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[SA Cars Spotted Thread #3]


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Spotted a white 33 with no front bar heading west over the bridge on the port road expressway, possibly kellie?


Doubtful, she was getting that put back on weeks ago...

Spotted a white R34 GTR going up McIntyre today, very nice!

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i keep spotting a morone 32 at blackwood gym nearly every time i go there and just then a heaps clean morone 32 at blackwood on the run, sounded good

pretty sure i saw you on melbourne st around lunch time the other day dori :D

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Spotted a white 33 with no front bar heading west over the bridge on the port road expressway, possibly kellie?


yeah it was me was going to pick locky up after Dr's appointments and interview

Doubtful, she was getting that put back on weeks ago...

Spotted a white R34 GTR going up McIntyre today, very nice!

there you go again lol cant help yourself can you? i dont need to justify myself to you or any other ass hole on here about my front bar and why it didnt get put back on ok

oh and are you still getting around with a non ADR approved bonnet? oh lol thought so!

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yeah it was me was going to pick locky up after Dr's appointments and interview

there you go again lol cant help yourself can you? i dont need to justify myself to you or any other ass hole on here about my front bar and why it didnt get put back on ok

Yeah I thought it was you heh, I was in my mums Corolla cause my R32 was getting an oil and suspension change today... are you still rocking the dior plates?

I wouldnt pay much notice to the naysayers, I doubt its anything personal. theres a lot a jackasses assuming shit these days, its not just you :D


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Yeah I thought it was you heh, I was in my mums Corolla cause my R32 was getting an oil and suspension change today... are you still rocking the dior plates?

I wouldnt pay much notice to the naysayers, I doubt its anything personal. theres a lot a jackasses assuming shit these days, its not just you :D


yeah babe i am and if anyone wants to make it personal you know where i live come see me if not ill give you my address then we will see how smart you are face to face and not behind a computer :D

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yeah it was me was going to pick locky up after Dr's appointments and interview

there you go again lol cant help yourself can you? i dont need to justify myself to you or any other ass hole on here about my front bar and why it didnt get put back on ok

oh and are you still getting around with a non ADR approved bonnet? oh lol thought so!

Erm... what the?!? Where did I have a dig at you? You said you were getting your front bar back on, how was I to know you haven't done it yet? Holy hell, paranoid much?

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im not paraniod at all dont have anything to be paraniod about luke

dont make me out to be something im not

why say anything at all, because after the email you sent me what way should i take it really, im sure the highest person on SAU would love to read what his mod is sending his members

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Sure, send it, then send them what you sent me. Not one derogatory word was typed by me to you. Can you say the same? I'm sure you tell all your friends to stick rubber poles in their nether regions. As for making you out to be something your not, I'm not sure what you mean there. I'm not making you out to be anything.

If you want to take this further, PM me

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pfft i could car less luke im not a mod and ill send him what i said no worries, because if you didnt open your smart mouth then it wouldnt havve lead to that. your not my friend so thats what i told you to go f**k your self with a rubber pole, my friends are more than what you will ever be!

I told you ill speak to you face to face not via pm so lets go then!

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