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[group Buy] Acpt Carbon Fibre Tailshafts Any Model! $1400us

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Wow, what a read.

Fingers crossed all this gets sorted. Bad luck for the thread starter, he will probably never attempt such a thing again. However, organising a group buy is a whole lot of effort on one persons shoulders for no gain personally, so chin up hopefully this shamozzle wont put you off them forever :thumbsup:

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New shaft is on its way currently, will let you all know of the outcome. Better be balanced properly...

sweet good news! glad you got your problems sorted, i think alot of us are still yet to try them? i should do it soon but i am going to take it to a balancing shop before i attempt to use the shaft considering the problems that have happened.

as for the last post.. your right! i feel bad for dragging everyone into this mess!! i thought a carbon shaft would be a good addition to my pile of parts.. wasnt i wrong!

Yes but does it fit...is it balanced..

I'm too paranoid to take mine out of the box...tailshaft balance shops are as rare as hens teeth over here. Anyone i ask here just give me a stupid look and ask ,why did you buy an unbalanced shaft??

Andrew ..not your problem mate...reckon its pretty dodgy customer relations from ACPT, the been great on the emails but bloody slow as for delivery. At least its not as slow as an engine build, my engine still hasnt come back from maching but any day now..

This week i'll be refitting my stock shaft to see if this vibration goes away. Part of me hopes it does..... Part of me hopes it doesnt. If it does another long cardboard box will be on ACPT's doorstep. :).

Shaft is out. Stock shaft is in. Vibration gone. ACPT is getting their shaft back.

For the guys that have sent their back... how did you go about this? Who did you speak to? How much was postage?

shit this aint looking good, i'm not sure if anyone sent theirs back yet??

i'm going to bite the bullet when i have a bit of spare money and go get it balanced..

Andrew. Are you going to get your balanced here in Australia? (If it is out... Hopefully it isnt). What happens if you get it balanced here and somehow it breaks in half. Will ACPT come to the party seeing that you modified their product? We shouldnt have to get these things balanced.

Food for thought :)

My god, what a read! I feel so sorry for you guys and especially you Andrew, your a good bloke for keeping your head up, most people would have just given up. Hopefully this all gets sorted out, but damn, what a bunch of f***ing c***s is the US for pulling this shit. Fully agree that they are lucky they are not in Aus......

Edited by PM-R33
Andrew. Are you going to get your balanced here in Australia? (If it is out... Hopefully it isnt). What happens if you get it balanced here and somehow it breaks in half. Will ACPT come to the party seeing that you modified their product? We shouldnt have to get these things balanced.

Food for thought :)

perhaps just get it checked to see if it is out of balance or not..

theres a balancing shop round the corner from me in bankstown, when and if i ever get my motor back and installed i will take the shaft there once i have the car running. i want to do a before/after comparison

but this is problably a few months off now..

Yeah I'm the same Andrew, just got my block done now head has been sent off for maching so gunna be at least 6 weeks and probably early may sometime befor it all goes into the car. Finding a tailshaft balancer is like a needle in a hay stack here.

Well the light at the end of the tunnel seems to be the sun and not a locomotive. The Shaft spun up well and the dimensions are within spec but....

At the front, a ring had to be machined up to sit between the adaptor and the locator on the front of the shaft. The adaptor supplied didn't locate on the front of the shaft very well as it would have only been bolted on through the 4 nuts and bolts.


More nonsense on the rear. The adaptor supplied (right hand side) was machined up to locate on the centre of the tin plate on the end of the tail shaft. The adaptor that was machined locally (left hand side) locates using the outside of the shaft.


Now comes the good part. :wave:

What's the good part Mr Keets??

How much did that all cost to be machined up???

I've got buckleys chance of getting it done here in ping pong land!

^ Mark. The good part??? it's finished and the car drives. Cost, a lot less than it's going to cost you in Japan lol. Let me know if you need something machined mate

Well this is it guys... JOB DONE !!!11ty!!!

Run 60 = 430.5 pre shaft, original tune from the middle of last year

Run 63 = 428 Shaft installed...running fat

Run 67 = 433.9 Shaft installed...basic tune, probably more in it but this isn't for sheep stations.

It's hard to say if it feels different as I haven't driven the R for quite a while. But the comparison says it does. Was it worth it? lol. Personally I believe if you continue to pursue the small gains, especially the more cost effective ones :banana: , they add up to decent gains. Well that's the plan anyway



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