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[SA Cars Spotted Thread #3]


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I spotted Ben in his RS260 on Port Wakefield Rd this arvo - we were in the blue Honda Accord next to you at the lights ogling your beast .... damn your car is loud! When you took off from the lights it woke my 8 month old in the back seat :( - the wife was not happy - I smiled though :):P:D mmmmm RB26 powaaaaaaahhhhhhh

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think last night(?) i spotted flick on montague rd, near corner of nth east. tried to go round the block and catch up but ya lost me.

just spotted Thirty 1 :P gave a flash of my lights and way and got a toot when i pull off elizabeth st :)

beat me too it.. got a mate that lives on that street, am up there alot these days.

also on way home got a beep from sly 34 (yellow gtt) on nelson rd. sounds nice.

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when i see your car at his house i will blast my air horns i tried to this afternoon but sometimes doesn't work with wheel turned

lol.. ill listen out for it. just yell loudly if it doesnt work. lol

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people who drive like that in the city need a good smack in the chops, and a knee to the meat and two veg.

No shit, and at a time when there is a lot of people walking around making their way to clubs etc. Fking twat.

I have to drive my 32 into town quite often for work and drive off boost the whole time I'm in the CBD, yet thanks to fkwits like this I'm targetted by the 5-0 and count myself lucky to have not been defected yet :)

Edited by AndrewJZX100
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spotted ben in his stag at bp darlington this arvo, was pullin out of HJs when i seen ya first up

tooted.........seen you look around the forecourt looking like "who the f**k is tooting"

did a u turn, come back past to go home, and ya seen me that time hahahahaha

Ha ha you couldnt have summed it up better matty, i was lookin round to see who was beeping and it only clicked as i saw the back of the ute, then you came back! lol!

I spotted Ben in his RS260 on Port Wakefield Rd this arvo - we were in the blue Honda Accord next to you at the lights ogling your beast .... damn your car is loud! When you took off from the lights it woke my 8 month old in the back seat :( - the wife was not happy - I smiled though :D :D :D mmmmm RB26 powaaaaaaahhhhhhh

Sorry Andrew! lol! Well sorry to your wife, id expect that you would have appreciated hearing it! Funny thing is I did notice someone checking out the car but i didnt click that it was you, i was in a world of my own tho, like a 5 year old in a candy shop pretty much! lmao!

I was out doing some kms over the weekend on the fresh motor before the tunning is finished off. I just wanted to drive it, even if its only running low boost its still quicker than the gtr, and oh so much louder! lol! :woot:

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yeah no worries mate - if Tyler hadn't been sleeping in the back I would have wound down the window and said hi - but I didn't want to wake him. That didn't last long though when you took off anyhow :woot: - it's all good - sounded sweet as! You got a bit of rear wheel spin as she came on boost too - very nice.

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Well atleast next time you know its inevitable that it will wake anyone in a 2km radius so you may aswell say hi! lol! Yeah it does try and spin when its running in rwd, funny thing is that was only on 13psi! :woot: Im waiting to see what it will do on 23psi, but i dont rekon i'll get to try that in rwd, front shaft will be back in then! :D

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Yep ... that 260 is f**king loud mate. :D

Good to see the 260 stag once again Ben. If you wanna put any more kms on the odometer, throw the car my way and I'll take care of it for you. :D

Thanks for coming out and having dinner and playing Halo 2 with us :woot: ... even if the girls were talking about wedding cakes! eek! Thinking now I should have taken my stag out instead of jumpinginto your car, so we had two black Stageas cruising Port Adelaide. Ah well, next time.

See you and Nene Friday night :D ... ssshhhhhhhhh! :(

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Hey Roo, i should have gotten nene to bring the silver rs4 out, then tracy could have driven your silver one, then we would have had 2 balck and 2 silver stageas, kinda funny that between the two of us we can offically have our own stagea cruise! :woot:

That chicken was good last night, dont know why they dont show it on the menu, lucky we asked! lol

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Hey Roo, i should have gotten nene to bring the silver rs4 out, then tracy could have driven your silver one, then we would have had 2 balck and 2 silver stageas, kinda funny that between the two of us we can offically have our own stagea cruise! :D

Thats being a bit of an inconsiderate anti-car pooling thing to say Ben :D Think green dude! :D

Silver Stag still needs the glass put in ... I've been lazy! BTW you should have claimed your trolley jack back last night ... its now officially mine :woot:

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Saw a silver 32 gts-t with what looked like the vertex kit about 10 mins ago in grenfell st. Dude had a blonde chick passenger... howdy if yr out there


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Ahh you dont work far from me hey Dohmar? Im GHD building (aka the ugliest building in town).

Spotted BLKSKY on Grenfell this morning

Which one is that? I have to say theres a lot of candidates for ugliest building. Is GHD number 45 or something?

Luciano works in the SA Water building which Im looking at right now from my office on the 8th floor


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