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What Keeps You Motivated To Stay Here In Japan?

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I lived in Japan for 6 years from 96 to 2002. Worked as an English teacher for 2 years then opened my own business, I also worked p/t in my friends izakaya, loved every minute if it except for the 6 months of winter. I lived in Kitami, Hokkaido. Came back to Oz to a reverse culture shock, still getting over it now. My wife is from Kitami and we lived with her parents. Had a great relationship with them and had lots of friends. I've got 2 kids also born there. It's a different Japan up in Hokkaido. I had a R32GTR that I bought for the equivalent of about $16,000 in 99, I was in a Skyline club with about 8 others and we went to track days at Tokachi speedway and drag racing. The local tuning shop was called LAB in Kitami and it was brilliant.

Been to Tokyo and Osaka and didn't like it very much. Just like Sydney but heaps bigger and busier. I think Sydney has become another city, traffic jams, rude people, shitty weather, crap food, expensive housing. Australia is a good place to live but not Sydney.

I like Japanese history, culture and food and I did Kendo for 3 years. I'd like to go back but I think my kids would have a hard time now going to school being halfcasts and they have lost their Japanese, International schools are too expensive. We spend 4-5 weeks a year up in Hokkaido and we are all pretty happy about that.

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Interesting read because I'm quite frankly, the opposite.

Brief background.

I was born in Japan (Born in Hiroshima, but my 'home town in Japan' is Kochi, in the Shikoku Island) and came to Australia when I was 6 (I'm 24 now), and have pretty much lived my life here (Perth). I don't go back often (in 18 years i've been in Oz i've gone back 5 times, no more than 3 months each time). My first language is English and my speaking, understanding, reading and writing of Japanese is about a level of an 8 to 10 year old.

The relevant posts are all pretty informative and i wont disagree with any of them. Even the racist bit, I initially thought wrong of it but now I understand the subtle racism factor. It's difficult for me when I go back because they think I'm Japanese and naturally accept that I speak, understand, read, write, even LOOK like a normal Japanese person where within me I KNOW I'm more Aussie than anything. So when they realise I'm not as Japanese as they made me out to be, I'm treated like any other foreigner. :\

I haven't stayed in Japan long enough to see the effects after say, 6+ months or even years, but that might be different because I might be able to understand the culture / social aspects / pick up my own language quicker. So after a period of time they might accept me for a proper Japanese person again. Who knows.

I've stayed in Australia long enough to accept the lifestyle, culture, values, etc to the point where I think that living in Japan probably isn't for me, even though my dad has lectured me countless times with the ol' 'don't forget your Japanese' speech.

I've met a few foreigners in Japan and its fascinating hearing their stories and what made them come to Japan, what's keeping them there, what they like, etc. I think that's because I'm pretty much a foreigner myself. In my own country. If you get what I mean. :)

Sorry, haven't really stayed on topic, having more of a ramble than anything. I just wonder what'll motivate me to actually go back to Japan one day and stay there for an extended period of time.


I just gotta jump in!

Hey yas. You'll probly think Im joking but I lived in Kochi as well, my mother's home town. I attended Asakura Dai-ni Primary school. Although I was born in my fathers town of Drummen in Norway, I did my primary education there. but Highschool/Uni in WA. Dude, my brother is your age as well and he was born there too. We should catch up for a cruse.

Im way off topic here but it's kinda made my day. sorry guys. You guys on this thread write really well, I have trouble expressing myself at best of times. I really enjoyed this topic.

What I like about Japan is that there is MAGIC in the air. It's similar to karma. When people help people, eventually your turn comes around to recieve the "help". Even when people take pride in what they do, no matter how small the task, that attention to detail pays off... actually you won't even notice it because it never became a problem.

Funny thing is that Japanese people tell me that my version of japan is diminishing or no longer exists. I think many negative aspects of Japan an Aussie and other nationalities experienced is also experienced by the Japanese too. So don't be too hard on yourself if the perfect Japan dosn't exist in some people's hearts, as long as you don't lose your version of a good society. Because perfect society rich in culture, tradition and peace is what we all deserve.

Japan has as a whole has slowly changed their attitude towards foreign people. When I used to live in kochi about 18 years ago, people would be surprised to a point where they stood still on the streets and shopping centre at the sight of me (aged 12 at the time). I went back to kochi about 3 years ago.. and nothing no even a glance or a pause (even when I look more foreign now and much scarier looking now). It's a much easier place for a foreigner to communicate with a Japanese person as there is less fear towards foreigners.... Im getting a little side tracked but I have a theory for why GaiJin is not as scary to the Japanese people anymore. It's because of Pro-baseball over there. Back in the 80's (and now) Japanese teams were scouting American-League players for key positions on the field.. the 4th batter (is the best king-hitter in the team) and the main pitcher were Americans.. this left the Japanese men with inferior complex, not even come close to the level of play. If the Japanese men were scared, so will the women and children. In current times, Japan has a couple of players playing at top level in America. This has replenished some of the Japanese men's mojo and the society as a whole. Haha Im an idiot for sharing this with you, but hey thats the Japanese in me.

As for people living in Japan and writing on this thread, you guys are courageous. Life is hard as it is... yet throw in a gap like cultural difference between Australia and Japan.. and make it work as partners and parents is commendable. you guys have what it takes. It really shows that LOVE and understanding goes a long way.

I think I heve to think a lot more about this topic and come back to it. I hope I helped a bit.

I just gotta jump in!

Hey yas. You'll probly think Im joking but I lived in Kochi as well, my mother's home town. I attended Asakura Dai-ni Primary school. Although I was born in my fathers town of Drummen in Norway, I did my primary education there. but Highschool/Uni in WA. Dude, my brother is your age as well and he was born there too. We should catch up for a cruse.

Thats crazy! Haha out of all the cities in Japan! :) ... Not that great with Kochi geography so i dont really know where that is :) My grandma lives pretty far from town though, over in Noichi (east of Nankoku), sort of near Tosa-Yamada, if that rings a bell?

Japan has as a whole has slowly changed their attitude towards foreign people. When I used to live in kochi about 18 years ago, people would be surprised to a point where they stood still on the streets and shopping centre at the sight of me (aged 12 at the time). I went back to kochi about 3 years ago.. and nothing no even a glance or a pause (even when I look more foreign now and much scarier looking now).

Which's a bit bigger of a deal than say Osaka or Tokyo, considering Kochi prefecture has like, 800 000 people... which is fcuk all :whistling:

Another thing I noticed was when I last when to Japan at the end of October 2007, just when the World Series (baseball) was on and a couple of Japanese pros were playing for the Red Sox and Rockies. The spotlight on them is so overwhelming I dont know how they cope. International fame seems like such a big deal...

Tosa-yamada sounds familiar, my family has a farm some where 30 min out of Kochi. Your rght about Kochi being small. The city wouldn't be much bigger than what it was before. All my cousns had moved to either Osaka or Tokyo. see you around.

and for the thread... my mate who was teaching in kyoto had girls take him out all the time while I was there for a week, some time three of them! pretty hot too. while my mate was on shrooms.. haha . They always paid their way and paid for us(!) some times... I guess to show other Japanese people that they were taking us out!

Thanks for the reply.

Usually it's the same story in these kinds of thread - on one side you have the newbies and short-termers, who are still in love affair phase, and you have the long-termers and lifers who have long since become jaded.

It's a great place to live (I'm heading into my 7th year), but it's far, far from an idyllic paradise.

Here's a paradox for you: I love living in Japan, but, generally, I don't like Japanese people. Luckily I don't have to deal with them very often.

Given the number of hikikomori in Japan I think a lot of Japanese people don't like Japanese people either. It is a viciously cutthroat society.

Edited by Laurence

Interesting reading...definitely.

I cannot contribute much to this thread, other than say that I have been fascinated by all things Japanese for the past 10 or so years, and never been. Poor effort. I have known many people to come and go, and all accounts seem very consistent with what's detailed in this thread...right down to the silent racism people speak of.

That said...I will be there in a few weeks and to say I'm looking forward to it would be the greatest understatement of all time!

In closing anf having said not much at all...I have two things in my mind you guys might help me with...here goes:

- I'll be in Japan for 3 full weeks...one of which I will be on my own (mates flying elsewhere)...any suggestions of what I could do?

- I'm severely afraid of wanting to stay and live there...and reading posts on here increases that fear...10 fold :D




ever person wanting to travel to japan on this forum has asked what he/ she should do when in japan. do a search :D

Here's a paradox for you: I love living in Japan, but, generally, I don't like Japanese people. Luckily I don't have to deal with them very often.

i feel the same way..

Edited by akeenan

with figures like this you can't go wrong.....

' TOKYO (AFP) - One-quarter of married couples in Japan have had no sex in the past year, a survey showed, urging an open discussion of the issue as the country struggles to boost a dwindling birth rate.'


hmmm past year eh? you can be a Casanova in Japan!! you dirty old bastards!

Poking old threads..... :P

Edited by ZOKU

hey guys iv been trying to research working in japan for a couple months now. iv sent messages through some employment agencies with recruitment services in japan but they havent replied to me. nor do i know anyone who lives there that can give me a straight answer or my chances of employment in japan. im a 23 year old aussie with european background. my culture here in australian is very much european. europe therefore does not interest me as far as moving overseas for a life experience. its relaly something im used to here. i want to go work in japan. i am an accountant with a bachelors degree in commerce and a CA (chartered accountant) fully qualified with experience in big 4 accounting firm. i know its easy for me to find work in america, europe, england and places like dubai in the middle east. but what would my chances be like in the corporate world of japan? do you guys know any gaijin accountants working in japan by any chance at all? i have absolutely no japanese speaking ability would this disable my chances of finding work in the corporate world of japan or should i have a fairly easy chance of finding work.

this isnt a country for me to live permanently i want to travel with my occupation as its easy to do so but in japan im not so sure i want to experience the craziness, the cars, the culture, the action and earn money with my CA skills whilst im over there. either in a chartered firm? or a company? is this fairly easy with someone from the western world with a world wide recognised qualification? or would they strictly prefer locals to employ due to their language ability.


Edited by DrewII

If you work in a company with a Japanese branch, like NAB or KPMG, suck up to the right manager for a year or two then you might be able to get transferred to the Japan branch that way.

Then you want flexibility?... well that is difficult in an Australian firm, but it is absolutely impossible in a Japanese one. You will be "working" until the last train, or out drinking with people from work until the last train.

But in a nutshell nobody is interested in you as an accountant unless you can speak Japanese at business level. So the very very simple answer to your question is 110% no.

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