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Speed Camera On Mitchel Fwy


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yer i know hey it is a joke

The point that may have escaped you is that lauding such behaviour or otherwise condoning it on here will:

a) Give the wrong message to the younger, less experienced and impressionable forum members, who would then be encouraged to go out and speed/kill themselves/kill innocent passers-by; and

b) Demonstrate to Police/society at large/Today Tonight editors (for even they can read) that a) is true and we are all a bunch of hoons.

So, Yes, SkyRyan, everyone is young and stupid once, but to demonstrate that neither a) nor b) is correct, older, wiser and, let's face it, far better looking people than you will tell you to keep it on the track. We don't claim to be saints, but we do aim to do the right thing. Because, by doing so, we protect our own interests as well.

So get over it. Its what happens on these forums. Just put it down to learning, so that you will be less stupid, but still young, alive and able to enjoy it!

Cheers. :banana:

Edited by MLCrisis
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considering the amount of flaming and the fact that you posted up at all i think youve learned that what you were doing was not the smartest move youve ever made (i relate)

so lets get down to the question if it was only a red light and it had film expect a fine in some months time

if it was a speed camera id be expecting a summons or if they decide it was really dangerous a nock on the door

best advice dont bs take it on the chin and learn from it

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Given the state of traffic fine enforcement at the moment, your not gonna see the fine for 6 months... let the waiting begin

I'd say at least 6 months before the beauracratic morons post you the 'state revenue tax collection notice'. So you may as well enjoy driving for the next 6 months & not worry too much. My guess is that you got pinged at less than 40 k's over the limit so probably 4 points & $250.

About demerits - http://www.dpi.wa.gov.au/licensing/yourlicence/14411.asp

Traffic Infringements page - http://www.police.wa.gov.au/TRAFFIC/Infrin...90/Default.aspx

Demerits - http://edusafe.edu.au/files/drivingadvice.pdf

I love how all the do gooders on here toe the official line re. 'speed kills'. Funny how civilised countries like Germany have unlimited speed zones and a fraction of the road kill per head of population as we do.

More Multinova = more state revenue$$....simple. Most of the 'road kill' fell asleep at the wheel and/or forgot to buckle up. Look at the little crosses on straight roads in front of big trees next time you take a drive in the country.

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Guest trikdoutvl

lol yee i wanna know who won...............

i think that the real lesson here is that if u wanna street race buy a radar detector :blink::rofl:

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yea i read everyones point of view hahah dont worrie i am stupid but yea wat can u say u only liv once and experience and learn stuff day in and day out like i said this is my first offence i have all 12 points goodie goodie :blink: just rong time and place i guess and c'mon guys/girls who hasnt been done prob not in the same postion as me but i think 95% of imports i see on the road are always keen on a bit of boost!!!

but yea i understand that its a lesson in life and i aint goin to f^&k wid the goverent heheh coz they will f+$k me over twice as hard hehehe i just go wid the flow if i losse it it was for a reason money is not the issue but yea my licence is heheh looks like a bus hear n there is goin to be back in place reminds me of skool hehehe anyway gives me more time to save and do up my car :rofl:

it was a infared camera (multinova night) sorry i thought they were called red light but i foun out that they are the stationary ones at sets of lights soo yea.....

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The point that may have escaped you is that lauding such behaviour or otherwise condoning it on here will:

a) Give the wrong message to the younger, less experienced and impressionable forum members, who would then be encouraged to go out and speed/kill themselves/kill innocent passers-by; and

This is my point, other users will read this post and think twice before street racing and killing some one (hopefully not as i wish this on no one.)

it was a infared camera (multinova night) sorry i thought they were called red light but i foun out that they are the stationary ones at sets of lights soo yea.....

As far as i am aware (and someone can correct me if i am wrong) but im from Victoria (yes another east cost person), all the mobile cameras are infrared over there and the point of this is so there is NO flash. The one that got you must have different globe init for night because if you saw a flash, its not an infrared camera.

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yea i read everyones point of view hahah dont worrie i am stupid but yea wat can u say u only liv once and experience and learn stuff day in and day out like i said this is my first offence i have all 12 points goodie goodie :D just rong time and place i guess and c'mon guys/girls who hasnt been done prob not in the same postion as me but i think 95% of imports i see on the road are always keen on a bit of boost!!!

but yea i understand that its a lesson in life and i aint goin to f^&k wid the goverent heheh coz they will f+$k me over twice as hard hehehe i just go wid the flow if i losse it it was for a reason money is not the issue but yea my licence is heheh looks like a bus hear n there is goin to be back in place reminds me of skool hehehe anyway gives me more time to save and do up my car :D

it was a infared camera (multinova night) sorry i thought they were called red light but i foun out that they are the stationary ones at sets of lights soo yea.....

It wasn't the wrong place at the wrong time. There is no right place to drive like a %^*&wit on the road. Please think about that.

What you may not realise is that if you get done at the high end of the speed/fines range it will have a number of knock on effects other than just a fine up to and including:

Loss of licence with all the hassle that having to walk everywhere entails.

The prospect of very few points remaining on your licence for a number of years.

Removal of your car for a period (Now a week for first up offence)

Higher insurance premiums for years to come.

More negative publicity for your fellow Skyline owners.

So it isn't just a case of paying a fine & moving on. The system doesn't let you get away with it that easilly.

If you want to get involved with some motorsport try the AHG group near the airport or the no limits group mentioned in an earlier post. This is a safe, legal & enormously fun way to test your car & your skill. The first up experience of running on the track is usually a sobering one. It demonstrates to people how little they actually know.

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The point that may have escaped you is that lauding such behaviour or otherwise condoning it on here will:

a) Give the wrong message to the younger, less experienced and impressionable forum members, who would then be encouraged to go out and speed/kill themselves/kill innocent passers-by; and

b) Demonstrate to Police/society at large/Today Tonight editors (for even they can read) that a) is true and we are all a bunch of hoons.

So, Yes, SkyRyan, everyone is young and stupid once, but to demonstrate that neither a) nor b) is correct, older, wiser and, let's face it, far better looking people than you will tell you to keep it on the track. We don't claim to be saints, but we do aim to do the right thing. Because, by doing so, we protect our own interests as well.

So get over it. Its what happens on these forums. Just put it down to learning, so that you will be less stupid, but still young, alive and able to enjoy it!

Cheers. :D

yes i condone all the young people to go and kill themselves, and everyone one around them at the same time. As long as you dont kill me or anyone i know i dont care. This is such a ridiculous "discussion" do as you please in your car everyone knows the possible consequence's of ther actions, and if they dont then maybe they need to read that awesome gossip mag they call the paper. The "Joke" i was referring to was the amount of people that come out and state the obvious and act like they have never had one infringment ever.

FORUM SAINT: hey man omg you idiot do you know that when you where speeding you could have crashed!! And/or killed yourself or lost your licence your crazzy.

DRIVER : Do you think i never knew that? and needed to be told? All i asked was what my penalty might have been for going over the limit while i was chopping this hairdressers car.

Edited by phenline
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yes i condone all the young people to go and kill themselves, and everyone one around them at the same time. As long as you dont kill me or anyone i know i dont care. This is such a ridiculous "discussion" do as you please in your car everyone knows the possible consequence's of ther actions, and if they dont then maybe they need to read that awesome gossip mag they call the paper. The "Joke" i was referring to was the amount of people that come out and state the obvious and act like they have never had one infringment ever.

FORUM SAINT: hey man omg you idiot do you know that when you where speeding you could have crashed!! And/or killed yourself or lost your licence your crazzy.

DRIVER : Do you think i never knew that? and needed to be told? All i asked was what my penalty might have been for going over the limit while i was chopping this hairdressers car.

Oh dear, where to start.

The point is that even if you or your friends or your familly aren't killed you are still affected. You are affected by higher insurance premiums, by higher third party insurance on your rego, you are affected every time you get pulled over by the cops for no good reason, you are affected every time someone makes an ignorant comment about "hoon" cars that pisses you off, you are affected every time Grank fkn Dorrington's self righteous gobshite gets puts on the news. But mostly you are affected because the unrelenting focus on "hooning" etc distracts the police and the government from focussing on doing something effective about the number of people killed on our roads, ie the likelihood that it will be one of your familly or friends... Need I go on?

Yes it is obvious that driving like an idiot on the roads is a very bad idea. Yet people still continue to do it. So other than pointing out their stupidity & encouraging them to do the right thing what can you do? Certainly not support them & certainly not give the impression the SAU or Skyline owners in general condone or are indifferent to this sort of carry on.

I sincerely hope no one here is killed or badly injured. I know from having it happen to people I care for that it is an absolutely awful waste.

So maybe think about that for a little bit.

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best thing about these threads is the people that become key board warriors and say dont street race blah blah blah, but then on the next car cruise those exact people are doing 180+ with other cars hahaha,

so far iv seen 5 people on here that are guilty of that sinse iv started using these forums :laughing-smiley-014:

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Oh dear, where to start.

The point is that even if you or your friends or your familly aren't killed you are still affected. You are affected by higher insurance premiums, by higher third party insurance on your rego, you are affected every time you get pulled over by the cops for no good reason, you are affected every time someone makes an ignorant comment about "hoon" cars that pisses you off, you are affected every time Grank fkn Dorrington's self righteous gobshite gets puts on the news. But mostly you are affected because the unrelenting focus on "hooning" etc distracts the police and the government from focussing on doing something effective about the number of people killed on our roads, ie the likelihood that it will be one of your familly or friends... Need I go on?

Yes it is obvious that driving like an idiot on the roads is a very bad idea. Yet people still continue to do it. So other than pointing out their stupidity & encouraging them to do the right thing what can you do? Certainly not support them & certainly not give the impression the SAU or Skyline owners in general condone or are indifferent to this sort of carry on.

I sincerely hope no one here is killed or badly injured. I know from having it happen to people I care for that it is an absolutely awful waste.

So maybe think about that for a little bit.

It really doesnt effect me i dont care about paying for insurance which i dont think is going up because of a few incidents and even if it was i sincerly doubt it would be that much to even worry about. That is like people that complain about the price of petrol who cares it is a necessity that you have to have, no matter how much you complain it wont stop rising(just like the more people that start getting there licence the more people on the road and inevitably insurance would go up as well, with out isolated incidents like people speeding in foreign cars to boost it up) Comments about hooning dont mean much i find them quite funny actually, iam not a hoon i have only lost one point ever for 80 in a 70 and that 70 zone use to be an 80 north lake road so it doesnt bother me, i would probably be more of a hoon in a escort rather than a skyline. if you are susceptible to things such as you have mentioned - 10$ increase in your premium - people calling you a hoon - lame news articles.

Then god knows what you would do if someone pulled up next to you and wanted to race...you just might have to haha :D but iam sure you never have.

maybe i just dont take driving a imported car as seriously as i should because i dont heed all these warnings and properganda.

Lighten up man i think there are bigger issues in perth and around the world than those god damn street racers.

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