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Originally posted by XEQTOR

ys guys guys!!! Whats a fuel light!!!!!  


LOL unless there is problem with your light...


you never made til it completely run out of petrol.

Its not a such a good idea running your car low on petrol.

a5h- yeah it is :newbie: question but your mindless reply is more annoying..:mad:



I think you need to test this on your own car. Just chuck a full jerry can and hose in the boot, and drive it till it stops.

The reason being, that a few liters spread over the area of the fuel tank is only a few millimeters of fuel sloshing around. A lot depends on how deep the sender and fuel pickup extend into the tank. So there will be differences between individual cars.

I also like to know exactly where the fuel gauge needle ends up when it finally does stop as well.

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