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Just noticed a problem the other day regarding a tapping noise at the rear of the car.

It sounds like a metal tapping noise "TICK TICK TICK" wen i take off. Not sure if it happens

at high speeds because i cant hear much.

Any idea Where this could be coming from, Suspension - Bearings etc.

Sorry if it doesn't explain much but any help would be appreciated.

Cheers Adrian

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It could be a number of things. Its obviously something in the rotating parts of the rear end, but you wont find the answer on here! Take it to a mechanic who can listen to it on the road and on a hoist to pinpoint it. CV, Bearing, something in the brakes or tyre, tailshaft..... all of these are suspects

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i have a ticking noise and i have NO idea where its coming from.

can only hear it when im driving and its on the left side.

sounds very similar to and this might sound weird

dry leaves rolling along the road. if you know that funny sort of scrapping/ ticking noise the leaves make when blown by the wind well its like that but under my car.

hasnt coursed any problems so far and no one can find the noise because you can only hear it when driving around with the windows down.

any ideas?

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