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[SA Cars Spotted Thread #3]


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Spotted red 240z on hindley while I was walking to uni. Reminding me to pay attention so I can buy more nice things :) old porsche was there dumping the clutch but black bird don’t compare to the devil z :D

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Spotted a few over the past week or so.

Saw three skylines at the same time last weekend, i think it was on Sunday arvo. There was a black series 1 r33, 4 door with a female driver, a white 34 with headlight covers on. Perhaps it was Damo? Also saw another 33 with 'vu' in the plates. I wonder who that could have been? This was on South Road, near the Port Road intersection. I was in my little gold Ford Meteor. It so annoying when i'm driving around with Ryan and we're not in the Stagea coz thats when we see other SAU'ers.

Spotted a silver stagea with plates RBB-250 round the corner from my house.

Also met Paul (can't remember SAU name) at the bank. It's such a small world.


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it was actually saturday afternoon, travelling south on south road, just before and through the port rd intersection. we were on our way to see phantom of the opera at the entertainment centre.

the white 34 was right behind me trying to see who was in the other two 'lines. i was watchin ya in my rear view mirror. We weren't in the stag though. That was in the shed gettin some well needed maintainence...

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cool. how exciting to see at least 2 SAU'ers at the same time, lol. I had a feeling it was you as soon as you were approaching. you have a sticker on the bonnet? i think that gave it away :) covers on the headlights look nice too.

i was gonna wave, but i didnt want to look like more of an idiot than i already was driving the meteor, lol.

Edited by Ryan&Sez
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lol... dont call it that :) 'tis fun... it's on steriods at the moment. Ryan put petrol in for me the other day and out of habit he put a whole tank of 98 in... and of course i was paying for it. lol, never mind, it's running rather nicely though.

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Spotted a real tool in a grey 33 heading north up portrush road around 12:40pm

doing at least 70 while ducking an weaving in and out of all the lanes, without indication..

gg loser. sell your car. you're making us look like you


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sounds like a dude i seen leaving the bottle shop near town :D north east rd, ascot intersection kind of way i think it was.

thats the direction he was heading. was in a dead set rush to get on the brew if thats where he was headed

next time i see this guy im taking his plates and putting them in this thread


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Dont tell me Ive actually been spotted in the stealth mobile.

Did it have black wheels ?

yep sure did, looks hot man. i was pulling out of the gepps cross footy club in the work ute. followed you down rowe ave then went left when you went right. made me want a 34 even more than before

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