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hey all did anyone see that police chase down alexander drive? i heard it on the scanner and saw two highway patrol cars chasing a red vr/vs commodorre down alexander drive and run a red light, i hooked a u turn and started following, i then heard that it had a head on smash on illawara crescent malaga, when i was on the seen chanel nine news came up n askd if i saw the crash, i replied "no" but that i saw him run a red light, next thing i know i had to cameras on me and a microphone in my face and there telling me too make it exciting, haha i got some photos ill upload soon

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hahaha, yeah i saw that, we had this huge party down the road a few months back which got out of hand, they got the riot squad and all that shiz.Then the next day channel 7 come on the door asking if we saw anything i was like naa, heard it but didn't see it, and they were all trying to make the best story they could out of "HEARD IT".......

haha yeh b4 i knew it they where filming and asking, what did u see? i replied i saw him run a red light with two patrol cars chasing, then there like how fast was he going? i was like i dunno didnt c his speedo, HAHAH just as im writing this post i just watched myself on 9 news haha and they spelt my name as sean not sam haha im on tv :P:D:P ,

haha i wish i could stay outa the news, so far so good for 2008 :P the amount of shit they make up in the news aint funny hey a while back there was a "gang related fight" with a few stabbings.. i was down when it happend n it was ppl i know well.. non of them were gang members 2 of them new a few gang members thats all n the shit was off on all chanals for like 4 days at least ... crazy n lots more.. its like they think ppl wont actually like to know the reality of what happens !! and on the other hand the amount of real stories that dont get herd cuz the stupid editor things its not dramatic enough to get ratings !! sad society

haha yeh hey said max bout 90kph he was doing plenty more than that down alexander drive when i saw him, i dont see why the cops didnt stop him earlier, the highway patrol cars would of had no probs overtaking him and boxing him in down alexander drive, i watched them just sit behind him on the dual carrigeway with no other cars about then go on to smash head on into a triton in a residential area,

yeh its no fair on the innocent ppl, the guy in the tritons mate rocked up to get his stuff outa the triton and when he got a chance he charged at the guy on the ground in handcuffs but the cops dragged him back, i was hoping he would give him a slap

honestly they use crashcars in other countries bout time we bring them in here

3 volvo wagons blocking the way damn straight your gunna stop before you hurt some inocent victim

but no more speed cameras will solve the road toll problem

it's strange how alot of stolen vehicles used in pursuits are usually commodores.... im starting to think if you stuck a ferrari next to a done up commodore(ss lookalike,rims,maybe a sports exhaust), most likely to commodore would be gone.....

  GWP021 said:
honestly they use crashcars in other countries bout time we bring them in here

3 volvo wagons blocking the way damn straight your gunna stop before you hurt some inocent victim

but no more speed cameras will solve the road toll problem

I got sent an email a while ago with a vid of south african cops (i think). . . The cop jumped out the window of the cop car onto the back of the ute, went through the back window and pushed the driver out the door lol then the ute he was driving ran him over haha we need that here lol

Ill try and find the link

  Daniel R32 said:
I got sent an email a while ago with a vid of south african cops (i think). . . The cop jumped out the window of the cop car onto the back of the ute, went through the back window and pushed the driver out the door lol then the ute he was driving ran him over haha we need that here lol

Ill try and find the link

LOL make sure you find that link :P

  sam5709 said:
LOL make sure you find that link ;)


How it should be done, that cop clearly has maaaaassive balls. If all the cops where like him the road toll would be 0

when I read the tile of the thread I thought you might have been asked to participate, like it was a job interview..."Well we have a vacancy for a drug f#cked hoon to drive a red commodore this week are you free" but it wasnt...now i'm disappointed

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