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ok so anyway ive had my r33 for almost a year now ive had to call the nrma 3 times for assistance. first time i called them they couldnt figure out the problem and told me the best thing to do is drive it home to sydney (i was in canberra at the time) and get someone to look at it??

second time i snapped a belt in it and they didnt have one to fit, so i had to get it sorted out my own way because they said oh sorry we dont carry that tyoe of belt.

so anyway yesterday i snapped a fan belt. i called the nrma and told them i broke a fan belt. the part numer was this and if they could let the driver know so he could make sure he bought the right part.

the useless prick shows up and says oh yeah i dont have the right belt for it. we dont really have anything for these types of cars. so i said that i had told then the part number so he could bring it and his response was. yeah but i dont have one, it would mean i would have to go pick one up and i just dont have time for that. i'll call you a tow truck but it wont be here for 3 hours.

anyway i just cant see any point in paying my annual fee anymore when i am meant to get this "roadside assistance" and not once have they been helpful.

End rant.

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Yeah useless cnuts, they're just normal belts... Gates make them and repco sell them, pretty piss weak if can't provide basic road side assistance. Best bet cancel the payments to nrma and invest in a set of belts, spark plugs, basic tools etc. just to sit in your car so you can do road side repairs yourself.

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The roadside guys are useless I had a problem with my car not starting last year and he just got out looked at it and goes "oh is this one of them fully sick turbo ones" I was like "yeah" and he goes we dont know much about these best to use our towing service and have it towed to a specialty shop, I asked him if he could at least take a look at it and he said he wouldnt know what he was doing, after harassing him for a while he checked all the fuses and left.


I just stay a member for the fact of the free tow which ive used a few times before and if I get a flat battery in the middle of nowhwere.

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ive had them out for flat battery, but they couldnt do shit seeing as it was a weird ass jap mini-battery. so cant really blame them for that i guess.

and then my dickhead mate locked my keys in at 3am, but after watching them rescue that situation i reckon i could do it myself with a coathanger.

but best of all, i blew a clutch at currarong 30km outside nowra (south coast nsw). and i got free tow all the way into nowra heh heh!

not bad for $38.50 a year.

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one time i locked my keys in the car along with my wallet and phone, it was out in an industrail area late at night and so i walked to a factory and they let me call my roadside assistance ppl who came out, when they got to me they refused too open the car coz i couldnt show them any i.d. i explained it was in the car but they said they couldnt risk opening up the car in case it wasnt mine, i ended up finding some wire and gettin the door open after snapping a plastic clips for my door handle :P

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I think they are a good backup incase something goes wrong.

And kuma j I would be much more worried about why you have broken 2 belts! Does your harmonic balance line up with the fan belt, power steer and air con OK? Or are they really old? (you changed them all when the first one broke, right?) or did you just overtension them?

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So u have snapped two belts on the car so far.. sounds like a lack of maintenance on your behalf if u ask me.

Roadside assistance is basically only there for jump starts and to get into ya car.. But the towing service can come in handy at times!

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Ive only had good experiences with NRMA. In particular, I called one out because I had my keys locked in the car (put them in the boot and the car was deadlocked). He did an awesome job. It was in a VX SS commodore and its practically impossible once its deadlocke as you cant just pull up the latch with their usual tool. He had to stuff around with the wiring and shorted out the wire (knew exactly the wire etc).

Towing is also a bonus :P

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Duncan is on the money here. Why are you breaking belts at all? You need to regularly maintain these and if you broke one once surely you'd have figured that out.

Perhaps there is something else going on there.

You shouldn't be relying on NRMA to fix your car. It's roadside assistance not prepaid mechanic....

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im wth racq and they are good. My old auto silvia broke down and he figured out altenator f**ked itself and he was right, he organised tow truck and towed it for free. Ive also used them for i thought i had my keys out and turbo timer on but i had keys in ignition, got out locked car and went to maccas came back and was still running... he broke in for me... although he did the hard thing... i said look dude its pillarless stick some wire through here and latch onto the lock and he said nah nah this way easier, tried for about 10 minutes with 2 plates jammed down the window and he couldnt get it, tried my way and got it in no time.

RACQ only good experience for me.

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