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Hey All,

I think i need some tips/tricks, help or something..

Im changing the timing belt (rb26) atm while the engine is on my engine stand.

I have the flywheel bolts wedged into the stand with a shifter, and a breaker bar on the harmonic balancer bolt giving it all my might and bodyweight. Bent the shifter.....

Ok so i wedged a breakerbar instead of a shifter and used the air compressor(only 2hp) with a impact drill won't budge AT ALL.

Went back to the breaker bar and an extension, gave it some allmighty heaves and bent the breaker bar wedged in the flywheel.

I cannot get the dam bolt to budge even a millimeter...

Any ideas, tips/tricks? its really starting to annoy me.

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hey man.

Try this one at your own risk...

put ur car down on four wheels... if youve jacked it up.

Put in the breaker bar, but put the breaker bar on an angle so its wedged/leaning onto the ground. Turn the engine over for a spilt second. Should give it enough turn to loosen the nut. make sure its facing the right way so ur loosening it not tightening it even more.

THere should be enough power from turning the engine over to loosen it.

However its quite risky doing this... so please do this as a last resort... and be careful!!!

EDIT: oops i didnt realise ur engine is on a stand... i dont think this tip will work =/. sorry dude =(

Edited by br3ndan

Had same problem on another car, luckily for me i sourced a 1inch rattle gun. Try using a hammer and punch/float bar and hit the bolt to try 'shock' the sized bolt. then give the gun another go. No go? try sourcing a bigger gun, but try not to snap the bolt...haha, that would suck.

hey man.

Try this one at your own risk...

put ur car down on four wheels... if youve jacked it up.

Put in the breaker bar, but put the breaker bar on an angle so its wedged/leaning onto the ground. Turn the engine over for a spilt second. Should give it enough turn to loosen the nut. make sure its facing the right way so ur loosening it not tightening it even more.

THere should be enough power from turning the engine over to loosen it.

However its quite risky doing this... so please do this as a last resort... and be careful!!!

EDIT: oops i didnt realise ur engine is on a stand... i dont think this tip will work =/. sorry dude =(

haha, i've always thought of this, but never done it. Want to see someone else do it though....so it's on them if it buggers up..haha.

engine is on a stand so I don't think the starter motor trick will work too well.

Unless you have access to a good compressor and big rattle gun, the old fashioned way is the way to do it. With enough leverage you can undo anything.

flywheel bolts (make sure they are at least 1cm into the crank) and a strong enough bar will brace it. Then put an extension on the end of the breaker bar and off you go. those round galvanised fence posts make a great extension. You probably want to use a fairly short breaker bar is it will be stronger so just put a bigger bar over a short breaker bar.

Also, as well as encouraging it with a tap on the bolt's nose, you could also give it a quick tighten as well. If you can move it a fraction you will break the 15yo seal, then go back to loosening


that was one stubborn pulley bolt to say the least!

Called a good mate that owns a workshop and got the biggest dam impact wrench i have ever seen!

Still took a good minute or two drilling away, but got the bastard in the end!



thanks for the help guys!


Hehe I was going to say use an electric, industrial strength impact gun (shits all over air tools). After 2 days of pulling and wiggling, less than a second with the gun and bang off she came. Same gun sheared all my diff bolts straight out of my old BW78 series diff!

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