100kg range without too much hassle, but always struggle to progress squat past the same weight, don't think I have ever squatted/DL more than 120 something at best which is very skewed I know. 
- A herniated disc L5/S1 (opted not  to go for any surgery on it after MRI showed it was "managable" without it so long as I didn't overdo it - see injury comment above. 
- Broke my right fibula with a spiral fracture and dislocated my ankle badly (100 degree clockwise rotation) so right ankle ROM is not 100%, as I squat it wants to roll in and I can feel how uneven my pelvis mechanics are. Have tried using a board under heels, which helps, as does a wider stance. Regardless, as I approach 100-120kg suqta range I almost always strain my knee/lower back again.
- PT said my lower back positioning was initialy overarched so I have "fixed" that so it's now neutral, but have recently strained my left knee doing less than 100kg reps and only 3x6. I do 3x8 on also but less weight, the x6 days are "progression" days. 
- True core strength - but this I mean I never feel like my entire core, inner especially, is working. I have abs, I can tense then, I can tense my pelvic floor. I've done planks, working up to 5mins, doing them for less time but with 10kg plate on my back etc. Yet when I use a shovel for an hour or so I will really feel it/possibly pull up sore the next day. I'm an office worker but active on weekends with house projects (rural property) so am hands on with lots of tools/yard work etc. 

I was a classic ecto back in the day, 6ft, under 70kg, I've never been above 95kg, would say I have "mild" body image issues about being too thin/small as I am not a heavy set guy, thin wrists etc so have considered if I just back off the weight progression, find a comfy spot, stay semi fit and in some sort of shape and leave it at that. I've always told myself my goal was functional strength and to that end I am fit and strong enough for my life, but I also like to fill out a shirt and look like I work out. I do not have any numbered goals. 

Current routine, which I've been off for 2 weeks with arm and knee strains was as per below. Where there's a numebr range, it represent 8 rep days and 6 rep days, higher weight on Wednesday 6 rep day. 

Train at home, have squat rack, adjustable bench, exercise bike, cross trainer, a couple different bars and plates up to 140-150 or so. 

Bench  94-106
Squat  84-94
Bicep curls  24
Close bench  75-85
dumbell lunges  38 - 41
Ezi Curls 36-40
Ezi bar rows.  48
Close bench
Ezi Curls

Good mornings.  40
Weighted pull ups.  21
Weighted dips.       21
Ezi Curls

The more I think about it, the more I think I need to work with a PT for a bit, fitting that in is a pain as I live rural, start early, do school picks ups etc and have a short lunch. 

Edited by ActionDan
57 minutes ago, ActionDan said:

I went to a PT for advice on form, due to injuries, and he assessed mobility at the same time, he told me my form and mobility were quite good, within the context of those injuries, so my issues will either be breakdown of form as weight goes up, not sensible progression, or lack of mobility/secondary support systems as weight goes up.

My "issues" include. 

- Repeated strain type injuries as I progress in weight. Usually elbow/bicep tendons, knee tissues and lower back tissues. 
- Muscle/strength inbalances. E.G. I regularly get back to benching in the 90-100kg range without too much hassle, but always struggle to progress squat past the same weight, don't think I have ever squatted/DL more than 120 something at best which is very skewed I know. 
- A herniated disc L5/S1 (opted not  to go for any surgery on it after MRI showed it was "managable" without it so long as I didn't overdo it - see injury comment above. 
- Broke my right fibula with a spiral fracture and dislocated my ankle badly (100 degree clockwise rotation) so right ankle ROM is not 100%, as I squat it wants to roll in and I can feel how uneven my pelvis mechanics are. Have tried using a board under heels, which helps, as does a wider stance. Regardless, as I approach 100-120kg suqta range I almost always strain my knee/lower back again.
- PT said my lower back positioning was initialy overarched so I have "fixed" that so it's now neutral, but have recently strained my left knee doing less than 100kg reps and only 3x6. I do 3x8 on also but less weight, the x6 days are "progression" days. 
- True core strength - but this I mean I never feel like my entire core, inner especially, is working. I have abs, I can tense then, I can tense my pelvic floor. I've done planks, working up to 5mins, doing them for less time but with 10kg plate on my back etc. Yet when I use a shovel for an hour or so I will really feel it/possibly pull up sore the next day. I'm an office worker but active on weekends with house projects (rural property) so am hands on with lots of tools/yard work etc. 

I was a classic ecto back in the day, 6ft, under 70kg, I've never been above 95kg, would say I have "mild" body image issues about being too thin/small as I am not a heavy set guy, thin wrists etc so have considered if I just back off the weight progression, find a comfy spot, stay semi fit and in some sort of shape and leave it at that. I've always told myself my goal was functional strength and to that end I am fit and strong enough for my life, but I also like to fill out a shirt and look like I work out. I do not have any numbered goals. 

Current routine, which I've been off for 2 weeks with arm and knee strains was as per below. Where there's a numebr range, it represent 8 rep days and 6 rep days, higher weight on Wednesday 6 rep day. 

Train at home, have squat rack, adjustable bench, exercise bike, cross trainer, a couple different bars and plates up to 140-150 or so. 

Bench  94-106
Squat  84-94
Bicep curls  24
Close bench  75-85
dumbell lunges  38 - 41
Ezi Curls 36-40
Ezi bar rows.  48
Close bench
Ezi Curls

Good mornings.  40
Weighted pull ups.  21
Weighted dips.       21
Ezi Curls

The more I think about it, the more I think I need to work with a PT for a bit, fitting that in is a pain as I live rural, start early, do school picks ups etc and have a short lunch. 

As I've gotten older, and from a life of doing stupid shit, there's things now that I cannot do, arthritis and prior injuries have taken their toll.

My leg strength also seemed to always lag behind no matter what style of training I did, and I did them all.

In the end my knees just said FU and they are now chewed out so bad that both really need some scrapping again or full reco's, my hips aren't much better.

I've been seeing a sports physician for years, Balmain sports physio clinic https://www.balmainsportsmed.com.au/index.php/services/sports-physicians.html and have been told to only use light weight squating, and don't  go below 90°, but to keep doing whatever I can as long as it doesn't agrivate anything.

He told me as I am not a professional athletes who needs to squat 200kg, or pack into a scrum, to just focus on maintaining strength and fitness, either that or get ready for alot of surgery in the future.

Recurring injuries are the pits, but, if you cannot fix them with mobility and rest then maybe you need to hit the muscle differently, or surgury, but surgury sucks, and from my experience the injuries tend to come back.

I've previously had both knees scrapped, both rotator cuffs torn and fixed, bone removed from my left collar bone, a hangmans fracture in my neck (that sucked) and T fractures (these also sucked), apart from the hangmans these all happened from training, the only thing really holding me together now though is my training, but I still have good strength and power (the DB clean and presses are an excellent exercise for explosive power).

If you can I recommend you budget in a "good" sports physician before the PT.

In order I would go sports physician, then, if required, a sports physiotherapist, then, when all is sorted, a PT if it is still required.

The important thing is to not wreck yourself for the future.

I hope you find your fix.

Cheers, yes considered a sports physician but previous experience is they just want to focus on injury recovery, I want to look forward from that. 

I am starting to think I will never squat anything remotely decent, but at least now my quads are bigger than my missus, who is leg dominant strength wise and shorter lol. 


Edited by ActionDan

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