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Worst Saturday Night Ever


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once she cracks your password she will read this thread then wait till your really relaxed and think your in and bamm your outa there lol

SAU and beer and maybe fried food are my only refuge.. they are remaining mine :thanks:

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Hrmm goin thru your shit, annoying!

When my phone beeps with a message the last couple girlfriends have gone to grab it and see who it is. OMG IT MIGHT BE ANOTHER GIRL NO WAIII!! Put my f**kin phone down, it's mine.. I don't go thru your shit. They f**ken go reading through your messages too!

Who wants to turn gay with me? :(

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I'll pass thanks.

Been with my g/f for nearly 8yrs, none of that shit goes on, no arguing, no fighting, I smoke as much green as I want, play as many computer games as I want, spend lots of money on paintball guns and my car.. the only catch is if I make a large purchase.. she gets a new pair of shoes :(

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ok 2 pages of replies and noones offered to buy me a beer now i am depressed

brad- you know you love me but you may be right on the whole car thing i thought of it as a classic but it still was a ford

so bubba she got a sister?

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bard your style of sportsmanship would involve beer before the meet

haha red wine was the most expensive part of the whole relationship other than that she was verry wallet friendly

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  • 2 weeks later...
if its anything like my pool game the first three would improve my times but the next three would involve broken windows

But then the next three after that would come good again . . . right?

Maybe there should be a big SAUWA piss up? That would fix most peoples problems :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

well i wouldn't of wasted tyres on her though.

I have to sell my car to keep the lady. Sigh. Its a tough call but its all about priorities. Sex > Car.

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well i wouldn't of wasted tyres on her though.

I have to sell my car to keep the lady. Sigh. Its a tough call but its all about priorities. Sex > Car.

Well he did use rubber in one way.....


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