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I was sitting around on sunday night talking to some older people.... mid 40s to around 60 year olds. And my car came up as the topic of convo.

And they were saying how the younger people shouldnt be allowed such high proformance cars etc etc Same old same old.

Then the topic slightly shifted to drag racing on the streets. Especailly the recent one of the WRX v Skyline on Pt Wakefield Road incident. Now i in no way condone on street drag racing, but in my opinion this is a prim example that should show people, eg government people, that South Australia is in dire need of a safe off street drag strip. This opinion was quickly shot down by every person there i was talking to. There take on it was if we had a drag strip here it would encourage people to do it on the roads more often. As in they know what the thrill and excitment of dragging so they will want to do it more often and do it on the streets. But my opinion is if people knew they could do it in a safe enviroment they would use it and not run the risk of doing it on the streets, losing there license there car or there life! I mean sure there are some idiots that it wouldnt help but for the majority of us it would help!

They didnt agree instead saying an even bigger crack down should be made on defectable high proformance cars etc etc, limiting age groups to certain types of cars etc etc and higher penalties for speeding, dragging etc etc.

No matter what i said i couldnt convince these people of my way of thinking.

Am i wrong??? lol

What are your opinions on this?

Ps i have heard rumours the WRX v Skyline was actually a WRX v SOARER...... :S

Edited by Adz2332
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Well just lucky they are not on the Government board!! I agree people like this should open thier eyes for other ideas in stead of just making the "police" sort out the situation, Before we know it people like this will want the police to wipe thier own ass for them!! I will say they are right about younger people owning high performance cars tho, I couldn't give a rats ass if your the best driver in the world, and i couldn't care less if someone wants to go stupid behind the wheel and kill themselves, thats thier choice, But if you hurt or kill anyone that is close to me, them you should suffer the same thing!!

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If people dragged off the streets... government dont make money with speeding fines/redlights/defects/hoon laws etc = government dont like. Its our speeding fines thats payed for the new tram lines and those underpasses around South Rd! :(

Edited by vietorious
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Speaking of government people thinking this way, they told me Nick Zenifone (or how ever you spell his name) The no pokies MP went on radio talking about this and said that it would encourage people to drag on the roads not reduce it....

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Yeah i agree Drag Racing is a great sport and SA has suffered since the demise of AIR. I used to be a big fan through the 90's and would often take my RX7 down for blast down the strip and its great fun. I guess it comes down to the individual though whether they choose to drag on the street or not but having access to a strip has gottta be benificial.

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i get these convo's regularly from my uncle been just blowing it off for a while but ive decided next time he's gonna cop some sh*t bout his 4wd he deemed neccessary to buy to drive around the city. yes its more safer because you can see more clearly over other cars :( never mind the fact anyone around him cant see sh*t

his trademark comment "there's a copa outside looking at your car"

people like that no matter what you say are gonna have the same opinion no matter what. you'd prob get a better response from a brick wall.

and what do they expect people to do when they take away the drag strip after they just spent a crap load on getting work done to the car to go there, fortunately im not in that boat but i know if i paid 10k on my rollerblades and suddenly there was no skate parks id be hitting up the streets wether people like it or not

Edited by gzilla
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ive heard rumours of a new drag strip being build in pt adelaide, i sure hope it goes ahead. ive been hanging for a SA drag stip since 05!

i cant see how off-street drags encourage people to drag on the street?? i see it more the other way around.

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Unfortunatly i think the older generation has forgotten what it was like when they were teenagers/early 20's growing up, its funny how people seem to forget things as they get older....

I beleive we need a drag strip and possibly another circuit track in Adelaide, i don't see why it can't work, we've got the population, we just need to get past the entry fee's (making them affordable)

If it was true and it was a WRX Vs Skyline on sat night guess the cops will be going heavier on jap imports then they already are....Age old addage time and a place people!

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Well just lucky they are not on the Government board!! I agree people like this should open thier eyes for other ideas in stead of just making the "police" sort out the situation, Before we know it people like this will want the police to wipe thier own ass for them!!

Its the same uninformed mentality that makes people say that criminalizing drugs is going to make the problem go away. Without getting too off topic, people have taken drugs for the last 10,000 years (documented proof available) and no laws are going to change that anytime soon. Same goes with anything that is illegal. You can never have 100% compliance with the law, its a statistical fact, as there are always those statistical outliers that do not comply, whether due to ignorance or deliberate disrespect for law/society.

Theres the saying of "What came first, the chicken or the egg?".... there always has been, always will be, illegal street racing. But by getting a legal venue, you remove a proportion of drag racers off the streets and onto a safe venue (safe for spectators, the public and the drivers). It also gives the illegal drag racers one less excuse when they front the magistrates (not that it makes much difference, the magistrates are always going to throw the book at car hoons)

Don't mind Nick Xenophon. Ever since he got poojabbed by his mate Ann Bressington he's been wanting to appear tough. This is just another ill informed politician spouting off at the mouth. *yawn*

The day he actually gets more water into the murray river, i'll drop my trousers and dance the hula.


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in my opinion this is a prim example that should show people, eg government people, that South Australia is in dire need of a safe off street drag strip. This opinion was quickly shot down by every person there i was talking to. There take on it was if we had a drag strip here it would encourage people to do it on the roads more often.

That's rubbish. Exactly the opposite has been proven.

Can't remember exactly where or when I saw it but I remember the police saying it had a positive effect and drivers at the track said that they would feel less inclined to race on the streets.

This narrow-minded group of certain ones of "the older generations" needs to show some respect and stop stereotyping every young import driver as a hoon. Just remind them that in 20 years they'll all be crashing into peoples front yards because of being disorientated and hitting the accelerator instead of the brake.

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That's rubbish. Exactly the opposite has been proven.

Can't remember exactly where or when I saw it but I remember the police saying it had a positive effect and drivers at the track said that they would feel less inclined to race on the streets.

This narrow-minded group of certain ones of "the older generations" needs to show some respect and stop stereotyping every young import driver as a hoon. Just remind them that in 20 years they'll all be crashing into peoples front yards because of being disorientated and hitting the accelerator instead of the brake.

I agree. It seems every single older person was a little angel when they were little right ?

Having said that not all older people are like this, works both ways .

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I agree. It seems every single older person was a little angel when they were little right ?

Having said that not all older people are like this, works both ways .

That's right. It's easy to stereotype. My implication that all older drivers crash because of being disorientated is just as silly as the claims that all young import drivers are reckless.

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very stereotypical! it's like how people fear muslims because they automatically assume they are terrorist! it's bullsh!t...... just because a small group of muslim minorities call themselves the taliban, alqaeda it doesn't mean they all are! same goes with cars, how many skylines are owned and driven everyday? and then on one unfortunate day a skyline crashes and people flip out! there is that small group of people who own performance cars and think they are in the fast and the furious, judgements on them shouldn't reflect on everyone else!

but oh wells what can you do? when a bunch of paper pushing fat asses say something like oh but opening a drag strip would just encourage it more! we will just legislate some more laws to solve this problem! like that has ever worked, when the hooning laws came in did people stop hooning? no they didn't and the same goes for defects on performance parts, people are still modding their cars! in my opinion opening a drag strip would be like drift pracs at mallala, they will still be people doing it on the street but at least it cuts down the numbers!

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Adz2332, should have said to them that people passed the age of (whatever age they were) should have their licence taken from them and see what they said about that. it should start a nice little shit fight.

we just need to wait till they all die and our generation takes its place till we are ever going to have a drag strip again in SA.

a drag strip will help, it common f**king sence and if the old farts cant see that its their problem. just like skate parks took kids off the streets im sure it could do the same for cars.

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