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Never nice to hear about anyone being killed like that. But on the same note, karma seems to have popped its head up on this one.

Might sound a bit rough but Im glad to see it was 2 armed thieves and not some poor young family like it usually seems to be.

My 2c...

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You get what you give me thinks. Thats why Ill let people out of side streets in stop start traffic and if thier lane is ending, to build up some good karma. These guys got bitch slapped by their own doings. They ran out of good vibes yo

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I don't wish that on anyone, and I certainly don't think they deserved to die, but there's no arguing that they made their own bed on this one. No sympathy for them, but condolences to their families :P

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Let this be a lesson to other scumbags that try to do this shit, i think justice was served the hard way.

I feel sorry for the guy they assaulted and the invesitgation the police will have to go through to justify there actions.

Edited by subzeroR33
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Im glad it was a truck that they hit and not some granny going to visit her relies or some such innocent going about thier day. They died by thier dumbness.

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sucked in the f**k head scum bags.. wish the 2 c**ts that rolled me a couple of weeks ago got killed in that fashion that these faggots did.. :(:D

Edited by 32JEZ
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Think about what sort of people it takes to, in a premeditated fashion (If it was a single person I could believe it may have been heat-of-the-moment, but to work together requires some sort of planning), select a single vunerable person and take what he has worked hard to achieve purely out of jealousy in a blantant disregard for the law and the basic set of rules which make up civilization. To do this you need to be pretty much at the pond-scum level, society is better off without these two loosers, good ridence and I hope they realised that it was there own stupidity that got them killed the moment before the truck hit them.

No sympthay for them, nor for their families. If the parents were piss-poor enough to raise these two then they dont deserve it, if there partners (if they had any) were stupid enough for fall for them, same again. The only exception is any children they had, however the apple never falls far from the tree, so prehaps by some twist, this might actually enable the kids to grow up to be reasonable people.

However at 18 and 20, I doubt they had offspring, but you never know with these low-life scum types.

I feel sorry only for the owner of the car.

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My opinion?

WELL... They did the crime and all that. Gotta be prepared for the consequences. Just glad they wrote themselves off and not some innocent person/family coming the other way.

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Fcuk them. They reap what they sowed. Too often the punishment is far too lenient but this time it was karma that played a part.

Time to stop feeling sorry for everyone associated with them. Life is full of crap. Suck it up and move on. Care for those you know and want to care about.

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My honest opinion? I think they deserved to die. slowly. what if they guy they carjacked had said no? they would have stabbed him. he could have died. and it would have been slow. and painful. they deserved everything they got.

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Good guys 2- bad guys 0! How many times do you read about drunks or people stoned killing innocent people on the roads? I come from a place where carjacking is a national sport, i don't wish death on anyone, i think they lived dangerously and it was only a matter of time.

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I actually feel very sorry... For the truck driver that had his day and probably quite a bit of his life changed forever by this wayward car hitting him. Imagine how he would feel being on the scene.

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seems like there is a lot of dickheads around.

unfortunately they all seem to be on this forum.

no point arguing this in much detail, as if you believe somebody deserves to die because they carjacked somebody at knife point, you are a dickhead. plain and simple. i am a social worker who works with teenagers and young adults (ages 12-24) currently in our criminal justice system on a daily basis, so have a fair idea of the backgrounds of some of these offenders, but reading the above statements, arguing on their behalf any further would be a waste of my and your time. this isn't a bleeding heart statement, where i believe all these people just need hugs and kisses to get over their problems and maybe a slap on the wrist. i personally think rapists, and child abusers should be hung with barb wire, by their genitals, but that's a whole different matter.

those two clowns made a mistake, but they sure as hell did not deserve to die for that mistake. i am sure that some of you will try to argue this, but in advance to these arguments here is my pre prepared counter argument: go fark yourself :D

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