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and why arent you in there?

Well first I had to install FireFox, then Java wasn't happy and wouldn't install the plugin without me manually downloading 6.0 and installing, now I'm getting java.net.ConnectException and investigating if this has something to do with my firewall denying access or at the other end, I'm still troubleshooting, gimme time LOL

I wonder if Vista has anything to do with this... is anyone else running Vista too?

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What'a know.. works in IE and not FF

EDIT: I lied....

I get the connection refused error in IE. Manually typing in the address..

"/server ezehost.il.us.austnet.org" (without qoutes)

Gives the same result...

Unable to connect : java.net.ConnectException : Connection refused: connect


I am on a locked down work PC though.

Edited by GeeTR
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