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Doh Hit A ROO


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Maybe ill make you breakfast.

/on topic sorry.f**k the roos up here in the bush no shit you gotta dodge the bastards at dawn and dusk every time you drive.all my mates up here have wrecked a roo and there car.bull bar on a R34.i might get best custom bodykit at next MAS

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Guest RedLineGTR

well you can either swerve to avoid the roo, you may save it but you may loose your own life depends on the situation. But i guess you have to do what is right in that situation. BUt i Think insurance should cover it but it's never happened to me Yet but ya never know

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Should have thrown it in your boot, at least you would have had dinner covered. ;)

SORRY, to hear buddy. That's the one thing i dread when i do a country trip. Good to hear that you're OK!

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