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okay... scared now


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Originally posted by R31 Skyline Chick

You people who live in 'upper class' areas freak as soon as something happens....

those of us who live in slummy areas (through no choice of our own) have to deal with this type of crap every day.

In fact, so much of it goes on, that it doesn't even make it into the press anymore.

If you want to be paranoid, then buy a scanner, and listen to what's REALLY going on around you.

You'd be suprised.....

K - I have a scanner :P

And I was born and lived in Sunshine for 27 years, dont talk to me about slums - I am from slumshine, though we used to call it scumshine :( [there are some nice people there too but a lot of bad sh|t always goin down].

This is probably the closest shooting / killing to my own home.

oh btw I am not freaking...not yet anyways :(

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um I think thats what Pred was getting at...........;-)

um, yes :P

yer, its the old rich idiots around there... they get really scared even when u have a damn party for godsakes.. so freakin boring..then again walking into the supermarket lookin like u just stepped out out of dandy is great entertainment - shows how isolated the minds of these people are.

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Guest RedLineGTR
Originally posted by nismoR34

um I think thats what Pred was getting at...........;-)

sorry didnt read the other posts :P sorry

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yer a mob guy was shot 200 mtrs from my house.

there was a shoot out then he was shot a few times in the head.

i heard the shots. didnt think it was gun shots tho.

untill cops blocked off all the streets.

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Originally posted by nismoR34

I believe everyone has and does make choices in life.

Yeah, I choose to live in a suburb where my child can't play outside without shoes because there are syringes everywhere.

I think that's a reasonable decision to make.

Honestly, if I had a choice, I wouldn't be here.

Not everyone has a clear cut life.

I'm sure the guy that got shot 'chose' to deal drugs, so he got what was coming to him.


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hmmm.. i didn't come from a rich family, never went to a rich school, never grew up in a good area, and i could'a just lived that life, but i didn't and i got out of it and doing ok for myself.. its all about intelligent decisions u can make - like Dale was saying..

anyway, this is all off topic!

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like gordo said, don't give a flying f*ck if they all kill each. The less of them the better.

And that S2000 would go for a ridiculously cheap price at the police auctions wouldn't it?? I heard that u can get the best cars for like half what u'd pay privately.

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