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Hi guys and girls,

My baby's sick...I have a 32gtr everythings stock. Cold start drive on highway for half hour, no dramas. Stop for couple hours, start up again no dramas for about 20 mins...then the surging begins. So i keep the revs up, say around 4k rpm 4th gear doin 100km/h, still light throttle, very faint surging. Shift to 5th, back to 'harder' surges. Sounds like (and don't laugh) bib bib bib bib bow....bib bib bib bib bow.... So i pull over on exit and stop...idles for 2 secs then stalls. Start up, no probs for rest of 15 mins drive home. Has happened multiple times in past week exactly like that (weird, i know). 95% of my driving is under light throttle, i barely ever hit boost. Been reading up and alot and most people point finger at afm/s. I've read the diy on how to fix. Am gonna chop it up this weekend. Was wondering if anyone could possibly point finger at any other things they think fit this problem.

Thanks heaps,


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