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Is it still possible. or ever possible to import a whole car for parts? without cutting it in half.

i recall something about pulling out engine and gearbox allowing you to import it as a parts taking car.

or was i dreaming?

and if i wasnt dreaming does it call under different customs duties compared to just half cuts?


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as long as its a bare chassis yes you can with proper permits. its not engine and gearbox only and you're good to go anymore, as a lot of rebirths were done this way (ship the engine and gearbox seperately and put em back in).

So your options now are:

chop it in two

strip it to a bare chassis and ship it

Problem is with race only imports you need to hold a proper CAMS license, e.g. L3S. The entry level L2S that most people here use to participate in club track days is not good enough, you need to be in the next level up which means you have to be actually participate in competition motorsport.

as long as its a bare chassis yes you can with proper permits. its not engine and gearbox only and you're good to go anymore, as a lot of rebirths were done this way (ship the engine and gearbox seperately and put em back in).

So your options now are:

chop it in two

strip it to a bare chassis and ship it

i thought the parts had to be on one ship and the shell on another?

half cuts are gay tho :D

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