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Worst Saturday Night Ever


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gav you didn't finish the sentence your really nice but?

but what lol?

did you ask for your money back? you investment in dinner didnt come through and i think you should get a money back

Edited by [Michael]
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oh no the investment in those bottles of wine paid off

dinner was actually going to be the next night go figure

hmm i wonder how that sentence does finish i normally stop listening after the but experience tells me i dont really want to hear the rest

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Yeah you should have listened more.,....it could have been going in your favour.


"your really nice but.....i think its best you stop it, and get a bit kinkier in bed" *slaps ass*

or sumfing?


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yea would have been a better outcome specially as she had already hinted at your idea there bubba but pretty sure im not good enuf in bed to make a girl start crying

and if you must really know it was "your really nice and i really like you (two reallys bad news) but ...... i have decided to give my ex another chance i miss the kids (his not hers) and family we had" or something along those lines

then she started with the waterworks and i collected my stuff and stormed out

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yea would have been a better outcome specially as she had already hinted at your idea there bubba but pretty sure im not good enuf in bed to make a girl start crying

and if you must really know it was "your really nice and i really like you (two reallys bad news) but ...... i have decided to give my ex another chance i miss the kids (his not hers) and family we had" or something along those lines

then she started with the waterworks and i collected my stuff and stormed out

f*k that :D

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have you spoken to her since dude?

never know, she might come back if it doesn't work out... i know you're upset because you care about her man...

if you're not too fussed then just have a beer with the guys because there's plenty more fish in the sea man and there are some that are a lot more amazing than what you've already had man trust me

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yea it seems i have stuck to my usual habit of picking a bird with issues/ bagage but meh what can ya do

single time again for gav me thinks spend all tha money i would have spent on her on having fun and improving cherryred

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yea it seems i have stuck to my usual habit of picking a bird with issues/ bagage but meh what can ya do

single time again for gav me thinks spend all tha money i would have spent on her on having fun and improving cherryred

gav you can spend money on me and i promise i will put out too lol :D

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That sucks dude most women are dirty $lut$ find a good one and hold on to her.

In the mean time hire afew hookers and have a threesome take some photos or even a movie.

Hell i'll even donate $50 for the cause.

y the hell does the forum change $lut to board minded femails?

Edited by Jason Crannage
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