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I Just Received A Summons


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I just received a summons for dangerous driving, careless driving and racing. I'm not after any lectures, the constable didn't witness anything and no one was hurt except me; its a long story (albeit it futile, i'm the idiot for breaking the law in the first place).

What penalties do these charges bring?

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the penalties on these charges these days are becoming worse and worse for us drivers, having said that, get ur self a lawyer..

i can recomend u 1, i paid big dollars to keep myself out of jail and 5 months later i still thank him when i see him!!!

if its first offence, loss of licence, second offence jail!!!

if u speak to any lawyer or my lawyer, they or he will recomend u fight the case on evidence u have or simply cop it on the chin..

if u choose to fight it urself cause u think u have a chance to win, id say get a lawyer,

always good to have someone speaking profesionally to a judge, speacialy a judge that is sick of dealing with burnout, drag racing cases!!

Edited by chris_r31
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the penalties on these charges these days are becoming worse and worse for us drivers

you mean the kind that breaks the law?

I'm sick of these laws, keeps getting harder and harder for armed robbers like us.


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It depends on the circumstances and what the court sees fit...

Dangerous Driving:

A fine upto 240 penalty units or imprisonment up to 2years or both.

License canceled for 6months or if you did more than 45km p/hr above the limit, 12months.

Careless Driving:

First offense = up to 12 penalty units

Second offense = up to 25 penalty units


Would come under the new hoon laws...

One penalty unit = $100

....but see your lawyer in case i missed anything above.

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How do I find out about club days etc. I'm based in melb

How to get on track.

1) Join Sau Vic : $70 first year, $50 every year after.

2) Get a cams licence you need to get a L2S. It is the first one in the list. $85

3) Events

Bec usually has up coming events up as they come. (events section) DL entry and send in.

Do these few things and you have a ton of events to choose from.

Feel free to get back to us with how owned you get so we can get more people into club level motorsport.

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im talking from complete experience here: GET A LAWYER!!! he might be able to reduce a few charges due to circumstance...... expect between 12 and 18 months liscence suspension... depends how fast you were going and in what zone but i got 15 months for dragracing and "speed dangerous to public" 70kph over the limit..... (not in a skyline so not tainting our record here guys) how ever long your suspended it will be a good time to rethink a few things and make friends with some bus drivers.... cop it on the chin and i wish u all the best!! its not a fun experience but i certainly know ive learnt my lesson..... off to the track i go for my silly stuff! :no:

good luck


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That sux man.

My mate got dicked by the cops in his 33 going sideways at 60 ks round a corner, cops stopped him and said he would get a summons for reckless driving. A month latter he got his summons he went to court and got away with a $800 fine and no loss of licence or demerit points. He was one lucky boy he should of lost his licence.

He now drives like a grandma and appreciates how lucky he was.

Good luck mate and + 1 for the lawyer.

Edited by ~R33AzzA~
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you mean the kind that breaks the law?

I'm sick of these laws, keeps getting harder and harder for armed robbers like us.


lol, armed robbers have got it easy, as long as they dont commit any traffic offences...

I'd recommend the use of a lawyer for any matter that goes to court...

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It depends on the circumstances and what the court sees fit...

Dangerous Driving:

A fine upto 240 penalty units or imprisonment up to 2years or both.

License canceled for 6months or if you did more than 45km p/hr above the limit, 12months.

Careless Driving:

First offense = up to 12 penalty units

Second offense = up to 25 penalty units


Would come under the new hoon laws...

One penalty unit = $100

....but see your lawyer in case i missed anything above.

The limit was 70 and i was doing around 80; so I was only 10 Km's over the limit (I was overtaking someone at the time on Kingsbury drive Bundoora where the 3 lanes converge into 1 and got clipped from the rear and subsequently losst control and hit a pole). The other motorist drove off and i didn't get any of his details. What a bastard the other motorist was, i could have been killed and someone else was at fault and I get all the blame.

....i assumed you went into a pole or some sort of right? 12month loss of licence and a fine of $500 +.

You would be correct. For the record, this incident happened in June 2007; so its not recent; and i wasn't hooning at the time; i was overtaking and was clipped from the rear left. Its just taken this long to get the summons.

Sucks either way, but thats what i get for being an idiot - the irony is that the police officer didn't witness the accident, everything is based on what i told him after they were called by a passing motorist.

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I just received a summons for dangerous driving, careless driving and racing. I'm not after any lectures, the constable didn't witness anything and no one was hurt except me; its a long story (albeit it futile, i'm the idiot for breaking the law in the first place).

What penalties do these charges bring?

Same thing i was court careless, dangerous driving and got chased by a off duty cop.

I went to court and represented my self, i lost 2points and had to do a advance driving course.

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Sorry to hear that. Same thing happened to me about 4 years ago caught drag racing they classed it as Dangerous Driving which is the worst possible thing ever, the judges dont take it lightly either. Somehow i got off my lawyer said it was a 1 in a million chance but some how the judge let it ride just gave me a 12 month probation, road trumar course and and defense driving course $1800 fine too + lawyer $600.

Dangerous driving can land you in jail minimum 1 month maxium 12 i shit myself when my lawyer told me that and up to a maximum of $20,000 fine but i cant see them doin that.

Get yourself a lawyer and pray to god they only suspend you licence for 12 months.

Good luck dude

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i dont see how thats being an idiot? ok you were 10km/h over the limit, but you were clipped from behind and you lost control because of someone else.. You shouldnt be copping these penalties, i suggest a lawyer (not legal aid, their hopeless) and explain what happened and the situation. Best of luck.

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Mate, firstly - I share with you how you feel... I went through exactly what you did... and oh boy, am I paying for it...

To cut to the chase, hire a solicitor... if you want a good one and a reasonable price PM me as I got a good, young and understanding guy I can recommend to you ... you will spend heaps on legal fees.. but whatever you do, do not get the dangerous driving charge as it's a 'criminal offense' and will stay on your criminal record for 10 years... which means, if you go to top-tier interviews for jobs and they do a reference check - you're screwed! Watch out!

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from experience i was a L plater and was driving my mates car...was speeding and brakes overheated and put the car through a fence....no L plates displayed, no full licenced person with me, speeding (but didnt tell them that) reckless driving and all i got was a slap on the wrist...$200 fine, attend driver awareness program and write a letter to the dude that fence i hit...but this was like 5 years ago.....good luck bro

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The first priority is to speak with my lawyer. I don't have and previous offences; I don't drive like a hoon (I was recently asked by my brother in law if i ever rev past 3000rpm).

Unfortunately I was in shock when the police officer came to the accident and i told him i was racing the car in the right lane - which i wasn't; i was just trying to do an overtaking maneuver (like i said; i drive like a granny and have never had any previous offences). But you try saying that when you've just had your life flash in front of your eyes.

So thats it; there were no witnesses; the cop didn't see anything but i implicitly incriminated myself with the impromptu 'interview' i had with the cop after the accident.

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