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General Meeting - Tuesday 15 January

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It's SAU Vic Social Meeting time. That's right, Beer, Food, Beer, Cars, Beer and laughs!

These social meetings are divided into two parts, the first if your hungry is a meal from the bistro and a chance to have a chat with other members then the second is a short informal meeting.

We use these meetings to give quick rundowns on past events with video's, pictures and stories etc, to address pressing matters, tell members what's happening behind the scenes and for discussion on upcoming events. It's all pretty relaxed and fun. This is a great opportunity for those of you who don't know too many members to come down and mix as new faces are always welcomed.

Time - 7.30pm (Dinner from 6.30pmish) - NOTE early start time

Date - Tuesday 15 January 2008

Location - Bell's Hotel, 157 Moray St, South Melbourne (Cnr Moray St & Coventry

St Melways Ref - 57, G1) - see map below

Note - This Pub is family friendly with an area set aside for us. There is plenty of seating (tables and chairs) and meals for all.

Who is welcome - Everyone!


- ALL Merchandise will be available for sale at this meeting. Come see me.

- This includes a new delivery of SAU Polo Shirts. So we now have both colours in all sizes.

- 2008 Calendars will also be available for sale. Get yours now!!




- Around the Bay Cruise

- Winton


Photo Shoot @ the Beach -

This is a meeting with a difference. To kick off 2008, we thought we'd try something a little different. So the meeting will begin early (7.30pm) and once we are finished with the chit chat, we will be taking a leisurely drive down to the beach to take some photos. It'd be great to see as many of you there as possible.

Hope to see you all there.




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See everyone tomorrow night! Although it might get a bit dark for a photo shoot after 8:30?

Bec - can you pls bring Allen's trophy from the show n shine, I'll collect it and give to him when i see him.

as im a newbie i might leave it till next meeting

Mate this would be an awesome meeting to come to.. get some pics of your car with some other lines and my POS wagon (ok it wont be in the shoot)...

I'll be in a dark blue shirt with blondish hair come say hi...

Could someone who will definately be at the meeting and photo shoot send me a PM with their mobile phone number. I may be able to meet up for the photoshoot tonight, so it would be good if I could give someone a call and see where you all are.

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