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im honestly not sure if they do or not.

Ive only ever used it to get an idea of what the car weighs.

I have the results from my old corner weight setting somewhere, might check it to see if the more recent weigh bridge was acurateish or not.

Obviously proper scales are always going to be more acurate.

Tacker how did you weigh yours??

jesus you've done well tacker and brad, ours is 1550 two up full of fuel :)

Our new car has done most of the stuff you mentioned so hopefully we will get down to about the same. if no rules rear parcel shelf and most of the boot floor is heavy as well as the tank. lots of weight in the doors and windows, hicas and abs. exhaust can be really heavy too.

1550! Mines definitly no where near that.

It does have the cage in it now though which could have added 50-60kg back into it.

duncan you have two seats as well dont you?? Ive only got one seat fixed to the floor.

Agree about the exhaust, mine was weighed with a side pipe and no mufflers. There can be 30Kgs in an exhaust if its got decent mufflers and mild steel.

two of everything certainly does not help.

Mine was last done with 50 litres and no driver. I only weigh 65Kgs so nothing drastic added really.

Are you going to part the wiring looms and strip all the unused wires out duncan?? I found its very worth while doing.

From memory I filled 3/4 of a garbage bin with wire and tape that was no longer being used. I have a photo of it all somewhere.

I ended up running a length of 7 core trailer wire to the back of the car to run the lights and then just the basics to opperate the ATTESSA. It literally halved the wiring to the back of the car. Also under the dash there is the massive loom that runs to the NS of the car. You can pretty much cut the whole thing off and run 10 wires to the ECU side of the car.

The loom that runs to the front of the car. I got rid of it and rewired the lights and nothing else. Again a length of 7 core did the job and more than halved the loom size easily.

Edited by Risking

Weighed my 32 at WSID.

Half a tank of fuel, 16's, everything in car like jack, spare tyre, full interior, stereo, front, rear strut braces etc,

1530KG without me.

Only pulled out rear Hicas rack and lines etc up to bellhousing area.

I did mine on a set of long acre corner scales maybe they were wrong i am not sure. it was done after our qualifying session and my mates EVO 7 came in at 1365kg

Side pipe is done but i done understand Russ how your car is heavier than mine scales must be wrong here i think.

gee... i dont know how come ours is so heavy?

our car still weigh's 1380!

carbon boot

carbon doors

carbon airfilter box

no dash cluster

carbon panel and stack dash

one seat

no air conditioning

no abs

no hicas or pumps

nothing behind the dash

lexan door windows

no interior at all

some internal panels cut out

all bumper reinforcement gone

no rear wiper or motoboot and bonnet cathes gone

all boot hinge mechanism gone

most brackets gone

not sure how i could lose another 100 kilo, let alone 150!! :banana:

Our GTR's are ~1280 kgs (no driver, minimum fuel), some things I don't see on your list, keeping in mind that we run full glass and standard panels;

Carbon fibre tailshaft = 8 kgs

Titanium exhaust = 23 ks

Wheels (17 x 9) and tyres (245/40/17) = 16 kgs

1989 & 1990 models are 35 kgs lighter than 1991 to 1994 models

One coat of paint, no undercoat = 5 kgs

Chrome molly cage = 18 kgs

Holinger gearbox = 14 kgs

Fabricated transfer case = 9 kgs

Poly bushes (no steel cases) = 3 kgs

Alloy flywheel & carbon clutch = 4 kgs

Alloy pedals = 2 kgs

Sound deadening = 12 kgs

Minimum wiring harness = 19 kgs

Plus about 50 or 60 items that weigh less than 400 grams each, but it all adds up



sorry yeah i didnt put in a few other things

but yeah we have

carbon tailshaft,

4 foot side pipe

titon billet alloy pedals

no sound deadening

all alloy intake

we have added back very large brakes,10.5 inch rims & 285 rubber and full dry sump setup(prob 20 kilo)


we do run a clutch that would weigh atleast 10 kilo though.

im going to weigh mine again tommorrow to see what its at now with the cage done.

Besides pannels there is really nothing else that can come out of the car.

Tacker its well worth the effort to strip the looms. If you can take them right out and only run the wiring that you need to. Makes it easy when you start with a bare shell but can be done either way.

Grumble angry muttering

Wish i had not started this thread now!

Being an electrical engineer i hate wires and now you guys have told me i can get another 19 KGs out of the old shite heap if i cut most of it out.

More louder angry muttering

Not sure how u'd drop 19kg when I weighed my entire harness earlier at 15.5kg. I'm sure you could drop an easy 5kg from just cutting wires off you don't need, maybe 10kg if you did custom wiring from scratch.

Also, I have a 100% bare interior + engine bay shell with all removed parts sitting in the garage so if anybody needs something weighed...

Edited by benm

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