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hey scotty

i have a rx65 pro, out of warranty now and get the "service required" thing

should i just drop it in to neltronics one day to get it fixed?


Hey Luke,

Yeah... just call the office 1st to make sure I am there.


Need brackets / sticky cups for window....

I love you and need a good touching

Get me drunk again and we will see what I can muster up!!!

Hey Scott, I've got the Vector XR-850, the clip was from the original model I had (can't remember model) they didn't replace that bit, still fits. I find it to sit better on the windscreen.

Hey do you work with Mark and Ramona? say hi if you do, I used to work for Rycom Technology and did work for Neltronics :)

Edited by Pulp
Hey Luke,

Yeah... just call the office 1st to make sure I am there.

Get me drunk again and we will see what I can muster up!!!


Yeah scotty, we'll get you drink again, and let you sleep in the magna...

Hey Scott, I've got the Vector XR-850, the clip was from the original model I had (can't remember model) they didn't replace that bit, still fits. I find it to sit better on the windscreen.

Hey do you work with Mark and Ramona? say hi if you do, I used to work for Rycom Technology and did work for Neltronics :D

Hey, I beleive that would be Dave, that used to have the R33 4dr...

Far out, when you told me you sold your car, didnt realise you got a new skyline..

If scotty can't help you, let me know, and i'll go poke him till he does something....



Hey, I beleive that would be Dave, that used to have the R33 4dr...

Far out, when you told me you sold your car, didnt realise you got a new skyline..

If scotty can't help you, let me know, and i'll go poke him till he does something....



HaHa yep that's me! :)

I miss that R33! :) got me self a V35 now, if I'm in the area some time I'll stop by.

Give Scotty a poke anyway! :D

See ya round!

I don't know if WA police have radar detector detectors, but I'm pretty sure in other states they do since the use of radar detectors are illegal there.

In my experience radar detectors do little in the way to help, by the time they detect a speed camera you've got about half a second to do some braking before it's too late... and i'm not talking about excessive speeding i'm talking about 10km over the limit with no traffic around. You can pretty much forget about it detecting anything with traffic around. Hell I've driven past a few and the thing didn't even beep! That could be my crappy old radar detector, but my brother bought the latest bel-air model last year and he feels the same way about it.

I don't know if WA police have radar detector detectors, but I'm pretty sure in other states they do since the use of radar detectors are illegal there.

In my experience radar detectors do little in the way to help, by the time they detect a speed camera you've got about half a second to do some braking before it's too late... and i'm not talking about excessive speeding i'm talking about 10km over the limit with no traffic around. You can pretty much forget about it detecting anything with traffic around. Hell I've driven past a few and the thing didn't even beep! That could be my crappy old radar detector, but my brother bought the latest bel-air model last year and he feels the same way about it.

WA does not use RDD (radar-detector-detector) technology as there is no law banning the use, therefore no reason to outlay in excess of $3000USD per unit. Other states do use these RDD's and are most commonly VG3 Spectre III units that can pick up everything except 2 Beltronics models.

big col... you mustn't have had any experience with a good brand to say that you cant even get enough warning to slow down doing 10km/h over the limit with no traffic around??? I have had 300m+++ with traffic on multanova and have detected cop cars well out of sight (at a guess 4-5km's+++).

Perhaps you are talking about detecting laser which doesn't work on the same principals as radar so it is dificult to detect even at the best of times.

All I will say is to leave your opinions on "ALL" detectors until you have used "ALL" detectors... if you have had a bad experience with (as you put it) your "crappy old detector" then let us know what you were using so others have a guide to base your comments off... and if your brothers turns out to be a Beltronics (rather than a Bel-air???), and was bought locally then tell him to drop it in to me to get it checked out... I will be very keen to see any Beltronics unit that I sell only give 10m warning with no traffic.

I'm not sure on the brand/model I have (pretty sure it is a beltronics, I will have a look tomorrow) but my brother had a beltronics XR which he sold along with his car. He did buy it locally and actually took it back to get it tested to see if it was working properly because he thought it was that bad and he got the "it's all working" reply so yeah he just left it at that and accepted it just had a crap range. Admittedly it did work better than mine, but not by much. He'd get about a 50-60m warning before multanovas (no traffic), where as I get about a 30m warning if I'm lucky.

Btw I haven't formed the opinion that "ALL" radar detectors are crap, I was just expressing my personal experiences and my friends' experiences (which I didn't bother to write) with them. I'm sure there are a handful of expensive models that work a treat, but the majority (especially the cheaper mid-range models) seem to make claims that are no where close to real-world scenarios. Which model of beltronics do you use and on what settings? I've found that highway mode seems to work the best in most situations.

lol @ bel-air... I must have still been hungover on sunday arvo when I made that post :thumbsup:

edit: My radar detector is a beltronics xr 650.

Edited by big col
WA does not use RDD (radar-detector-detector) technology as there is no law banning the use, therefore no reason to outlay in excess of $3000USD per unit. Other states do use these RDD's and are most commonly VG3 Spectre III units that can pick up everything except 2 Beltronics models.

big col... you mustn't have had any experience with a good brand to say that you cant even get enough warning to slow down doing 10km/h over the limit with no traffic around??? I have had 300m+++ with traffic on multanova and have detected cop cars well out of sight (at a guess 4-5km's+++).

Perhaps you are talking about detecting laser which doesn't work on the same principals as radar so it is dificult to detect even at the best of times.

All I will say is to leave your opinions on "ALL" detectors until you have used "ALL" detectors... if you have had a bad experience with (as you put it) your "crappy old detector" then let us know what you were using so others have a guide to base your comments off... and if your brothers turns out to be a Beltronics (rather than a Bel-air???), and was bought locally then tell him to drop it in to me to get it checked out... I will be very keen to see any Beltronics unit that I sell only give 10m warning with no traffic.

Hi there Scotty, (no touching required tks) very interesting thread, some time ago I lost a much cherished 12yo+ Uniden Hazard warning device, kindly relieved from me by NSW's finest. I attempted to replace this with some 21st century technology ...Beltronics STI AU/NZ (big bucks) & have been unimpressed with the new device's performance.

Mainly with regards to early warning but also with audible warning level. My old job could pick up random signals 2-4kms away & squawked it's head off, (as mentioned above which happens to be the best feature of any detector imo) as the plod gave other road users a squirt I presume, but my new job has not displayed any inclination to do this. I know the fuzz is getting smarter all the time on the use & application of their revenue raising black boxes but I was hoping for better performance than that displayed by my detector. Typically line of sight, 200 ~ 400metres (highway patrol) & closing at warp speed (combined them/me) is hair raising to say the least.

I have complained bitterly to the supplier on several occasions to the extent that they recalled the first unit I purchased, found it had low sensitivity that could not be improved upon & exchanged it. The problem is the exchange unit is no better than the original. Further whinging on my part elicited offers of deals for even more expensive devices with a paltry offer of half price credit for my new existing unit. Not happy. I was wondering if your company would be interested in checking this unit & commenting on performance or lack thereof?

Regards GW :banana:

Hi there Scotty, (no touching required tks) very interesting thread, some time ago I lost a much cherished 12yo+ Uniden Hazard warning device, kindly relieved from me by NSW's finest. I attempted to replace this with some 21st century technology ...Beltronics STI AU/NZ (big bucks) & have been unimpressed with the new device's performance.

Mainly with regards to early warning but also with audible warning level. My old job could pick up random signals 2-4kms away & squawked it's head off, (as mentioned above which happens to be the best feature of any detector imo) as the plod gave other road users a squirt I presume, but my new job has not displayed any inclination to do this. I know the fuzz is getting smarter all the time on the use & application of their revenue raising black boxes but I was hoping for better performance than that displayed by my detector. Typically line of sight, 200 ~ 400metres (highway patrol) & closing at warp speed (combined them/me) is hair raising to say the least.

I have complained bitterly to the supplier on several occasions to the extent that they recalled the first unit I purchased, found it had low sensitivity that could not be improved upon & exchanged it. The problem is the exchange unit is no better than the original. Further whinging on my part elicited offers of deals for even more expensive devices with a paltry offer of half price credit for my new existing unit. Not happy. I was wondering if your company would be interested in checking this unit & commenting on performance or lack thereof?

Regards GW :laugh:

No touching... where is the fun in that!?!?

Well all I can say is that you kind of summed it up in the first paragraph... your old unit was a 12+y/o detector and you are trying to compare it to current technology... I mean we all sit here and compare the new GTR to the R32 and R33 of the past but do we really expect them to be all that similar? No, and that is because they are in a different ball park.

Old detectors and old police radar are very different to current detectors and current police radars.

There is a failure rate for every electronics device built so we do expect some units to come back faulty... this is probably the reason why the person you bought your unit off replaced the 1st unit you had. By all mean please send me your unit and I can test it out against brand new units as see how it stacks up.


PO Box 1469

Subiaco WA 6008

Please include your full name, contact details and a full fault description with the unit when you post it... I deal with all of Australia, New Zealand and Asia so I see a fair few units and without full details I will not know what to look for.



No touching... where is the fun in that!?!?

Well all I can say is that you kind of summed it up in the first paragraph... your old unit was a 12+y/o detector and you are trying to compare it to current technology... I mean we all sit here and compare the new GTR to the R32 and R33 of the past but do we really expect them to be all that similar? No, and that is because they are in a different ball park.

Old detectors and old police radar are very different to current detectors and current police radars.

There is a failure rate for every electronics device built so we do expect some units to come back faulty... this is probably the reason why the person you bought your unit off replaced the 1st unit you had. By all mean please send me your unit and I can test it out against brand new units as see how it stacks up.


PO Box 1469

Subiaco WA 6008

Please include your full name, contact details and a full fault description with the unit when you post it... I deal with all of Australia, New Zealand and Asia so I see a fair few units and without full details I will not know what to look for.



Cheers Scott I appreciate the response, I will pack it up & send it down in the next week or so. Ref old technology, my old Uniden was working fine picking up random signals from vehicles of interest on the open road & as previously stated its' finest feature (no microwave towers in the vicinity) up until doomsday Oct 2006. After paying $1205.00 to NSW judicial purse I replaced it with state of the art technology in Jan/Feb 2007. (Had to save up)

In case my previous post was mis-understood I was not referring to ancient history on the road, but recent events. The reason my new unit was replaced by the vendor was because they acknowledged my unit had low sensitivity & that their technicians could not improve it's performance on the bench, hence the no cost replacement.

In any case I would expect these modern devices to live up to the advertisements & be ahead of or at least abreast with current official technology & definitely be able to replicate performance that was already out there for public consumption from past technology, else there is no upgrade product to sell. From what I can see the current advances concentrate on stealth/undetectability by RDD's rather than greater sensitivity or earlier warning. What are your thoughts on this?

Not wishing to start a s*#t fight, just asking is all. Maybe I have been priveleged or spoilt in the past & am now expecting too much with current plod operating procedures, I dunno but out of interest & seeing that you deal with the South East Asia region as we know it, I would be keen to hear how many device returns you get from users describing similar issues to those I have raised in my first post?

Best regards GW

In any case I would expect these modern devices to live up to the advertisements & be ahead of or at least abreast with current official technology & definitely be able to replicate performance that was already out there for public consumption from past technology, else there is no upgrade product to sell. From what I can see the current advances concentrate on stealth/undetectability by RDD's rather than greater sensitivity or earlier warning. What are your thoughts on this?

Not wishing to start a s*#t fight, just asking is all. Maybe I have been priveleged or spoilt in the past & am now expecting too much with current plod operating procedures, I dunno but out of interest & seeing that you deal with the South East Asia region as we know it, I would be keen to hear how many device returns you get from users describing similar issues to those I have raised in my first post?

Best regards GW

I have to agree with you... I wouldn;t want to buy something that didn;t live upto what it was portrayed to do in advertising.

I actually use a BEL XR myself and the fitted version in the wifes car... both have been the best units I have used in over 10 years of selling detectors. I must admit that their main focus was never intended to be the leaders in performance as both units focus on stealth technology. Having said this, I haven't seen a different current model detector outperform them. It is possible that in some cases that old top end models might give better range in some instances, but this could be mainly due to the lack of filtering the old units have when compared to new models. With more and more electronic devices out there every year, the air waves are polluted with more and more signals that will set off radar detectors unless they have tip top filtering. Units now need to have the best filtering possible in order to keep users saine and not get total sick from false alerts.

Regarding the amount of returns we have for the BEL XR... its about 2-2.5% return rate which is very acceptable in mass produced electronics.

I am not saying that you have definately got a working unit and you are over reacting... you may have a fault but I wont know until I test your detector. Please send it it so that work can be carried out.



I have to agree with you... I wouldn;t want to buy something that didn;t live upto what it was portrayed to do in advertising.

I actually use a BEL XR myself and the fitted version in the wifes car... both have been the best units I have used in over 10 years of selling detectors. I must admit that their main focus was never intended to be the leaders in performance as both units focus on stealth technology. Having said this, I haven't seen a different current model detector outperform them. It is possible that in some cases that old top end models might give better range in some instances, but this could be mainly due to the lack of filtering the old units have when compared to new models. With more and more electronic devices out there every year, the air waves are polluted with more and more signals that will set off radar detectors unless they have tip top filtering. Units now need to have the best filtering possible in order to keep users saine and not get total sick from false alerts.

Regarding the amount of returns we have for the BEL XR... its about 2-2.5% return rate which is very acceptable in mass produced electronics.

I am not saying that you have definately got a working unit and you are over reacting... you may have a fault but I wont know until I test your detector. Please send it it so that work can be carried out.



Onya Scotty, I will pack & send my device this weekend or Monday at the lateast.

best regards GW

  • 4 weeks later...
hey scotty

i have a rx65 pro, out of warranty now and get the "service required" thing

should i just drop it in to neltronics one day to get it fixed?


hi, you any everybody else with an RX65! Just check out the part under warranty and suitability for use in WA here; http://www.radars.com.au/best-radar-detector.php rather than paying $100 for an out of warranty service on an old detector that will just fail again, check out the supplier at that link, they will do you a good trade in (even on a broken Beltronics radar detector!) and you get a new better detector with a 3 year warranty!! unreal deal if you ask me!

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