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Alright got the day off and decided to do some work on my skyline...heres what i did:

Put a vent in the bonnet (mainly for looks but hey might help keep things cool)

re-sprayed the front grill.

re-sprayed alot of the interior.

I think it came up alright, let me know ur thoughts : )

Oh and with the vent yeah i know its frowned upon but i havnt touched any support bars just the top sheet.





Edited by nikr33turb
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with your bonnet vent won't the edges of the sheet metal just rust now or did you seal it as well...?

Your pretty game cutting into your bonnet like that I wouldn't have the guts knowing what it would cost to replace.

Its right above your air intake and I'm guessing your have a pod filter, yes, what happens when it rains? unless of course you have your pod enclosed but then why would you need an intake there....

I have a vented fibreglass bonnet with a vent near the airintake like that but its not flat, it would only get water in when moving and then it has a bit of a draining area.... I can't imagine how much water would get in if left out in the rain like that....then you have a wet pod...

interior looks ok... but woah that grill.... I dunno

^ agree with above

Yeh i hoped you sealed the edges cos its gonna rust. And its going to get water into your pod if you have one. Dont see that it would keep under bonnet temps down at all in that position. Perhaps if you just want the look you could seal up underneath somehow. i dunno. I give you credit for having the balls to cut your bonnet but its not something i would do.

Interior plastics look cheap

Grill looks good to me.

+1 for having the balls to chop up a perfectly good bonnet :D

you realise that vent isnt drawing any air in, right? its just flat, and all the air will flow right over it. so the only real benefit is that some hot air might escape through it. but then being where it is, and such a small area, i doubt it.

Yeah ive sealed all the edges and have a cover that just goes over the top of the pod so rain shouldnt be a prob..and i want a carbon fibre bonnet so i figure if something does go wrong then i have a good excuse lol

It looks cool. Altho it looks weird with just a random vent, you should cut some more, or at least one on the other side, altho ur fuse box is there, so not a good thing. But it looks good, and that grill is so cool. Nice interior, I'm looking at doing something like that on the long weekend! Good work, I wouldnt have the balls to cut a perfectly good bonnet either!! Even if I was going to change it later on

Sorry to say, but that bonnet vent looks tacky. Obvious "backyard job".

If you wanted an excuse to splurge on the CF item,... you should of just invented one rather than hack into a perfectly good bonnet,.. but each to his own.

The front grill looks ok, you should get CF dash surrounds instead to match your future CF bonnet. Would look much better.

I don't agree. The interior matches the exterior, and draws it all together. But as you said, eash to their own.

Nick, do you have any close up photos of the interior painting? I'm interested to see how well it is, because everytime a car comes into work with painted highlights, it looks like shit! I want to do it myself, but being a perfectionist, it must be perfect!

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