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Car Thieves.. Bit Of Karma..


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to use your theory then, how about if it was your mum and sister in the car that the person 'just driving silly' ran into and killed? do they deserve to die then for it?

my point is lots of people make mistakes and errors of judgment. very few of them should have to pay with their lives for it. I hate thieves and have been the victim of theft myself. but again, I cannot believe you people honestly want people dead for stealing a car.

ok lets use my theory then...If that happened as sad and at a loss It would be..It could be the result of many things that are not intentional....The person driving like a maniac never intends to deliberately hit and kill someone.However these clowns had the intent.When you rob somebody with a weapon then obviously you are prepared to use it. Think this is the first time they have committed this crime ? Not a chance-these guys aint no alter boys. They were prepared to kill for that car otherwise they would not have needed the knife

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I don't believe they deserved to die for carjacking someone, or driving dangerously afterwards.

I also don't believe that their death was a tragedy for anyone bar the truck driver, who may have to go through life with the mistaken apprehension that he killed someone.

For the owner of the stolen car, as people have put it the vehicle is "just a lump of metal" so its loss is no great thing.

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  • 1 month later...

I saw this happen when i was in QLD at the beginig of Feb. Shocked the hell out of me, my partner & my in-laws but i can say is they got what they deserved. Was a nice mess on the free way.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree with BeerBaron. Everyone does stupid mistakes in their teens and early 20's. How can you even compare this incident to murderers, serial killers, serial rapists, terrorists. These people actually destroy other ppl's lives intentionally. And all these 2 kids have done is threaten but have the car owner been stabbed for it? Nope, so IMO they didn't deserve to die at all! Its just sad, they couldn't learn throughout their mature ages and change like everybody else does.

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I'm with Beer Baron on this one, some of you guys are too harsh. Yeah they're criminals, yeah they're jerks - but it hightlights something for me, and that is that you need to make good decisions in your life, because you never know what your end may be. I do feel sorry for their parents as well, imagine you come home from work one day and find out your son isn't coming home, coz he's been hanging around with the wrong friends, and went down the wrong path and got himself killed. sad.

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