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Anyone Been Pulled Over By Plain Clothes Police In An Unmarked Car?

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Doesn't neccesarily sound sus to me yet.

Points are:

- You never asked them to show ID... and pulled over to an unmarked.

- Whole are/arent police is debateable ye, but blue lights, ID tags (that you didnt ask to see), NEW undercover car (if it was one)

The officers would have been upto any kind of investigation and you might well have been thought to be a suspect they might have been looking for.

Without asking to see thier ID, there isnt much more to this thread bar speculation of what could have been.

Ringing one Police Station wont neccesarily get an answer right away either, they could be from any station/department depending on the nature of investigations. Hell, you probably wont get back more than "it was part of routine investigation".

Rule #1 - NEVER pull over to an unmarked if you dont believe them to be Police.

Rule #2 - Always ask for ID.

Ya broke both of them :)

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They were Dees, Detectives and you were mistaken for a drug dealer that's all.

That's what I was thinking, and agree with Nismoid.

Although you can't count out the fact they may have been dodgy!

Always pays to be careful, it's not that hard to get a flashing blue light...and print out a id tag.

I with the two boys above, you fitted a description (or stereotype) of somone the cops were looking for. Car theives would not risk showing their faces, they would just follow you and watch where you park.

yeah, but as stated - there was something hanging around their necks :ermm:

You cant discount something if you didn't ask about it... also thinking more... pretty ridiculous for thiefters to be driving a ute around.

Doesnt make for a quick get away, or a 'common' car like a commo/ford/mitsu etc.

My guess is you were probably pulled over by DTU members which are uniform members who do temporary stints of 12-18 months is small local divisional squads looking at drug dealers and other ongoing problems in area. Always plain clothes and plain vehicle generally not fitted with siren. They generally don't carry PBT with them and aren't generally interested in traffic offences probably would have pulled you over due to information received on suspicious activites in area with similiar car to yours.

I highly doubt that they were CIU as I have never seen them in cars other than Holden/ford sedans or station wagon.

My guess would be if they were up to no good they would have done something at that time as have had car thieves posing as police before but they act at the time not take down details and search through vehicle.

You did right thing calling local police to check as they will/should know or be able to find out who checked your car and if legit which is probaly most likely or keep a look out for this vehicle if not legit.

Also if we have operations on we have general duty uniform police in plain cars with plain clothes which I have done a number of times. The only thing out of ordinary for me is the vehicle used as I haven;t seen many of them in use but more likely to be used by DTU as don't look like police vehicle when staking out addresses etc.

i rekon it was drug cops as graeme and others have suggested, they asked the right questions to be, not traffic related but offence related, plus they are aloud to be fully undercover car and everything. Plus the blue light is dead give-away personally i would have pulled over and had a chat for a min but wouldn't have handed my licence or popped my boot unless i knew they were def copz but sometime u dont realise in the heat of the moment.

Prob looked like a suspect.

either that or it was drug theives, got told a black skyline or whatever u drive, just picked up a big load and put in trunk, and they trying to jack it off you, hence the blue light to check for traces, the ute to carry it.

you never know they also coulda been aliens. :ermm: its late night

Ringing one Police Station wont neccesarily get an answer right away either, they could be from any station/department depending on the nature of investigations. Hell, you probably wont get back more than "it was part of routine investigation".

Rule #1 - NEVER pull over to an unmarked if you dont believe them to be Police.

Rule #2 - Always ask for ID.

Ya broke both of them :ermm:

To elaborate on that one a little more... Dont just not pull over and dont just take off obviously just continue driving in a normal fashion... most police would advise that if you are unsure because it is unmarked then you should wait until you get to a well lit and very public area ie. a petrol station at night etc and as someone has mentioned, call the police and get them on the phone straight away, they will be able to check while your driving and assist you on what to do if your not sure.

Ive only ever been pulled over by an unmarked once before, but they showed me their ID straight away.

I work on Chapel Street and late last year was pulled over by plain clothed cops in an unmarked white VY SS commodore. I see them around every weekend and they seem to be mainly interested in drug related activities as they are always hovering around Windsor station and will often pull over and have a ciggy next to the car and watch what people around the station are doing. They also occasionally seem to pull people over. (I witnessed them impound a car doing a burnout in front of Windsor Station)

I wouldnt be too worried but I have been pulled over by a dude posing a cop before. I got pulled over by a dude wearing thongs who showed me no ID and just abused me for speeding. I thought I heard a house/car alarm going off and then looked in the rear view to see a mid 90's Toyota Landcruiser with blue and red lights on the bull bar. After abusing me for speeding he told me to "f**k off" and left. It was only at that point that it all clicked and I realised he wasn't a real cop because:

- he had an old 4WD and not a late model car/4WD

- the siren sounded like a car alarm and not a police siren

- he had no uniform or ID

- didn't ask to see my license

- he didn't fine me for speeding just abused me for 5 minutes.

So yeah beware if you see an older model black Landcruiser with a odd sounding siren trying to pull you over.

Ive been pulled up by a carload of unmarked cops in an unmarked car..I actually came level wtih them...looked over at them..thought NOTHING of it..and kept on going...then flash flash haha

They usually have one of those little metal ball chains on with a badge...

So it was legit in my situation..your situation sounds fairly dodgy though.

ok, update...

rang Sth Melb police station last night. Sort of interested, sort of disinterested...

basically, it wasn't a type of car they recognised for unmarked cars, said it wasn't their's.

Also thought the i.d. around the neck on an orange lanyard was strange.

Person i spoke to said it could be any number of people, and the following were mentioned.


Port Authority

Fisheries & Wildlife

To me, i would have thought all 3 would have had marked cars, so i'm thinking it's none of those.

When the guy was shining the light in my face, he seemed to be studying my eyes i thought... which made me think at the time, they probably think i've got drugs. So i'm tending to agree with the people who think it might be drug related.

Person at the police station also mentioned that it could be any number of operations being conducted in the area, but they are not privy to that kind of knowledge.

So yeah, could have been some issues recently in the area, and some drug related op is currently ongoing, who knows.

And in regards to rules?? Stopping at a red light is a traffic rule. Always asking for badge number at the such, that's not a rule. How many people here honestly ask for a badge i.d. EVERY time they get pulled over?

A lot of people seem to be replying in the sense that i can jump in a time machine and go back in time :P Please, 99% of people on here would just cooperate in a situation like that, for fear they'll get hit with something trivial or matters taken further just for showing "attitude".

I'm thinking it was a drug patrol, and really... if someone wanted my address, there are probably easier, less elaborate ways of getting it.

if someone wanted my address, there are probably easier, less elaborate ways of getting it.

Hope you got your car garaged at night all locked up

I have never not asked for a badge number or name and everytime it gets written down.. along with the rego.. this has actually helped me in my upcomign court hearing the officer who pulled me over seems to think he had another male officer with him at the ime but it was actually a female..

but yes I do acknowledge that in a situation such as yours I would have been a bit taken back and unsure what to do either..

I have never not asked for a badge number or name and everytime it gets written down.. along with the rego.. this has actually helped me in my upcomign court hearing the officer who pulled me over seems to think he had another male officer with him at the ime but it was actually a female..

i second that.

since that story i read on the forums about that 300zx guy getting beat down on by cops i never pull over on freeways or lonely roads, never park in small streets either, i always park in areas with high visability just incase soemthign happens. just make sure that u always give some sort of indication that u are pulling over or at least achologing that u know that they are there. one of my mates just kept driving with the intention on pulling over when it was safe. the cop ripped the door open and kicked the shit outta my mate. long story short they ended up making a deal to not report it, in exchange for not towing away his car for doing burnouts.

tru story.

always ask for badge numbers and always write down rego.

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