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So once i settle in I'll start a little log of progress and what not. Infact thoughts on a "sub forum" for people to have thier own work logs?

logging progress is an awesome idea i think... ive been writing evrything i do down for the past 16 months about and its massivly motivational to be able to look back and see how much better you have gotten...

also helps figure out what works and what doesnt work i think... i recon everyone should do it you learn alot...

i have a question guys looking for someone with some good knowledge on nutrition and protein.. ive tried a fair few diff proteins and lately have been thinking more about it...

how much difference can there be between....

a Brand name Protein isolate like "Horleys Ice whey"....... that is 95% protein (eg 34 grams of protein per 36 gram serving) http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Horleys-ICE-Whey-WPI-3kg-Chocolate-Protein-Isolate-/330495333338?pt=AU_Exercise_Accessories&hash=item4cf30e93da


a protein which is not a big brand name protein, BUT is still a protein isolate and is 90% (36.2 grams of protein per 40 gram serving) http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/RND-3kg-Pure-Whey-Protein-Isolate-Powder-WPI-/200597192516?pt=AU_Exercise_Accessories&hash=item2eb4863f44

Anyone have any thoughts?

apart from ice whey is better labelled and probably taste better, and 5% more pure whats the difference?

the bigger name protein isolates are twice the cost of the ebay one i linked... and the only difference i can think off is flavour... and possible more BCAA's in the ice whey mayb?

would I be better off just buying the ebay one i listed....?

look forward to your replies guys :) thanks

How'd you do your licence?

Right at the end of the old P plate system, Got ambushed on the motorway doing 128 in a 100 zone (LIDAR).

Late for a control systems lecture....

Foolishly decided to take the 1 point good driving behaviour for a year deal we have here.

Coming home from uni at around 6pm, got caught doing 62 in a zone I honestly thought was 50.

Bam, 6 Month suspension get it back in 3 months basically, will be on full opens though.

Only ever been fined in my Corolla, never in the GT-R haha.

Sinking a shake after gym as I type this.

How is your gains going bro ?

Not sure if the wasteland is the right spot or not for this.

So who here trains at the gym??? Or any other sport and uses a pre workout detonator/supplement?

I am currently using hemo rage black ultra concentrate. I find it is brillant, it gives a massive boost while training I find I can push out a extra rep or 2 each set. The downside to this stuff is it doesn't where off after training. I am still buzzing at 9-10 oclock at night when I have taken it at 3 in the arvo. I take 1 full scope in 250ml of cold water approx 1 hour before training.

Anyone whois interested here is there web page.


I am interested to hear other peoples experences with different products.

I have been using Jack3D. Its not that expensive and does the trick for me. It wears off roughly the time you finish working out and you take it 30 mins prior to workouts. Give that a go :D

Ahhhhhaha I did a good behaviour thing...but I managed to last the 12 months, somehow. Was awesome cause I got all my points back and my friends (who are better drivers than me) had more points than me LOL.

Gains aren't fantastic at the moment. I'm on a pretty big plateau. That said, I haven't been stepping up the weights (lazy) and I haven't touched protein supplements for 6 months (I'm back into running, so I want to avoid any weight gains for now). Just maintaining what I have at the moment basically.

I have been doing some pointless/interesting strength and endurance tests after some exercises though, e.g. I'll do my usual sets of reps for bench press and then at the end of that I'll see how many reps I can do @ 70kg. Got 19 the other night. Lat pulldown, managed 5-6 reps of 250 pounds during that test. I'm fairly happy with all that. How is your workout going? Still pushing the Birds workout? I no longer do seated concentration curls...have replaced them with dual standing cable curls, which I find give a better range of motion and are much easier on my lower back.

I have tried a lot of the pre workout supps.

I will tell you my personal experience though, i was addicted to all the pre workout supps, NO Explode, Jack 3d, black powder etc. Basically couldnt train without em which is quite common.

I had to take a medical for my work (this is where it may be interesting for you.... i manage a gym/Leisure Centre with 3300 members) and my medical came back with high blood pressure, 150/85 resting. Whilst not extremely high, it is still stage 1 hypertension and of concern at the time for a 30 year old.

Got put on blood pressue tablets. 30 years old, eat healthy, train 5 times per week since i was 18! why am i on medication?..... stopped taking pre workouts, stopped the medication and now sit at 135 over 80, just under stage 1 hypertension.

Most of the pre workout supps contain high dosages of caffeine, needless to say in constant usage it is not good for you. Whilst i was addicted to them you could tell me this a thousand times and i wouldnt listen.

Gees i sound like one of those anti supplement whack jobs. I still take protein and creatine, just wanted to let you know my experience and coincidences taking this stuff. Not good in long term but i got really good results.

P.S. i have read the gym and supplement discussion many a time and now dont bother, misinformation and people saying what everyone else mentions is wrong is not what i am after.

Edited by 25GTT

how much difference can there be between....

a Brand name Protein isolate like "Horleys Ice whey"....... that is 95% protein (eg 34 grams of protein per 36 gram serving) http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Horleys-ICE-Whey-WPI-3kg-Chocolate-Protein-Isolate-/330495333338?pt=AU_Exercise_Accessories&hash=item4cf30e93da


a protein which is not a big brand name protein, BUT is still a protein isolate and is 90% (36.2 grams of protein per 40 gram serving) http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/RND-3kg-Pure-Whey-Protein-Isolate-Powder-WPI-/200597192516?pt=AU_Exercise_Accessories&hash=item2eb4863f44

Anyone have any thoughts?

apart from ice whey is better labelled and probably taste better, and 5% more pure whats the difference?

the bigger name protein isolates are twice the cost of the ebay one i linked... and the only difference i can think off is flavour... and possible more BCAA's in the ice whey mayb?

would I be better off just buying the ebay one i listed....?

look forward to your replies guys :) thanks

No difference mate. In australia ther are are only a couple of factories that actually produce whey protein. They then onsell it to supplement companies who add their own flavours, protein mixes(ie isolate/concentrate) and extra bcaa's etc etc.

A couple of these companies just sell it raw(no flavour or additives) for a lot cheaper online. Might not taste good, mix that well, or have fancy packaging, but the protein content/quality is the same.

Ahhhhhaha I did a good behaviour thing...but I managed to last the 12 months, somehow. Was awesome cause I got all my points back and my friends (who are better drivers than me) had more points than me LOL.

Gains aren't fantastic at the moment. I'm on a pretty big plateau. That said, I haven't been stepping up the weights (lazy) and I haven't touched protein supplements for 6 months (I'm back into running, so I want to avoid any weight gains for now). Just maintaining what I have at the moment basically.

I have been doing some pointless/interesting strength and endurance tests after some exercises though, e.g. I'll do my usual sets of reps for bench press and then at the end of that I'll see how many reps I can do @ 70kg. Got 19 the other night. Lat pulldown, managed 5-6 reps of 250 pounds during that test. I'm fairly happy with all that. How is your workout going? Still pushing the Birds workout? I no longer do seated concentration curls...have replaced them with dual standing cable curls, which I find give a better range of motion and are much easier on my lower back.

Good work !

I was 1 month out from finishing /facepalm. LOL

When I hit a wall, I drop the reps down until I can do the weight I want and then just do that weight until your upto your normal number of work reps :D

Yeah still pushing the steel birds style although I always do my curls standing, plus I've added reverse curls and a few other bits and pieces, definitely working.

As a side note, whats the deal with training while sick, have a cough and a soreish throat, can I still train ?

As a side note, whats the deal with training while sick, have a cough and a soreish throat, can I still train ?

You can if you feel up to it, but it's likely you'll stay sick or get sicker as you're stressing your body and making your immune system weaker...

That's why pro bodybuilders take so many vitamins/minerals etc

So close...y u no let me finish good behaviour!

That's my problem mate...I'm doing the weight I want to do, but I can't work it up to the normal number of reps (i.e. 10). Thinking I should push up the weight more and then drop back after a while...may help me get the current weight to 10 reps.

Yep, train through it IMO. Cough and sore throat isn't much, if you're running a fever you might want to reconsider. Avoid cardio though, running etc. can make your cough/throat worse.

To be honest I feel worse when I miss gym days than the sickness itself. Makes the recovery workouts that much harder. It takes a lot to keep me from going there. I figure even some iron pushing is better than nothing.

I feel pretty good, so I think I'll give it a go, used to go running no matter how sick I was but I've moved on from that level of stupidity Lol.

Cut the run for tonight and just hit the gym.

Worthwhile using a mens multivitamin or something ?

I get sick probably once or twice a year for a day at most so it makes it extra frustrating when it does happen.

So close...y u no let me finish good behaviour!

That's my problem mate...I'm doing the weight I want to do, but I can't work it up to the normal number of reps (i.e. 10). Thinking I should push up the weight more and then drop back after a while...may help me get the current weight to 10 reps.

Yep, train through it IMO. Cough and sore throat isn't much, if you're running a fever you might want to reconsider. Avoid cardio though, running etc. can make your cough/throat worse.

To be honest I feel worse when I miss gym days than the sickness itself. Makes the recovery workouts that much harder. It takes a lot to keep me from going there. I figure even some iron pushing is better than nothing.

Maybe get someone to spot you, at least you will be able to push out the full 10 reps??

I won't get 10 out of it, but a spotter may help a little. I've spent a lot of time at the gym without a spotter, to the point where I know if I'll get another rep out of not...so short of doing it until absolute failure, I won't be much better off :(

May have to just get back on the proteins...

I won't get 10 out of it, but a spotter may help a little. I've spent a lot of time at the gym without a spotter, to the point where I know if I'll get another rep out of not...so short of doing it until absolute failure, I won't be much better off :(

May have to just get back on the proteins...

if you have a really good diet (which it sounds like you do) you probably don't need protein.

see how you go with a spot. you might be suprised.

But then again, you have your days when you can push out 12 reps by yourself then others where you can only do 6.

Got myself a 30 day gym membership here in Tallinn (Estonia, Europe) lol. Couldn't STAND the thought of going almost 7 weeks without it...must say though, either the Hammer Strength dumbbells at my local gym are incorrect weights, the weights at this gym are way heavier than they indicate (scribbled with texta, old skool stylez) or I lost a fair crack of strength in the week or so I went without doing it. Dropped from 10/9/7 reps on 34kg dumbbell press to barely the same on 30kg press here. I'm thinking it's these dumbbells that are heavier than they say, coz I can still push out the same amount of reps on 75kg incline bench as I would back home....

Either way, I'm in Europe on holidays and still hitting the gym at least every second day lol.

I won't get 10 out of it, but a spotter may help a little. I've spent a lot of time at the gym without a spotter, to the point where I know if I'll get another rep out of not...so short of doing it until absolute failure, I won't be much better off :(

May have to just get back on the proteins...

Im not sure which exercises you're talking about, but the way you need to look at them when you are hitting a plateau is "why am i hitting a sticking point?"

If it's bench for example, doing bench nonstop is not going to help you get the weight up significantly. If you find your struggling at the top, you need to start doing alot more tricep work ie board benching/close grip etc. At the bottom, start doing speed work ie lighter weight but moving it as fast as you can, and heavy negatives.

Point is to get good at an exercise it's not always best to do that exercise. Look at what movements are worked, and work them. Same as a 100m sprinter, they dont just sprint 100m nonstop all day. They do different intensities over different distances, they do alot of weight training, all just to get their 100m spring faster.

Olympic lifters, to train for a clean and jerk, they dont do clean and jerks. They do deadlifts, highpulls, hangpulls, front squats, backsquats, jerks, pushpresses etc, just to get their clean and jerk better!

I know it may seem like common dog f**k, but most people forget it. If you take a step back and think about it, in relation to all your compound exercises, you'll find that they will all improve immensley.

Im not sure which exercises you're talking about, but the way you need to look at them when you are hitting a plateau is "why am i hitting a sticking point?"

If it's bench for example, doing bench nonstop is not going to help you get the weight up significantly. If you find your struggling at the top, you need to start doing alot more tricep work ie board benching/close grip etc. At the bottom, start doing speed work ie lighter weight but moving it as fast as you can, and heavy negatives.

Point is to get good at an exercise it's not always best to do that exercise. Look at what movements are worked, and work them. Same as a 100m sprinter, they dont just sprint 100m nonstop all day. They do different intensities over different distances, they do alot of weight training, all just to get their 100m spring faster.

Olympic lifters, to train for a clean and jerk, they dont do clean and jerks. They do deadlifts, highpulls, hangpulls, front squats, backsquats, jerks, pushpresses etc, just to get their clean and jerk better!

I know it may seem like common dog f**k, but most people forget it. If you take a step back and think about it, in relation to all your compound exercises, you'll find that they will all improve immensley.

I have to say fair point Husky.

It's like saying you can't build a house without the foundations right?

Im not sure which exercises you're talking about, but the way you need to look at them when you are hitting a plateau is "why am i hitting a sticking point?"

If it's bench for example, doing bench nonstop is not going to help you get the weight up significantly. If you find your struggling at the top, you need to start doing alot more tricep work ie board benching/close grip etc. At the bottom, start doing speed work ie lighter weight but moving it as fast as you can, and heavy negatives.

Point is to get good at an exercise it's not always best to do that exercise. Look at what movements are worked, and work them. Same as a 100m sprinter, they dont just sprint 100m nonstop all day. They do different intensities over different distances, they do alot of weight training, all just to get their 100m spring faster.

Olympic lifters, to train for a clean and jerk, they dont do clean and jerks. They do deadlifts, highpulls, hangpulls, front squats, backsquats, jerks, pushpresses etc, just to get their clean and jerk better!

I know it may seem like common dog f**k, but most people forget it. If you take a step back and think about it, in relation to all your compound exercises, you'll find that they will all improve immensley.

I'm talking about bench press, and my plateau is that, on my 5th and 6th sets I used to be able to do a healthy set of 10 on 95kg and 100kg respectively for nearly a year. Lately I've not only plateaued, but had to drop back to 8 and 7 reps respectively, with both sets on 95kg.

I agree with you 100%, it's an important theory to keep in mind, and could be technically responsible for what I am experiencing...just in a different way, as I'll go on to describe. I say this, because I do actually practise this theory with various isolation exercises, which have certainly helped in furthering my success with compound movements. However, one thing I have changed in the past 3 months is my triceps isolation exercise. Where I used to do overhead extensions with a dumbell (an exercise that IMO works the triceps like no other), I have had to swap this for tricep pushdown due to a bout of tennis elbow (from, playing tennis) that would pain me during overhead extensions. It's about the only thing that has changed in my routine, other than the retraction of protein shakes from my diet. I do feel the failure in my triceps, so it is more than plausible. I do supplement bench press with incline dumbell press and decline flys, however I may have to look at some other exercises to get the most out of the tricep muscle group.

Im not sure which exercises you're talking about, but the way you need to look at them when you are hitting a plateau is "why am i hitting a sticking point?"

If it's bench for example, doing bench nonstop is not going to help you get the weight up significantly. If you find your struggling at the top, you need to start doing alot more tricep work ie board benching/close grip etc. At the bottom, start doing speed work ie lighter weight but moving it as fast as you can, and heavy negatives.


I know it may seem like common dog f**k, but most people forget it. If you take a step back and think about it, in relation to all your compound exercises, you'll find that they will all improve immensley.

Its also worth considering how much variation your doing on a compound movement.

If your always doing sets of 10, sets of 5, sets of 8 you will hit a sticking point eventually.

I've been doing PPP from the PTC Gym & more recently 5*5 and have had no issue getting my bench back up to heavy weights again.

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