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P plater clocked @ 176km/h in an s14 200sx!! [MERGED]

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Originally posted by red17

I cant believe anyone on here would defend 170km/h in a 60 zone as "hes doing it because he knows he can" and "hes got a better car therefore he should be allowed to"  


There is no other phrase to describe the above act than "ABSOLUTE F'UCKING STUPIDITY". As for the "oh and i suppose youve never gone over the limit" crowd, get real. Theres a big difference between doing 70 in a 60 and 170 in a 60.  

Anyone who defends this f'ucking muppet deserves the same punishment he gets.  



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but man, how would u feel gettin caught doing that.

should give him a break about it.

how cut would he feel, he still has his licence after that...until it came on front page telegraph and Ray Hadley the prick started to call RTA and some Cop guy and got him off the road immediatly.

Man thats slack

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I refuse to "give a break" to someone who does something as stupid as this. As far as im concerned he should be catching the bus for life.

I realise the media suck and the way were portrayed within it is never good. But at the end of the day, he still did 170 in a 60. This fact wasnt a creation by the media.


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As far as I know the road was in a residential area hence the 60km/h limit if you lose it at 176km/h you are going to do ALOT of damage and there is a high chance there is gonna be someone around. you hit a pothole and you are gone and so is anyone else in your path. The guy is a retard and deserves to lose his licence for a VERY long time there is a time and place for going that fast....its call the race track.

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Airds Rd is not a residential area, it's a industrial area. Trucks go about their business 24hrs a day.

I'm finding it hard to feel sorry for someone who commited a very serious traffic offence. Sure the media beat it up, but that's cause he was way over the limit. That's just the story the media would love to beat up and he gave them the opportunity.

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Yes i have attempted to find the limits of my car, on a seculeded road at nite where i know no one is around. And if i go for a run, ill do a drive bye to ensure their is no other cars around.

The fact of this matter is that it was a residentual road. Anyone could pull out of a side street, shops etc, and most drivers only glance to their left to make sure the road is clear, then pull out.

So a driver goin 170+ is goin to approach this car that pulled out very fast, and i would assume the P plater would then panic and lock up and bang, who knows how many lives are gone.

This guy should take for granted that he didnt kill anyone. ITs harsh that hes ****ed now, but in all honesty, i wouldnt want someone goin that fast on a road that im pullin into.

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Secluded road is still dangerous Enrico. The chances of wildlife straying out onto the road is very high. Imagine hitting a possum or a wallaby, even a cat at that speed. Disastrous results !

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well well, thanks to this guy the general public has gone bonkers and the cops have to make it out that they're hard at work. So what are they doing?


It's going to suck but the good side of this is that it even applies to drink drivers.

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Whats the story with the cops bending us over all the time? I thought Australia was a democracy, yet they get stupid laws passed all the time & we all just bend over & take it! I was told a story about when they tried to make not wearing a helmet on a motorbike in the USA illegal & lots of people jumped up & down and they got it thrown out yet we can get booked in Victoria for a couple of kph over the limit when according to the adr's car speedo's don't even have to be that accurate! So why do we we take it?

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My thoughts are that if you feel the need to drive at those speeds (most of us here do) and you are going to do it on a public road at least do it somewhere out of the city where you can see along way ahead and make sure no one else is around. I couldnt care less what danger people put themselves in when it wont harm anyone other than themselves.

The point with the media is also very valid. 176kmh is easily reachable in a falcon or a decent little 2litre hatch. I dont see how calling it a lethal missile and so on is really adding anything to the story. If some of you can remember maybe 6 months ago or more a guy around 20 or so died sadly in a crash in sydney's southwest if i remeber correctly. The reports were all over the tv and new papers saying how he was street racing in his high powered nissan skyline GTR. Then in most of the papers was a list of lethal cars and a slight description. ie WRX, 0-100 in 5.4seconds and available for as little as $20,000). The thing about the story was there were pictures of the crashed car and it was just and old r31 silhouette, turned out to be his parents car apparently.

I think more often than not the media looks for good headlines first and an accurate report second.

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Oh well shit happens id say! ive done 180km/h few times on road in Melbourne's Hume Highway in 3am... No car was around, so i thought i might as well do what ever i can, unfortunitly it got stuck at 180km/h coz of the limiter... Theirs a place and time for everything, i wouldnt be doing more than 100km/h in a 60 zone! and yet again 100 is still fast in a 60 zone coz a car might come out from a intersection!

Just remeber this, your allways in a Risk when your speeding! Last Year in Melbourne, their was this VL Turbo, this car was worked of its nuts! It would blow 90% of the people in this forum, (even though i hate to admit it coz i realy hate VL Turbos) anywayz, some people might know him as Rajab brothers, he was dragging some guy in Bell St, a street which has mini shops on it, and he lost control dont know how and slammed the car into the pole and died immediately!

He worked on his car so much it ended up his life! Cars are made from plastic, fibreglass and cheap matterials those days and easy to die in! Any car is a lethal material!

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