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Rb25det Questions

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Just thought of something else regarding insurance: Since you're young, get your MUM or DAD to insure the car under his name, with you listed as a secondary (/occasional) driver. Should come out cheaper. Works with NRMA, should work with other places.

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Also you dont need rods mate.

I ran 370rwkw with $150 GTR Rods. 2k for rods in motor thats gonna see 300rwkw is a grave waste of money :)

Dont have time for a massive reply at present, might later when i get home with more details on things

Sl33py - don't give out legal advice dude..

Well, it was good enough for NRMA to pay up. They take the youngest driver into account when quoting, it would be a little more than if it was just the older person. Noone should make legal decisions based on what a bunch of car enthusiasts in a forum say :) Besides, NRMA won't touch him or that car.

Quick question Racebreed, and im not trying to make fun of you. Have you ever been in a skyline with 300rwkw? If not why did you choose this number?

300rwkw in a skyline is a lot of power, and for you to jump from your previous cars to the skyline is going to be a big enough power upgrade. Once you get used to this, add some more power, maybe 200rwkw, once you get used to this and want more, maybe aim for 250rwkw and see how you like it. Don't just randomly pick 300rwkw when you have no idea what it feals like. A sudden mistake in a car with that much power will see you kick out and spin the car, trust me, i've been in plenty of cars with that much power or even more (dads monaro has 370rwkw) and when pushing them to the limit it takes a lot of concentration and skill to not get urself killed.

Your budget is not going to allow you to get all the mods you have listed like many people have said. When you consider everything you will need to make the car with that much power not be a ticking time bomb or the rest of the car not being able to keep up (ie suspension, brakes, diff, clutch).

Just don't rush into anything and get used to your own car before you set out to get a number on a dyno sheet for bragging rights but not being able to actually control the car when your in it.

Just my 2cents worth.

Just thought of something else regarding insurance: Since you're young, get your MUM or DAD to insure the car under his name, with you listed as a secondary (/occasional) driver. Should come out cheaper. Works with NRMA, should work with other places.

no offence sleepy but that dosnt work, and dont even waste ur time, oldest trick in the book and all insurance companies go by the youngest driver.

as for Racebreed, i came on this forum about 2 years ago askn the same thing. how much is a r34, wat mods do wat, and just talkn up the forums all the time. my cars about a few days away cummin out with a full built motor expectnn close to 380rwkw.

my advice is do the basics 1st.

cooler/bod/exhaust/ect ect. This will give u abount roughly 200rwkw, quite a good amount of punch, if ur not happy with that, THEN go for the big 300.

wheels are your choice i no alot of ppl spending more money on shitter rims.

the BOV is your option but i would highly recommend against it, firstly yes its wank factor but it sounds like shit so not much to wank about. secondly yes its good wen cops come over but they will look at the thing and will be able to see if its a non factory item, if u honestly wanna get a bov get something else like the hks or greddy. nice sounding bovs, but dont mount it in the factory position. mount it on your cooler piping hiding it from the cops. i dont care wat poeple say but its the best option for someone who wants a atmo bov.

300rwkw is a okai ask on stock internals, alot of ppl refuse to give honest opinions like nismoid who goes around typing shit like "how longs a peice of string" like seriously wtf does that mean to someone who dosnt know anything? (not saying that u dont know aything)

honestly buddy u CAN do 300rwkw EASY, as long as u dont hammer the motor, bouncing off the revlimiter every day ect ect.

the rule of thumb is to keep the engine fresh and healthy, and that means not thrasing the motor, regular services and ull have 300rwkw for years to come. do the opposite and u proberly wont even get 300rwkw, and it will die. turbo will not support 300rwkw just FYI.

as for insurence, its either GIO or Justcars dont bother with this shannos and other crap. give just cars a call and get a quote, and go to GIO and ask them the same thing, mention to GIO that u have a just cars quote for 500 less then what they actually gave u, GIO will beat it i garentee u.

im sitting on a rating 5 with 2500 premium and a exess of 1800. im 19 and on my Ps with a no where innocent lookn car.

but u gotta expect high premiums and excess wen ur young and drive a skyline.

if u need any info on anything buddy shoot us a PM ill be happy to help with anything


Edited by R34NRG

lol, that goin' under parents name thing has been fine and been paid out on every occasion thus far for my family, thanks. And the quote was always different with 1 older driver VS 1 older and 1 younger, I checked. I'm no SK/whoever, so I only say what I know from experience. Anyway it's irrelevent here, as I don't expect it would work with an import, and this was NRMA. Anyway as GTST said in this case, it's most likely JCI or bust. OK, back to OP's topic.

300rwkw is a okai ask on stock internals, alot of ppl refuse to give honest opinions like nismoid who goes around typing shit like "how longs a peice of string" like seriously wtf does that mean to someone who dosnt know anything? (not saying that u dont know aything)

Well it honestly is, if 2 years here hasn’t taught you that then you have learnt very little in your time here.

See other posts from people like URAS and so on, that have actually DONE the work, SEEN results same as myself.

Not just people who've blindly handed over cash to people.

The string comment stands as the variables are infinite. Soooooo many things to take into account.

You cant sit there and unequivocally say its safe. You don’t know that, I don’t know that .

Its wrong to say that it will do it "easy" when he knows no better as a new user, and its not "easy" at all.

Time and time again i've seen people come along with "i want 300rwkw", 8 outta 10 times the owners NEVER get there because they realise the costs of it all (upwards of 15k). And then the few that do get there either live on perfectly, or end up around a pole.

as for Racebreed, i came on this forum about 2 years ago askn the same thing. how much is a r34, wat mods do wat, and just talkn up the forums all the time. my cars about a few days away cummin out with a full built motor expectnn close to 380rwkw.

380rwkw up from a basic stocker?

Dude... i hope you've also learnt to have respect for cars in the last 2 years otherwise you've gonna total be in yet another 'bingle'...

380rwkw demands total respect or it will kill you. Same with 300rwkw, kill you before you know it.

Hell i nearly killed myself with 250rwkw driving home from work one night in a big downpour.

19 IMO is too young, your not level headed enough nor had the experience.

So i do hope you drive safely ALL the time and never succumb to "mates" egging you on because lets face it, 18-22 "shit" happens too easily.

Well it honestly is, if 2 years here hasn’t taught you that then you have learnt very little in your time here.

See other posts from people like URAS and so on, that have actually DONE the work, SEEN results same as myself.

Not just people who've blindly handed over cash to people.

so wat? does it make me inferior to u that i work and go to uni 6 days a week to not actually have the time to hang around a mechs shop taking notes on everything thats happened?

since when did a drivers opinion not count due to the number of hours his spent under the hood?

The string comment stands as the variables are infinite. Soooooo many things to take into account.

You cant sit there and unequivocally say its safe. You don’t know that, I don’t know that .

Its wrong to say that it will do it "easy" when he knows no better as a new user, and its not "easy" at all.

Time and time again i've seen people come along with "i want 300rwkw", 8 outta 10 times the owners NEVER get there because they realise the costs of it all (upwards of 15k). And then the few that do get there either live on perfectly, or end up around a pole.

wats stopping me from saying its unsafe? if i throw u a fresh healthy motor i would have without a doubt ud be able to give me the numbers, yes there are "variables" that may account to it not hittn the numbers but where the hell are u gonna draw the line? wat???? a whales gonna come crashing down from the heavens causing severe damage to my car forcing it to not run?

puh-lease.........the motors expected to make the numbers, UNLESS something unexpected happens.....

380rwkw up from a basic stocker?

Dude... i hope you've also learnt to have respect for cars in the last 2 years otherwise you've gonna total be in yet another 'bingle'...

380rwkw demands total respect or it will kill you. Same with 300rwkw, kill you before you know it.

Hell i nearly killed myself with 250rwkw driving home from work one night in a big downpour.

fair enough input there, im one to defiently agree that any amount of power in the wrong hands is lethal. but lets leave the consequences to me okai?

19 IMO is too young, your not level headed enough nor had the experience.

So i do hope you drive safely ALL the time and never succumb to "mates" egging you on because lets face it, 18-22 "shit" happens too easily.

although it may not seem like it im not one to plant my foot everytime my mates rev me on.....im just not like that. i am responsible where its needed.....

but ill give u this one, shit does happen to easily, but for my sake i hope ur wrong....

in no disrespect meant buddy but i honestly rkn your Dr.Phil style replies to questions is abit over the top. maybe its because ur a mod and u see more then u should of stupid questions but i rkn this forum needs to lose this arrogant "peice of string" style comments. this is a forum for fellow skyline-ers to share there exp with one another, not negative bs.

so wat? does it make me inferior to u that i work and go to uni 6 days a week to not actually have the time to hang around a mechs shop taking notes on everything thats happened

It does make you inferior in understanding the stuff you would have been taking notes on. How don't you get this?

Personally i'd be pretty nervous telling people their stock RB25 will handle 300 wheel kW easily.

It does make you inferior in understanding the stuff you would have been taking notes on. How don't you get this?

it dosnt mean my opinion dosnt count.

Personally i'd be pretty nervous telling people their stock RB25 will handle 300 wheel kW easily.

well your a pussy, and i pray satin dosnt eat your children

come on are u guys serious? ur all telln me a stock rb25 will not handle 300kw? maybe the word "easily" is being misunderstood, but basicly what im trying to say is treat the motor well, and ull get wat u want.

theres plenty of ppl pusshin 300+ on stock internals....

heres a good 10 pages worth of proof.


like uras said

ive seen cars make that power for years.... and others last only a few months, there are just too many variables to answer it simply. Tune, oil, kms etc all play a part in longevity.

i dont see any reason why a rb25 will refuse to make 300 if everythign is in good nick

Edited by R34NRG
it dosnt mean my opinion dosnt count.

You're playing with people's money. At 300 wheel kW you have to know what you're doing to keep the engine alive. This guy has written off 2 low powered cars, is not yet off his Ps and wants a RWD car with too much power. He will blow the engine up. And then he will come back whinging that you told him it was 'easy'.

and i pray satin dosnt eat your children

What is this supposed to mean?

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