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seems like there is a lot of dickheads around.

unfortunately they all seem to be on this forum.

And Im afraid youre one of them... why would you defend these morons who would have had no hesitation in stabbing the poor bloke if he hadnt have given the car over? Awwww poor boys were on drugs, awwww poor boys have had a hard life awwww blah blah blah. Who gives a shit? Doesnt give them the right to take out on innocent people and then give sob stories as their exucse!

Everyone is sick of the criminals having all the rights and second chances these days because do gooders are suckers for their excuses thinking the they can save them. What about that guy? Im sorry, but hes the one who has my sympathy aswell as the poor truck driver!

go fark yourself :D

You do that sunshine, have fun with it :biggrin:

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seems like there is a lot of dickheads around.

unfortunately they all seem to be on this forum.

no point arguing this in much detail, as if you believe somebody deserves to die because they carjacked somebody at knife point, you are a dickhead. plain and simple. i am a social worker who works with teenagers and young adults (ages 12-24) currently in our criminal justice system on a daily basis, so have a fair idea of the backgrounds of some of these offenders, but reading the above statements, arguing on their behalf any further would be a waste of my and your time. this isn't a bleeding heart statement, where i believe all these people just need hugs and kisses to get over their problems and maybe a slap on the wrist. i personally think rapists, and child abusers should be hung with barb wire, by their genitals, but that's a whole different matter.

those two clowns made a mistake, but they sure as hell did not deserve to die for that mistake. i am sure that some of you will try to argue this, but in advance to these arguments here is my pre prepared counter argument: go fark yourself :stupid:

Well Foamer, I am also within the criminal justice system on a daily basis. Have been for over 19 years. And I think that about 3% of the people within said system deserve any tears from the likes of you.

Your differentiation between these drug-f@#ked idiots and sex offenders is ridiculous. If you hug them and kiss them they will be all better... until their next hit, then they will degenerate into the knife-wielding scum they died as.

Geoff got it right when he said, "you reap what you sow"

Bloody do-gooders, you make my job that much harder. You make me sick with your holier than thou attitudes and your 10 minutes of life skills and University that make you believe you are always right.

Here endeth the rant!

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Sorry Foamer. I don't agree and society was better before we got peace and free love professionals. When society refuses to accept weakness and stupidity then there is no place for it. Tough love is a useful catch term. Of course when people are disadvantaged through no fault of their own they need help but drugs are a choice.

I spent many years perfecting the art of hunting and killing people as efficiently as possible but apparently it would be wrong to use those skills on the people that bleed and decay our society through choosing to do very wrong things repeatedly. Instead we make excuses for them. I think there is something wrong that we have to wait upon chance to remove these worthless individuals from out gene pool.

Regardless mate, at some levels I do think highly of you guys that try to help complete strangers. Turning a kids life around can feel pretty good but how many failures are there that go on to get worse with extra chances? It takes a big heart and a fair chunk of courage. I just can't convince myself that it is of huge benefit after a certain point. Safety nets make people complacent.

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Bloody do-gooders, you make my job that much harder. You make me sick with your holier than thou attitudes and your 10 minutes of life skills and University that make you believe you are always right.

do gooders? make your job harder? i try to re-integrate these people into society as a fully functioning member, with jobs and a place to live, and also reintroduce them to normal family life, and this apparently makes your job harder? you are a clown.

i am not making excuses for these two, they deserved to be locked up, but killed? get off it.

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i agree in parts with you foamer, about giving someone who uses drugs another chance, if thats all they do is use drugs.

if they steal, kill, rap, rob, etc i dont have any sympathy for them.. if someone who isnt on drugs does one of those things then they dont get a second chance, for me someone who uses and then does that stuff should get longer and more severe penalties. they should get help on the inside, not let out to get help, thats when this stuff happens.

i could never do what you do, it must take something extra.

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seems like there is a lot of dickheads around.

unfortunately they all seem to be on this forum.

no point arguing this in much detail, as if you believe somebody deserves to die because they carjacked somebody at knife point, you are a dickhead. plain and simple. i am a social worker who works with teenagers and young adults (ages 12-24) currently in our criminal justice system on a daily basis, so have a fair idea of the backgrounds of some of these offenders, but reading the above statements, arguing on their behalf any further would be a waste of my and your time. this isn't a bleeding heart statement, where i believe all these people just need hugs and kisses to get over their problems and maybe a slap on the wrist. i personally think rapists, and child abusers should be hung with barb wire, by their genitals, but that's a whole different matter.

those two clowns made a mistake, but they sure as hell did not deserve to die for that mistake. i am sure that some of you will try to argue this, but in advance to these arguments here is my pre prepared counter argument: go fark yourself :)

So let me get this straight: Your saying a couple of lawless thugs with no regards for property arent dickheads but a bunch of law following hard working people are?

Yep, your a bleeding heart. So it is you sir, who may go fark youself.

They took what they wanted at the threat, real or implied, of death to the owner. This raised the stakes to being life and death, they got death, there own stupid fault, good fu**ing riddence. It is because of people like you that we see thugs and theifs and general scum getting chance after chance after chance from the courts with slap after slap on the wrist but never any real action taken, until one day they kill someone. You are the problem with the justice system, you are why its impotent, you are why it fails so often.

Well Foamer, I am also within the criminal justice system on a daily basis. Have been for over 19 years. And I think that about 3% of the people within said system deserve any tears from the likes of you.

Your differentiation between these drug-f@#ked idiots and sex offenders is ridiculous. If you hug them and kiss them they will be all better... until their next hit, then they will degenerate into the knife-wielding scum they died as.

Geoff got it right when he said, "you reap what you sow"

Bloody do-gooders, you make my job that much harder. You make me sick with your holier than thou attitudes and your 10 minutes of life skills and University that make you believe you are always right.

Here endeth the rant!

Mate, we haven't seen eye to eye alot in the past, but im going to line up behind you on this one. +1.

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Just making a note before things get out of hand... please be careful with personal attacks. By all means debate a point as much as you like but resorting to attacks on a personal level doesn't really achieve anything.

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It is because of people like you that we see thugs and theifs and general scum getting chance after chance after chance from the courts with slap after slap on the wrist but never any real action taken, until one day they kill someone. You are the problem with the justice system, you are why its impotent, you are why it fails so often.

I really don't see where you people are getting this opinion that people in my profession have anything to do with why the justice system fails. I have nothing to do with sentencing, defence, or anything remotely in those areas. I am there after the sentencing, after all the bullshit, who tries to make sure when this person does get out of jail (whatever his sentence may be), he or she has the highest possible chance of re entering society, by providing them with schooling, trades, and also attempting to re unite them with their families during their stay in jail, and/or residential housing. I am not a psychologist going out to the judge telling him that it wasn't the coke heads fault that he stabbed somebody, instead blaming his mother for not breast feeding him for long enough. No, instead I am the one telling the 14 year old that he cannot see his parents until he is 18, because his father sexually abused him when he was 8, and has since gotten out of jail and moved back in with the mother (who has now remarried, and lives with her new husband). Furthermore, the mother has mental problems, and was herself sexually abused by her grandfather. That 14 year old, funnily enough, robbed a block buster at knife point, but was only cautioned, and moved out into residential housing (i, once again, had nothing to do with the sentencing. i only get him referred to me after all that is done). what i am doing now is trying to get him to get his grade ten certificate, so he can get an apprenticeship, and hopefully be able to live independently when he does turn 18.

so sorry, but i still cannot get on here and crow about how happy i am that those two guys died.

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Opinions are like assholes, everybodys got one, by all means air it if you must.

I really have a bad opinion of truck drivers in general, but a much worse one of knife weilding drug retarded criminals, Im still glad they hit a truck.

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Its funny how humans have evolved. There was a time when stealing a loaf of bread could legally lead to your death. These days it seems like no matter what you do if it ends in death people must feel sorry for them. Personally yes I think its sad that they lost their lives but in all honesty they bought it upon themselves. As mentioned people have died for less in our history. As everybody is taught in school, Every action as a reaction and this was the reaction from some very bad choices they made. I feel sorry for the person that had the knife pulled on him, sure he didn't lose his life but for a few seconds/minutes he would have felt that his life could be ended by a complete stranger over something so small in the grand scheme of things being his car and money.

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Its funny how humans have evolved. There was a time when stealing a loaf of bread could legally lead to your death. These days it seems like no matter what you do if it ends in death people must feel sorry for them. Personally yes I think its sad that they lost their lives but in all honesty they bought it upon themselves. As mentioned people have died for less in our history. As everybody is taught in school, Every action as a reaction and this was the reaction from some very bad choices they made. I feel sorry for the person that had the knife pulled on him, sure he didn't lose his life but for a few seconds/minutes he would have felt that his life could be ended by a complete stranger over something so small in the grand scheme of things being his car and money.

this is very true..... the question stands what if they used this "knife" on the innocent car owner...... severed a main artery and no doubt would have let him bleed to death on the side of the road....... i do feel sorry and my heart goes out to the families of the two offenders killed....

think of the people fighting for their countries who loose their lives to try and keep the peace back home.... these guys lost their lives doing the wrong thing and their death will hopefully teach other theives to wake up because this country needs a fu*%#n shake up.

no one deserves to die for theft but at the same time they were prepared to take someone elses life for their theft and this is where what happens happens....

a big what if they crashed into an innocent husband and wife with three beautiful children and killed them all? im just thankfull this diddnt happen.

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I really don't see where you people are getting this opinion that people in my profession have anything to do with why the justice system fails. I have nothing to do with sentencing, defence, or anything remotely in those areas. I am there after the sentencing, after all the bullshit, who tries to make sure when this person does get out of jail (whatever his sentence may be), he or she has the highest possible chance of re entering society, by providing them with schooling, trades, and also attempting to re unite them with their families during their stay in jail, and/or residential housing. I am not a psychologist going out to the judge telling him that it wasn't the coke heads fault that he stabbed somebody, instead blaming his mother for not breast feeding him for long enough. No, instead I am the one telling the 14 year old that he cannot see his parents until he is 18, because his father sexually abused him when he was 8, and has since gotten out of jail and moved back in with the mother (who has now remarried, and lives with her new husband). Furthermore, the mother has mental problems, and was herself sexually abused by her grandfather. That 14 year old, funnily enough, robbed a block buster at knife point, but was only cautioned, and moved out into residential housing (i, once again, had nothing to do with the sentencing. i only get him referred to me after all that is done). what i am doing now is trying to get him to get his grade ten certificate, so he can get an apprenticeship, and hopefully be able to live independently when he does turn 18.

so sorry, but i still cannot get on here and crow about how happy i am that those two guys died.

Dude i dont think too many are glad they died but i do think plenty arent sad they did either.

Noble work indeed that you do and quite frustrating at times i imagine. That said, where are our rights as citizens to do and go as we please within the confines of the law without fear of becoming a victim of retards like the abovementioned pair.

If it takes their deaths to prevent me or mine from becoming their next target then so be it.

I have had the brazen bastards break in to my home whilst I am in residence, My son has been mugged on a train, My home has been burgled on more than one occasion. I've has the dickheads threaten me with road rage, I have had my car broken into whilst i was only 20 feet from it. If it takes deaths to teach the bastards respect for those that do the right thing then bring back the bloody axe. Enough is enough.

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Hello everyone!

Foamer, i think you do a good job. I for one could not do what you do. I have given this topic some thought away from my pc while at work. These blokes took the time to arm themselves with a knife, probably plan to use it to hurt someone. They were not on their way to a cut flower arranging class.

They then approached a motorist, more than likely threatened to kill or hurt him with knife unless he gave them the car. I doubt whether they were pleasant during this process. They then made another decision to drive away in the car, speeding and driving all over the place.

They hit a truck and died. Many wrong decisions in a row. Not an accident like "oops i slipped into your car with a knife". My point is it takes alot to pull something like this off. Instead of say planning to go to a mates and play cricket, get a part time job to save for a car etc.

Bad characters with bad luck.

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Foamer: Prehaps I spoke hastily, but I dont like being compared to a couple of thugs then being told I am the worse one, as you did. And im still glad they died, car theifs are scum, and if it was within the limits of the law, id kill each and every one of them. Some people cannot be redeemed and should never be let out of jail. To steal shows your true character, to gang up on a single person with weapons also shows they were cowards. This might seem extreem to you and others here, but lets face it: How many car theifs go on to win the nobel peace prize? How many wind up say, contributing to preventing world hunger? How many do anything productive with there lives? Im sure theres one or two exceptions to the rule, but for the most part, once a theif, always a theif.

Funny isnt it, that if said motorist had happened to have a baseball bat at hand, and he clubbed them over the head, it would be him going to jail.

As to old mate the 14 year old...

That 14 year old, funnily enough, robbed a block buster at knife point,
because his father sexually abused him when he was 8,

Is that what you meant to say? Because it sounds like it. I dont see how one lead to the other, it was the kids choice to rob the store. And I dont see how his fathers actions should be an excuse.

but was only cautioned

Another fine example of a criminal getting a slap on the wrist. Bring back the axe, I dont care, I dont steal, I dont hurt anyone, I follow the law. Yet the system seems to have its priorities all mixed up. I pay a shitload of tax's and what do I see? Useless members of society eating up all thoes dollars for so little return. What do I get? Nothing.

Prehaps if the system dealt with these cases more harshly, old matey wouldnt have robbed the store in the first place?

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Foamer, you mentioned that part of your job is to find them homes, even trades? I really don't know how the system works or what your job involves but am I right in assuming it's my tax dollars that pay for this?

Yet when I need a place to live or when I wanted to start in my trade, I had no help what so ever and had to do it 100% on my own. Seems like the system has its priorities wrong somewhere along the line....

By all means though, correct me if I'm way off.

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Foamer, you mentioned that part of your job is to find them homes, even trades? I really don't know how the system works or what your job involves but am I right in assuming it's my tax dollars that pay for this?

This fact was made quite clear to me when growing up, a career dole bludger known to me got caught working for cash and was denied the dole, he then declared that he was a heroin addict (he wasnt), and the system fell over itself trying to help him, put them on a chain gang for six weeks that will detox em, and give them skills that they are capable of.

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Foamer, this threads asks for personal opinions as to whether One thinks that the two thieves got their just desserts.

It does not ask for one to come in calling others "Dickheads", and "clowns" for voicing their opinion.

Opinions are one thing on a forum, but personal attacks have repercussions.



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