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Guess Who's Back From Hospital?


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So, as a few of you know my dad has been quite sick lately. He's been diagnosed with cancer which sucks, then in the preperation for that operation the doctors found there was a blocked artery in his heart.

Now the strange thing is, he doesnt drink, he's always had an "outdoor" style life, pretty healthy for his age, never smoked etc.

So long story short, he's had the operation to sort the heart (quad bypass) and now he's back home from that, the doctors say he'll be ok! Great news!

He still has the cancer ahead of him but that operation cant happen until he's recovered from this one.

This whole ordeal has definatly made a few changes to the diet around our house, and seeing as we are coming off the holiday season i thought id post this up incase anyone was in need of a bit of encouragement to change their diet aswel :(

Basically all the "late night snack" food is gone from here - its a good way to start getting healthy without going cold the sphincter of the universe (so to speak). Over time the other crappy foods will be cut from my diet, and i encourage anyone else who's thinking of doing the same thing (but procrastinating) to actually do it! It feels great to be doing something positive for your own health!

So a huge thanks to the people who called and asked how he is doing :P

Take care!

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Good to hear your dad's on the road to recovery

heh, i know how relieved I was when my mum got back after triple bypass surgery... and how the family adopted a "healthy diet" for a few months after that. you'll learn to appreciate midnight runs to maccas a whole lot more.

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You must be soo happy man..

Im glad your dad is recovering well!!

But trust me, even the healthiest man/woman can have heart-attacks, cancer etc..

Eg) my granddad- Healthiest man ever.. Always excerised, never drank.. etcetc.. But had an heart-attack at an early age :P

But anyways.. good to hear the good news mate!!

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Awesome news to hear, Steve-O! Having been there myself (heart and lungs) plenty of times, it's good to hear he's doing well!

Makes you happy to have Australia's Medicare and public hospital system - no matter how much sh!t we put on them, many of us wouldn't be alive if we had to pay for the simplest services (like in America, according to my understanding), or not have the services available at all...

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Yo Steve, mate, I didnt know :)

Im glad he is back mate, it must be a big weight off yours and families shoulders.

The first bridge has been crossed and crossed well! the second one will be all good mate!

If ya need a chat or a beer or anything mate, gimmie a buzz!!


I changed my health ways back in 2005. My old man had a heart attack - similar story with yours, he was very outdoorsy! would only have a few glasses of wine on a weekend and hadnt smoked for around 15 years plus.

He would walk 10kms a day without fail. did weights, and would go surfing with me.

then one day, has a heart attack! weird huh? but yeah, when I saw him in intensive care, he said "quite those smokes mate!"

I had 2 left in my packet, after I smoked them ( :) ) that was it. never had one since!!

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All the best mate. He has a fight ahead of him and you all need to be there.

and well done on the slight health kit.

It's always good to be healthy but lets just keep in mind that sometime these things happen.

Do we remember the late Crazy John?



money like no tomorrow.

never smoked or drank.

ate healthy, exercised every morning.

had a heart attack on his morning walk and died right there.

These are unusual circumstances... and keeping fat low and lungs clean gives you the best chance of living a long and happy life.

everything in moderation.

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Freaky, my father had the same thing, but it was a heart attack and a Quintuple (beat ya) heart bypass... No cancer that I know of...

He changed his diet for like a month, then figured he had all new piping so why bother? He could do another 40 years of damage to it...

I said that's a stupid way to think...

Anyway, glad your dad is ok... My dad doesn't live with me, but I made a point to spend plenty of time with him after this...

'People never get the flowers while they can still smell them.'

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hey mate, i dont know u or ur old man but good to hear hes doing well =)

My old man has been very weary with his health for a long time & he know his family history of having heart problems.

He took the initiative to actually have a check up every 6 months for cholesterol & blood pressure & to exercise 2-3 times a week. He actually loss weight hes around 72kg now & am 5 kg heavier lol fark, anyways hes been doing this routine for 2.5 yrs now & my mom has been tagging along with him for an afternoon walk around the block. They also changed their diet too. It made me realised how important a routine check up can make a difference, to prevent heart problems or any other diseases, to treat it early before it gets worst. =)

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There's only 4 valves in and out of the heart isn't there? How does a quintuple bypass work?

It probably either bypasses the blocked arteries/veins around the heart that feed blood to the actual muscle, or the arteries/veins to the heart that the blood comes in on to be pumped through. Although, I'm no doctor either, I could be just talking shit :lol:

Glad to hear that your dad is OK :D. All my dad has had to go through in this reguard is he had a hole in his heart between the two ventricles, had it since birth (and is unfortunately genetic lol). Last year he had an opperation where they blocked it back up with something that works along the same lines as a pop rivet.

Also, the whole thing of "never smoked/drank/always ate right/excercised" I find doesn't stop heart attacks, strokes and such things from happening. Just when it does happen to you its more of a warning rather than you become straight up dead. Thats the way I like to look at it anyways...

Great, now I'm thinking about the Hungry Jacks I had for dinner :D EDIT: I ment lunch... but this doesn't rule out dinner I suppose...

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