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what hang out a FWD or it was RWD in which case wasn't a camry

whatever it was,it wont be back on the road for a while!

spotted a dark 35GTR near sinergy today. MR...something on the plates

spotted a dark i think black 35gtr heading murry bridge way on the free way at 12ish...

looked over casualy... dont think ive eva gone so nuts in my life! mates missus was like dude... chill its a car >_<

also spotted VANGE just b4.. *hello*

spotted about 4 million emergency vehicles tearing about the roads today, i do wish people would behave when its raining...

I no its fu(king annoying all the idiots on the road :) some people reeeaaaallly need to learn how to drive. On the way to work this morning (south way to the city) it was a constant flow of emergency vehicles on the road, off to accidents! And the people that are driving like loose nuts are making it worse.

Have to be on high alert everyone, we dont need no wrecked inports!

Like some 30-40year old woman right next to me just decided to merge in to my lane coz the car infront was slowin for T lights (she didnt even look) luckley there was a free lane next to me

spotted a clean silver stag on victor harbour road just b4 lunch...plates..XPB--- ....velly noice

I spotted it too nugzy..lol no wave

also a teal blue r33 in dinga, got a wave

two wine r33 near seaford, no wing on one, black bonnet and boot, no waves from either

red pinny or similar toyota with 10,000kw ATW and cannon ? in the rain by my house.. drift king nearly took out a stone post box . after mounting the curb twice ?

and some blond lady in a camry cut me off on a two lane round about in seaford ,she started off in left lane from a stop, then instantly merged into mine, no signal and and she had 5 people in her car???? had to take action or she would have run me over bushes in the middle.. honked hard core to get her attention, she didnt even look and merged back into her lane , nearly cleaning up another car who thought she was in my lane at that point??? in dry conditions even? then on comm rd in seaford she slammed on her brakes at 70k?.....wait for it!!!........wait!!!!........cause it started pouring rain??????some people are friggan idiots. instant slam on her brakes to go from 70-30k in rain , not standing rain water just drops on the windows....grrrrrrr

or the 4x4 truck on my tailpipe in downpour with gale winds at 80k-100k on south rd coming back into dinga nearly pushed me out of the way a few times,, then i noticed he was on the phone to boot,,,, farkn hell , guess i was lucky not to get cleaned up by muppets today

rain = jackasses who loose all sense of how to drive???

Edited by sapphiregraphics
nope. rain just makes us good drivers be more aware, so you notice more wankers, whose lack of skills tend to show even more in wet conditions.

true Damo,, good thing it doesnt SNOW here?????

where it snows everyone can drift.. they have too to stay on the road ...lol

can you imagine how many crashes you would see if it did ???

I spotted it too nugzy..lol no wave

also a teal blue r33 in dinga, got a wave

two wine r33 near seaford, no wing on one, black bonnet and boot, no waves from either

red pinny or similar toyota with 10,000kw ATW and cannon ? in the rain by my house.. drift king nearly took out a stone post box . after mounting the curb twice ?

and some blond lady in a camry cut me off on a two lane round about in seaford ,she started off in left lane from a stop, then instantly merged into mine, no signal and and she had 5 people in her car???? had to take action or she would have run me over bushes in the middle.. honked hard core to get her attention, she didnt even look and merged back into her lane , nearly cleaning up another car who thought she was in my lane at that point??? in dry conditions even? then on comm rd in seaford she slammed on her brakes at 70k?.....wait for it!!!........wait!!!!........cause it started pouring rain??????some people are friggan idiots. instant slam on her brakes to go from 70-30k in rain , not standing rain water just drops on the windows....grrrrrrr

or the 4x4 truck on my tailpipe in downpour with gale winds at 80k-100k on south rd coming back into dinga nearly pushed me out of the way a few times,, then i noticed he was on the phone to boot,,,, farkn hell , guess i was lucky not to get cleaned up by muppets today

rain = jackasses who loose all sense of how to drive???

Tell me about it, i had a 4wd right up the ass of my car all the way home along commercial road...whenever i am in the liner i always get jackasses tailgating, but when i drive the commodore, hardly anyone tailgates. Do i have some tailgate me sign on my car that i cant see, im just waiting for the day someone goes into the back of me, ill rip them a new one.

Tell me about it, i had a 4wd right up the ass of my car all the way home along commercial road...whenever i am in the liner i always get jackasses tailgating, but when i drive the commodore, hardly anyone tailgates. Do i have some tailgate me sign on my car that i cant see, im just waiting for the day someone goes into the back of me, ill rip them a new one.

I notice a difference in driving attitude when I'm in the silver stock Stagea. Nobody is wanting a drag or trying to prove themselves. When I'm in the black Stagea, they're suddenly threatened by the presence of the Stag and want to get in front of me at any cost :/

guy who owns a few on the run petty stations has that black 35

saw a black 34 gtr with stock rims painted black, gt george's 34 gtr on the work truck *DROOL* and a vspec 34 gtr in midnight purple II (the colour changing one) with plates [uP 4 IT] or something like that at gt autosound this afternoon.

Spotted a nice white 35 GTR tonight down at the Bay after picking up some tires from nisskid. Looked tough as, was waving at the owner, I think I freaked him out a bit. My only wish is that I was in my GTR, alas I was in the lowly Pulsar :)

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