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Sqeaking On Start Up / Low Idle


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hey guys, this only happens on a COLD start, as soon as I start the car i would get a squeaking noise for about 10-15seconds then stop. This ONLY happens on a cold start and sounds like a belt squeaking?

This 2nd problem is not related to the 1st. The problem is that i get low idles sometimes, looks to be about 550rpm, I beleive the correct idle range is 700rpm, and at other times i would get HIGH idles, around 1500-2000rpm, this dosen't happen ALL the time but does occasionally. Also Sometimes when i start the car, (dosen't happen on cold starts), the idle would seem to want to die but kick itself up then become stable. I read somewhere this COULD be from a split vacuum hose? but i am unsure.

Any pointers guys?

I drive an NA r33 gts4

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for the 2nd problem, you could probably try cleaning the AAC valve.

There is a thread in the DIY forum on how to do it. A lot of members have had good results after cleaning it.

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The hunting is normal. The limits might be a bit extreme which means as above, clean your AAC and maybe even your AFM - use electrical contact cleaner for AFM and carby cleaner for AAC. Check for any air leaks with hot soapy water through any vaccum hoses

That noise is definately your belt. tighten it, spray on crc, or replace it (do others at same time)

Edited by Jmaac
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Has anyone actually solved the cold start problems (low idle, having to stab the throttle to start in the worst case, high pitch sqeals) in skylines. I did a quick search and found heaps of threads on this, everyone says to clean the AFM and AAC but this does not cure it

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i actually get a similar 'cold start ' effect when i havent fired her up for a good 3 days or more. When i first crank it over, revs will bog down under 300rpm for a split second or two and will then hunt its way up and up. I dont reckon its too much of an issue Matt, unless your car actually dies (on repeated occasions) if you dont stab the accelerator.

I did also have the squeeling belt problem too; tightening the belt up did get rid of the problem. That squeeling doesnt sound too nice ay!

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The sqealing was horrible, mine only did it when I would crank it over too long trying to cold start smoother, I had a belt replaced recently which was fitted a touch too tight so thats all fixed.

The skyline cold start issue has gone on forever, personally, I have to give it throttle otherwise it catches and splutters between 0-500rpm and will never rev up but yeah it isn't much of an issue

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1st problem

I have this same issue with my car

But, mine just had a major major service done and now starts to do it

So im suspect the belts are a bit loose,

they were all replaced and now are new!

but yeah i think i need to take it in to have them tightened up

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