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Mark And Russ's Super R34 Build Up


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The boys changed the transfer case on saturday in the hope of getting some front drive. Didn't help much, the best they could get was 10% or so directed to the front. That's why you see pics of it black-tracking everywhere.

Aha.. That makes sense. It certainly looked like it was having traction issues!

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yeah, there is something not quite right with awd. not exactly sure what but it's not getting enough front drive. we changed transfer case on saturday and it was a little better in the morning, but not much. mark reckons possibly a sensor failure or awd ecu not receiving an input (like TPS) as it's getting some pressure but not enough, which means it's baking the transfer case which means it gets worse and worse. on top of that they have a fair bit more torque than before and trying to put that power down on 265 semis is not easy, hell even some of the evos which are much lighter and with less toque run 285s!

the car went so well for it's first outing. nothing broke and apart from the little awd issue it ran absolutely perfectly. a credit to mark and russ for their hard work and all the other guys who worked on it too. mark drove the absolute wheels off the thing too and watching the in-car last night just goes to show he must have a giant set a it looks scary to drive. scary fun that is.... :banana: i'm sure russ will post some when he gets home, but i'd say the car is wheel spinning about 3/4s of the time! It's sideways from turn 5 all the way up the hill and onto the bridge through 3rd and 4th. then sideways off the bridge all the way to the S.

and yes cnj tune it.

We had the same or similar problem when we were running the Autronic ECU...it needs a voltage divider buffer circuit fitted to allow the attessa to share the same signal as the TPS without pulling it (the voltage level) down under load. The Vi-PEC had an issue too but was a much less complicated fix.

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Hi Guys

well back from superlap,

and all is good, car is still in one piece and running great!

obviously have alot of things to sort through and keep building the car as it wasnt really finished ( but are they ever).

we need to get the 4wd drive sorted asap!! thanks for the advice paul will be looking at pressures and codes etc pronto. then off to get swaybars made as nopne were on the car for superlap, and

bump steer arms for the front end. then different diff ratios wilkl be changed as we couldnt use the torque to full advantage as we had too shorter ratios top speed was 250 down the front straight on the limiter before the start finish line!! ( we kept raising the limiter but far from ideal)

thanks for the comments

cheers russ'

here is some incar

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Awesome incar Russ, just loving the power on oversteer :down:

The box is a Holinger?

Mustve felt good passing your old R32

it's a stock box, but with an ebay short shifter for quicker shifts. works well. :bunny:

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seems as though you have the Tomei 1 gear set. had a look at ratios today and your ratios are quite close compared to mine which are the -15 gear set.

Still have some setting up to do, comes on boost nicely.

Keep up the good work Russ and crew.

All the best, and always keep in the loop with the development advancements. Good learning experience for us non circuit boys...

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Hey Guys

We shot Marks car over the weekend and the feature, along with Superlap will be coming out in Motive DVD volume 2 which is due on shelf in June.

Motive DVD Volume 1 is based on the Red BUll Drifting World Championship and will be out start of May.

Heres the link:

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Dang, bring on the you tube videos. them dvd's are poo! usually edited poorly with f**k all footage of the events.

Give it to us raw and w-r-r-riggling; you keep nasty editing

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