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Lakeside Track Days

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When I was speaking to Keith he asked me to make it street cars and under 92db. I guess if you had a race car that was at that level it might be ok.

To clarify all these questions etc, I asked Keith to setup noise testing at my March 25 track day. So the guys who are booked into that day can get their cars tested and clarify any questions.


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92dB Huh.

Thats about the level of a Stock HSV or XR8 Falcon.

Might have to get one of those exhaust butterflys for when I go past the Tower :whistling:

But In All seiousness if they have to keep turning cars away/kick them out no-one will end up going because I for one dont want to drive an hour to Brissy Pay my money only to be kicked off because I was a couple of decibels to loud and some old Hag had a whinge.

I wouldnt be going back.

good, more space for us guys who aren't afraid of fitting a muffler.

you're missing the point - how often do you hear about a racetrack re-opening? never! particularly one that was closed primarily to limit noise to nearby residents! If you're not prepared to quieten your car down, don't go there at all. You'll just be ruining it for everyone. All those people who worked so hard to get it re-opened in the first place. And all of us who have been waiting so long for it to re-open so we could drive one of the best racetracks around again. If you don't want to quieten your car down, stick to QR and other venues. There'll be no shortage of real enthusiats who will do whatever it takes to run their cars at Lakeside. Fitting an extra muffler is hardly the end of the world. If you don't think the trade-off is worthwhile, you've obviously never driven there.

There were plenty of modified cars there the other week that were OK for noise. Porsche GT3 RSR's (not exactly slow cars), a screaming Ferrari 360, a couple of older porsche racecars, a couple of turbo rotaries, and lots of other things. You don't need to be loud to be fast.

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Well said, and I totally agree. If anyone's not willing to quieten their car, please don't go at all. The last thing the track needs is anyone turning up with a bad attituded and then putting a turn on because they're then asked to leave due to noise.

As Harry says, the track is worth toning your car down a little, and I don't really think having a 92db sound level exhaust is that difficult to achieve on turbo cars that most of us here run anyway.

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In the grand scheme of things a couple of decent mufflers won’t drastically reduce your HP by that much anyway. Make the difference up in improving you’re driving skills and play with tires and suspension to suit the track.

People have put so much time and effort into getting Lakeside re-opened, something so trivial like a 92db limit wont stop people adhering to it, too just get out there and race again.

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Let me clarify here (I was half asleep when I posted)

I am all for Lakeside Raceway and to those who got it up and running again congratulations.

What I was trying to get at is I wouldnt be really happy if I went up there And then got kicked off for being a couple of dB to loud....I could understand if i turned up with straight pipes.

I feel as though Lake Side would be missing out on potential customers/Entrants due to the fact that there is a relativly low noise limit and no doubt they (like myself) be a little nervous of losing the entry fee (not to mention the cost of getting the car ready for a track day).

I think somthing along the lines, that if a car is just over the limit let them run that one track day but let them know that next time they want to run the car will have to be under the noise limit.

Common sense should prevail here, If a car is bull shit loud then dont let it run but as above if its close just give them a warning and record what car it was.

Sorry for the long post.

I just really want to run a Lakeside :blink:


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Fair enough, but surely your car isn't even close to that noise level is it?

I'm sure the track organisers would give a little leeway on the noise, even if it's just alerting you that you're really close to or just over the limit, giving you the opportunity to ease off past the meter....

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I dont think its over the level and Im guessing that the meter is a fair way off the track aswell unlike police testing where they just about stick the meter up the tail pipe.

If a 911 RSR or a Rotary can pass then I and most other Turbo cars should be able to.

Another thing.

Does lakeside run Saturday Arvo sprints or similar like QR? I cant really get off work to run in the Timeattack events During the week.

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My first day there will be a Saturday in April, but after that I will probably go to running weekdays as normal. We will have to see how it pans out.

I don't think the track will be run as two half day events like QR, as access during the day has limited hours and isn't really worth dividing in half.

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My first day there will be a Saturday in April, but after that I will probably go to running weekdays as normal. We will have to see how it pans out.

I don't think the track will be run as two half day events like QR, as access during the day has limited hours and isn't really worth dividing in half.

Let me know when the day - if there is any places left count me in.



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When I was speaking to Keith he asked me to make it street cars and under 92db. I guess if you had a race car that was at that level it might be ok.

To clarify all these questions etc, I asked Keith to setup noise testing at my March 25 track day. So the guys who are booked into that day can get their cars tested and clarify any questions.


I am looking forward to the March 25th trackday for two reasons now!

really want to see what kind of db my car registers. Would love to come to the first timeattack dat at Lakeside.

some reason I dont think I will make it under the restriction.


Edited by wrxkilla
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to be honest, I think if there is a track day with 20 brad new suzuki swifts there will be complaints. Its going to happen regardless of noise in my opinion...


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Half of my thinks its great that they were able to come to an agreement with the council to open the track...


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It is the same people who buy a house under an air path and complain. The part I don't get is how they get their way. People will unjustly complain about anything, its when someone listens to them is the part that makes no sense. You get one winger who somehow can ruin it for everyone else.

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I have opened the bookings to the regulars who come to most track days (thus why I picked Feb 5, march 25, paid members, sponsors) as a thankyou for their loyalty to the Time Attack day. Thanks guys.

After the March 25th track day all remaining spots will be open to the rest of the group. I have started a waiting list for these spots so send me an email if you want on the waiting list.

At this stage access to Lakeside is limited, as you know, so I feel I should look after my regular drivers first.


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