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hey guys

my tacho seems to be dead...sumtimes it flickers, but most of the time it just drops down past 9000rpm (at the end of the gauge) and doesnt move, then sometimes it might start boucing around the 6 - 7k area wen ur really doing around 1500rpm....

what could it be?

has this happened to anyone before, whats the solution?

thanks :(

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Pointer detached from pointer shaft easyiest fixed, nackered tacho pickup maybe, bad earth maybe (but if nothing else is playing up this is unlikely), obscure electronic fault fixed by Nissan by replacing complete unit. :unhappy:

My 2c

Hope you get it sorted economically,

Cheers GW

where is the tacho pickup? could it be a loose connection or anything

yeh everything else works fine....


Loose connection is as you say also a possibility but if this is the case why don't all tacho pointers hang low when ignition off/no power? I would ask myself how can the pointer perform this trick & to me at least the answer is "it has somehow become mechanically disconnected from pointer spindle" to be able to float around &/or dangle at random in the manner you have described. I do not know where your tacho pickup might be placed, I have not had to dig into this to date, if I did need to I would be wading through the Japanese service manual floating around the forum environs (google) but I am sure others have this knowledge at their fingertips.

Time to visit a Skyline/Jap import friendly autospark in your neck of the woods I think.

Sorry can't be more helpful.

Good luck GW :)

Hope this is on topic but my speedo is out by aproximatly 1/2 so when i doing 30kmph it says i doing 15kmph. any suggestions?

Best option ; Re-scale dial 0 - 360kph? :)

Seriously, has this problem existed ever since your conversion to 25DET? Or has it popped up out of the blue? There are range jumpers on the cct board for the speedo/tacho array, discussed in depth on this forum in the "White dial 320kph group buy thread". Check it out & see what you come up with.

My 2c

GW :)

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