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Worst Saturday Night Ever


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the story

so after spending a relaxing afternoon then enjoying a great dinner its off to bed just as things are getting *cough* interesting the gf pulls the "your really nice ....... but" card

not suprisingly this put a damper on the nights planned activities and some interesting decorating on the street outside her house (aka half the rubber on my tyres)

have you had a s%$ter of a satdy spill its good to share and it might make me feel a lil better too

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I love your thinking mate, that's exactly what I would have done.. although.. I would likely have backed up the driveway to the front door first :)

Tough break mate, that's a real shitty way/point in time to break it to you :D

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haha never thought about that sticky rubber all over her freshly washed car would have made me feel much better

instead im nursing the mother off all hangovers after the compulsory drowning of sorrows meh

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my worst Saturday was when i went out for what was meant to be a night on the town with my good mate... except i get hit by a taxi who proceeds to do a runner... 5 breaks in my leg and foot does not feel good ill give you the tip... i did stay in town for one last woodstock and cola before i got an ambo of course.

My cast after my mate got to it lol


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yes plenty of beer has been consumed but then thats just a normal wend round here

matt- no way her mates are either stick thin and just poped one out or umm huge an pregers

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james nice ink did you get it put on the leg after the cast came off?

No actually but i did consider it lol my mates awsum with a permo but not sure i was ready for a permanant tat the whole size of my leg lol althought did look sweet as on my cast.

I find beer is your best mate in in times like these too lol

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I love your thinking mate, that's exactly what I would have done.. although.. I would likely have backed up the driveway to the front door first :)

Tough break mate, that's a real shitty way/point in time to break it to you :thanks:

Ha Gold ---- I love it ! but heres what to do to REALLY piss her off. Start giving her the cold shoulder and then make a big move on her Best Friend/ Sister or Mother even....That should make her pissed beyond description

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beer is always your best mate especially when she has limited your intake

ohh thats nasty.. mine tries too. got my priorities right tho.




4.SG1 ( thanks gav )


Edited by tm_r33
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will edit now i love that show.

just caught mine going through my phone just now... last night she went through my wallet reading my receipts to see whered id been and what id been doin. when i deny doin this (goin through my private phone and wallet) i get the whole "what are you hiding the" speach.

soon she will crack my sau password lol

then i will be pissed

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will edit now i love that show.

just caught mine going through my phone just now... last night she went through my wallet reading my receipts to see whered id been and what id been doin. when i deny doin this (goin through my private phone and wallet) i get the whole "what are you hiding the" speach.

soon she will crack my sau password lol

then i will be pissed

Whats the old saying " Be suspicious of those who are suspicious of you " be careful

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damned apprentice got me so hooked on sg1 i went out and bought the 10 season box set at chrissy havnt been watching mutch lately due to female companionship

once she cracks your password she will read this thread then wait till your really relaxed and think your in and bamm your outa there lol

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Whats the old saying " Be suspicious of those who are suspicious of you " be careful

i havnt heard that saying very interesting ill keep it in mind.

i think she spends too much time being suspicious of me to have any time left to do anything else lol

**waiting for some one to say "are you sure :thanks: "**

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