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Nistune Powerfc Hks Fcon Haltech Ems Link Ecu Etc Real Time Road Tune And Dyno Tune Available In Sydney And Other State

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NISTUNE , Power Fc ,HKS FCON , Haltech, EMS, link stc all nissan R32 R33(R33 ECU) R34 Stagea Silvia 300ZX etc daughter board REMAP ECU road tune and dyno tune available in Sydney.

NISTUNE PRICE (using nistune software and nistune board)


R32 Z32 $1000 R34 stagea silvia $1000 R33 $1250 include modify Z32 ecu

to include nistune board and fitting nistune board also road tune and dyno tune.

real time REMAP tune PRICE (using nistune software and chip)
Please read how to tune R33 ecu.



R33 $900

to include install and fitting chip and socket (ECU exchange) with road tune and dyno tune.

Real time remap Road tune only.(include modify ECU and chip or daughter board.Not nistune board)

R32,Z32from $820
R33 from $900

REMAP AND NISTUNE is same performance.(both NISSAN factory ECU tune)

This price is basic tune only.
Full tune engine is extra.

How to tune on road

I will fit wideband air fuel ratio meter(same dyno machine O2 sensor), and lap top computer, Gizzmo KMon Knock Monitor & Analysisor,before we leave the house.


While the customer is driving,I will sit in the passenger with my laptop.
Start with 2nd gear, winding up from 2000rpm-5000rpm to check car condition and datalog.
I will make fuel and timing map then 2nd gear again to check air fuel ratio and engine knock.
After making rough map on 2nd gear we will go to small mountain then tune for engine response and power feel.
I will drive my self then make responsive map.
Next we will go to freeway .With 3rd/4th gear, we will be running on freeway from 2000rpm-3000rpm to check engine response and engine knock.
Then next 3000rpm-4000rpm ,this will be repeated in increments of 1000rpm.If we find flat spot , slow response , laggy,engine knock etc I will fix and tune on freeway.
After that is done, we will go to dyno shop. I will tune fuel and timing map on dyno.

Take all day.


Walbro 255l/hr Fuel Pump
3 inch turbo back exhaust
Air Pod

208kw at 12-13psi

Walbro 255l/hr Fuel Pump
3 inch turbo back exhaust
Air Pod


R33GTS-T STD turbo 196kw at 11psi and 207kw at 12psi AFR12

R34 RB25Neo
V-Power 98
GCG hi flow turbo
Standard internals
3in exhaust + dump
stainless turbo manifold
Apexi front mount Delta type
Z32 air flow meter
Splitfire coils NGK plugs
STD injectors
Walbro fuel pump

GCG hiflow turbo 277Kw


GCG turbo
RB25 Standard internals
Front mount inter cooler
Z32 air flow meter
Fuel pump

GCG hiflow turbo 269kw


R33 S2
Unopened RB25 ~100,000km
Hypergear PU Highflow (non SS1)
Blitz return flow FMIC
Splitfire Coils
Metal intake with std airbox
S15 480cc injectors
Gizzmo Boost controller
Xtreme Cushion button clutch

287kw at 19psi


-3" turbo back exhaust
-Hypergear Hiflow 21U housing (R33 turbo hiflow)
-Z32 afm
-Pod filter
-Stock injectors
-Frount mount intercooler
-wolbro fuel pump

263rwkw at 15psi


1) Road tune labor from $600

2) DYNO tune labor from $600

3) ROAD TUNE and DYNO TUNE labor Price from $700

4) Power FC tune road tune plus dyno tune from $700

Im using FC datalogit (tune by laptop pc)

The difference between dyno tune and TOSHI's dyno tune and road tune.

Its very hard to explain but my customer up load to 300zx forum.
300zx customer has quite tactfully summarised what I take pride in when I tune.

Let me quote from his first hand experience
"Funnily enough my mate just bought a 2 seater and has 270 rwkw, got the sheet to prove it and mine has 250 mine feels like it pulls harder from the toshi tune than his and the curve is smoother I can tell you that the mid range in mine is light years apart from his and both have the same mods, maybe his might make a bit more up top but mine feels shitloads quicker and better to drive especially when pulling out of corners."

Basically, importance is placed on practicality. I believe in real power rather than mere numbers.

mail order custom remap ecu for other state



Ph 0410490049
e-mail <script cf-hash='f9e31' type="text/javascript"> /* */</script>

If you are not happy with the performance, I will not charge.

I'd be interested but have an R34 GTT - can you play with air fuel ratio's with the remap or do you still need to buy a SAFC?

I got R34 ECU and doughter board.

So I be able to remap R34.

If you in Sydney , please call to me.


I'd be interested but have an R34 GTT - can you play with air fuel ratio's with the remap or do you still need to buy a SAFC?

Once the remap is done onto your stock ecu and say further down the track you dont like it, can you just take that chip out?

or you have to buy another 33 ecu?

Im very interested in this.

Dyno tune that is. Not to sure if road testing will be what i want, as theres too many factors involved.

Also do you have your own dyno? So it only takes 1 hour?

With this remap done on the dyno, are you able to see if the car is lean or rich and can you adjust these ratios?

Where you located?


Edited by siddr20
I got R34 ECU and doughter board.

So I be able to remap R34.

If you in Sydney , please call to me.


Whats your price on the R34 GTT remap? and can you adjust air/fuel ratio's?

siddr20 thank you for calling.

I sent PM.


I sent PM

Once the remap is done onto your stock ecu and say further down the track you dont like it, can you just take that chip out?

or you have to buy another 33 ecu?

Im very interested in this.

Dyno tune that is. Not to sure if road testing will be what i want, as theres too many factors involved.

Also do you have your own dyno? So it only takes 1 hour?

With this remap done on the dyno, are you able to see if the car is lean or rich and can you adjust these ratios?

Where you located?


Hey Yoshi

I am in Adelaide, with a series 1 automatic 1997 Nissan Stagea awd, with highflow turbo

How could we go about tuning my Stagea using your custom remap chip? I have a fair few mods, with more to go on the car when it is tuned (new 550cc injectors in box, splitfire coilpacks, heavy duty actuator for the highflow turbo, etc).... also using a safc and sitc and z32afm at the moment for a 180kw tune

Was going to go to Jeff at The SpeedLabs, as he does the r33 remap for around $1300 on a dyno I think, but want to hear what you may be able to offer.

edit: can you pm me yoshi with your available options? I generally dont visit this area........

Hi Tangles

My name is toshi

Please tell me how big hi flow turbo.

I be able to HKS GT2530 or 2540.

I think you do not need injector.

Because up to 350 hp is 370cc injector ok.(normal injector is 370cc)

But you need GTR(200 l/min) or other bigger pump.(also Z32 AFM)

Hi subie

I will road tune (about 1-2 hours)after dyno.

So dyno is 1hours (normal turbo) .

Hi mate,

how long u usually take on the dyno for the dyno tuned?

Hi Tangles

My name is toshi

Please tell me how big hi flow turbo.

I be able to HKS GT2530 or 2540.

I think you do not need injector.

Because up to 350 hp is 370cc injector ok.(normal injector is 370cc)

But you need GTR(200 l/min) or other bigger pump.(also Z32 AFM)

hi, Ive sent a PM

sorry for name mistake

I have the Slide highflow turbo (2530 equivelant), z32 afm, 040 bosch fuel pump, currently using a fuel pressure regulator, safc, sitc, etc, as covered in my Pm to you.

Seeing I have the injectors I will be using them.

cheers. Just not sure how to go about this seeing Im in adelaide

Hi Toshi

I have the same prob as Tangles - i am in Perth not Sydney.

I have a 97 Stagea with basic mods and am keen on a re tune.

Any suggestions?



Please send your mads to me.

Thank you

Hi Toshi

I have the same prob as Tangles - i am in Perth not Sydney.

I have a 97 Stagea with basic mods and am keen on a re tune.

Any suggestions?



any chance of coming down to melb? should organize a week for all melbs to get their remaps here.. :)

Hi Toshi,

How about fuel consumption can we adjust that at all cause my car is chewing fuel like a bitch I figure if I can get 75 or 100ks more from a tank this would pay itself off real quick ...

Let me know

Hi ducki.

I do not have chance of coming down to melb now.


Please tell me your mods.

If you are fitting bigger fuel pump Im able to make better fuel consumptiom map.

i will contact you when i organise something but no plans at the moment.

just out of curiosity, how many people are interested in remapping?

and also, if i go up i'd probably have to boost the price abit.

any plans of coming down this year?

Hey guys, just letting you know i met up with Toshi a few days ago and had my ecu remapped. Starting off i had idleing problems and within a very short amount of time he found the source of my problems :laugh: Afterwards he went to some tuning of my car, and what can i say - its running so much nicer now, very smooth power all through the rev range now, instead of flat spots here and there. I've noticed a nice increase in power, and im not chewing through as much petrol as i used to.

I'm only running FMIC, BOV and 3" catback exhaust, however in the next couple of weeks, i will be upgrading the turbo, boost controller etc and will be heading straight back to Toshi for another retune. Thanks for the remap! I recommend him!

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