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Ok maybe i forgot to mention we were on the pacific highway and at the time it was 4 lanes and we were taking up two and as u all know it is separated by a huge median strip and guard rails so he neva had to squish inbetween us he did it while we were all travellin at 100kmh for no apparent reason so no the road was neva bloked and yes we shouldve been in the left lanes but i guess we just werent perfect enough.

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That's nothing! I was at a set of lights, a dude with a Suzuki hyabusa wanted a race, i looked at his bike and saw a tank of NOS bolted to the side. I was like "yeah, whatever". Crazy dude, i let him drive away, i knew i was no match and would just be wasting fuel. Besides, racing on public roads is illegal and i could not afford the fine. He was a spirited bloke though and this one time a dude in a Ford GTP was revving his engine..........................LOL

Ok maybe i forgot to mention we were on the pacific highway and at the time it was 4 lanes and we were taking up two and as u all know it is separated by a huge median strip and guard rails so he neva had to squish inbetween us he did it while we were all travellin at 100kmh for no apparent reason so no the road was neva bloked and yes we shouldve been in the left lanes but i guess we just werent perfect enough.

I don't know about Qld but in NSW it's illegal to overtake on the left (fine and points) so if you were cruising in the right lanes I'm not surprised you pissed the bloke off.

You say you're 17 and 18 year olds, so you've only recently got your licences. Did you miss the bit about keeping left unless overtaking?

Edited by Large

i go to work pretty early in the mornings and have had the same kind of experiences with contractors and the like always in a rush to get to work and dont mind using what ever they can get there hands on to intimidate you, fortunatly enough the way to work is almost empty so i just floor my ride and dont stop until i am safely at work with my car out of site. now you might say this tactic is illegal and dangerous and it is but i think it is reasonable action to avoid a potentialy life threatening situation, no one wants a crow bar up the back side, my advice is dont stop, dont give them an inch, dont give them a reason, if he pulls out a crow bar you pull out your club lock, know the locations of the local police and call ahead because they wont be there to help you when these nut jobs get out of there cars and come at you. thats my two cents anyway.

Well Large in QLD u are allowed to overtake in the left lanes as long as they are marked lanes.

No matter wat he did wrong becos he was the one who endangered all of our lives and do u think it is worth it just becos we were in the right lane wen he could just go in the left.

IMO wat he did was ridiculous and he was one of them kooky old men who watches a current affair to much and has a crazed view of the world.

Well Large in QLD u are allowed to overtake in the left lanes as long as they are marked lanes.

Yes but you are expected to keep left unless overtaking or turning on motorways etc- http://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/LEGISLTN...antOpRURR99.pdf (Part 11 keeping left) It's basic courtesy and it's people like you who give young/import drivers a bad name.

No matter wat he did wrong becos he was the one who endangered all of our lives and do u think it is worth it just becos we were in the right lane wen he could just go in the left.

What else have you left out of your story? How long was he following you cruising in the overtaking lanes flashing his high beams and how many fingers did you show him before he lost it?

IMO wat he did was ridiculous and he was one of them kooky old men who watches a current affair to much and has a crazed view of the world.

Keep saying that and you might even start to believe it yourself, but deep down you must know you weren't in the right - you even admit to cutting him off a couple of times when you could have just disappeared from the scene.

It's basic courtesy and it's people like you who give young/import drivers a bad name.

its people like who who give other people the shits.

he said the bloke come out of nowhere.

he also said they cut him off AFTER he had been a dickhead...

if they were totally in the wrong, the wouldnt have come on and bragged about it, and the cops wouldnt have just let them go...

obviously the old guy was a nutcase...

Mate we gave no fingers we did NOTHIN. completely unprovoked and he neva flashed his highbeams otherwise i wouldve moved and yes u are meant to stay in the left lane but u are also allowed to overtake in the left and im sure if u hadve read it u properly u would understand that i agree and know that keep left unless overtaking is a law and i also said that wat we did wasnt perfect but wen some dikhead driving a piece of crap threatens ur car which u poor hours of time and money into takin care of im sure u wouldve been pissed off but maybe ur to perfect to get into a situation like this.

But besides that are u tellin me u have neva sat in the right lane in ur entire driving lifetime or made any similar small mistakes (and according to u ur much more excperienced so im sure u have messed up once or twice) so if u do something like that do u think u deserve to die or be seriously injured.

Furtheremore wats with pikin on young ppl are u tellin me u were neva young or did u just skip that part of ur life cos ur like every other old person who forgets about their youth?

I just came to tell my story and see if anyone else had had similar experiences but as per usual one person comes and ruins the thread.

Oh and as for ppl like me giving young ppl and import drivers a bad name Ive only had my license for 3 months and owned and import for only a lil longer and as im sure u know import/young drivers have had a bad name for years not just suddenly since i have had my license. So wouldnt it have been ppl from ur generation who started all this rubbish in the first place?

its people like who who give other people the shits.

he said the bloke come out of nowhere.

Try and read what's being written here before you make yourself look stupid by typing the fiirst thing that comes into your head. It's obvious the OP didn't tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth in his first post..

he also said they cut him off AFTER he had been a dickhead...

So two wrongs make a right? That wasn't the point of the original post, which was about some crazy coming out of nowhere for no reason...

if they were totally in the wrong, the wouldnt have come on and bragged about it, and the cops wouldnt have just let them go...

obviously the old guy was a nutcase...

Again...please try and read what's being written here. It appears the OP wasn't totally in the right, and I never said he was totally in the wrong.

My point is that if the OP and his mates showed a bit of consideration or courtesy to his fellow road users there's a very good chance that none of this would have happened. I'm not condoning the behaviour of the other guy, but there's always two sides to any story and if the OP never considers that he may be even slightly to blame he's likely to keep getting into confrontations like this.

Mate we gave no fingers we did NOTHIN. completely unprovoked and he neva flashed his highbeams otherwise i wouldve moved and yes u are meant to stay in the left lane but u are also allowed to overtake in the left and im sure if u hadve read it u properly u would understand that i agree and know that keep left unless overtaking is a law and i also said that wat we did wasnt perfect but wen some dikhead driving a piece of crap threatens ur car which u poor hours of time and money into takin care of im sure u wouldve been pissed off but maybe ur to perfect to get into a situation like this.

But besides that are u tellin me u have neva sat in the right lane in ur entire driving lifetime or made any similar small mistakes (and according to u ur much more excperienced so im sure u have messed up once or twice) so if u do something like that do u think u deserve to die or be seriously injured.

Furtheremore wats with pikin on young ppl are u tellin me u were neva young or did u just skip that part of ur life cos ur like every other old person who forgets about their youth?

I just came to tell my story and see if anyone else had had similar experiences but as per usual one person comes and ruins the thread.

I've been driving and riding for about 25 years now and yes I've made mistakes. Some were legendary at the time, but all were pretty stupid afterwards.

The thing is, you don't get many chances on a road bike, so it doesn't pay to blame everyone else.

If you think about it afterwards there's nearly always something you could have done to avoid an accident or a confrontation and coming onto a forum and doing the "omg a nutcase tried to kill me!1!!!" thing isn't it.

Edited by Large

Maybe you have learned your lesson? You travelled in the fast lanes below the speed limit and pissed off the wrong person, no wonder he turned into a fruitcake, he probably thinks you got what you deserved, the jury is open on that one, but I think he went overboard a tad much.

Is there any reason you and your mate feel justified for travelling in such a manner?

As far as I am aware the overtaking lane is for overtaking and it is a finable offense to travel in it if the left lanes are free, whether or not it easy to undertake (get the meaning here?) on the left.

I think we might have all forgotten something here!!!

The hoon police group!!! I think Josh and a few others have had run in's with them!

Either way, same with a number of storys on here. Seems people arent in the wrong but they dont exactly help the situation along. Cause I know if a tiger is pissedoff, I dont go round poking it!

I think we might have all forgotten something here!!!

The hoon police group!!! I think Josh and a few others have had run in's with them!

Either way, same with a number of storys on here. Seems people arent in the wrong but they dont exactly help the situation along. Cause I know if a tiger is pissedoff, I dont go round poking it!

pussy :)

I'mn interested to hear what the old nutjob was saying or had to say.

Did you guys hear anything he was saying to the cops?

Did he yell out anything to you while driving like the "cat lady from simpsons"?

Did the cops say anything to you about what the guy was claiming?

I vividly remember a few years back, before I owned my 33, cruising through the suburbs in the '91 Nova.

Yeah, it's a PoS, but this is my point. I came across a V8 Lancruiser, newer model doing 25-30 in a 60 zone, I had my g/f in the car at the time, we were coming up to him doing the speed limit. So I sat behind him for a bit before realising he wasn't going to speed up. I pulled out around him as is legal to do, there were of course broken lines.

So I overtook him, as I pulled past him he starts yelling like a freak giving me the middle finger and whatnot, I think nothing of it and go about my day.

Before I know it, I'm at a stop sign and I look in my rear view mirror at some wanker whoes revving his engine and screaming like a maniac. Sitting in his passanger seat is his 10-12 year old son balling his eyes out. He firing up yelling shit out at me along the lines of 'Come on c**t, I'll f*cking f*ck you up, pull over you son of a bitch' ect... ect...

So I was about a block away from my house and this guy isn't letting up, every corner I take he's up my arse, I'm in a damn 1.6L 4 cylinder, I'm not going anywhere fast hahaha.

So I drive past my place and decide that maybe letting this guy know where I live isn't the best option, I think fast and decide that somewhere public is the go. So I fire it down to the local shops, tell the missus to stay in the car and lock the doors and I bail out as he pulls up.

It's now well and truely on, hes pushing me around the place, yelling in my face about 'this is why you young c**ts are on A Current Affair, hooning around the joint' ect... ect... Now to say I wasn't scared is a damned lie, I was shitting bricks, this guy was about 45, built like a brick shithouse and I'm faily certain he would've had some sort of blunt instrument in the car.

I calmly point out to him that my car is a shitbox, that I had done nothing wrong and was totally in the bounds of the law. He starts ranting about how upset his kid is now, but I let that one slide, due to the fact that bringing up that it was most certianly because he was acting like a raging f*ck tard would've been the reason that his kid was upset would've landed me a hit to the face, but I really did feel sorry for the little guy, having a lunatic of a father like that.

Well, he finishes by shoving me back into my door, I give him a nudge back saying something about assault charges. Jumps in his car and flys off.

The people around me come up and ask if I'm ok ect... seems everyone knew he was a tard anyway. Luckily for me the law was on my side for once, thank god for shit box cars... =)

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