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Superlap Timeattack Is Ago!

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Yep I did and that was squirming the full track and a handful, and obviously quick. Got bumper bars if goes all wrong though. Still nothing compared to looking at the Tasman sea at Phillip Island 7,500 rpm in 5th and no parachute.

I have never enjoyed the view. Always too busy reaching accross the cabin holding doors on car and stopping the car from falling apart at the speeds you end up doing at PI :P

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Right, I was going to enter this piss up, but in the spirit of the event I am looking for someone to represent my business there.

Currently the short list is:

Pete - for falling off the balcony drunk onto a lancia at dutton rally

Richard and Roy for their efforts representing SAU NSW, particularly at the F1 in Melbourne

Kel - for the poker machine incident

Neil - for making me stop 6 times on the way home from wakie the night the trailer lost a wheel

Michelle - for drinking an unnamed SAU admin under the table


While this is the short list, I am willing to take further nominations to prove my business's brilliance. To that end I will accept further nominations via this thread prior to a test day at the thursday prior to Superlap at Sydney City RSL.

The best drinker on the day will represent Raceworx at the after event piss up.

you know this comp is tailor made for

and ill beat your lap time the next day half cut!

and abuse boulos just for fun!

Edited by fatz
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lol where is old geoff these days.

yes sorry richard I forgot your amazing efforts taking aussie drinkers to japan. I genuinely rate that right alongside Mark and Russ taking their nugget over there.

And Roy....you have done the same for NSW in Vic which in many ways is more difficult than japan. And lets not forget that Steve was there undermining your efforts too.

Thanks guys its some good options. I'm sure I can prove my business can find the best drinkers to win this comp

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Dirtgarage anyone can go in a straight line.

Hey Jason I could drive your car if you want or Roy but I think he is taken??

you cant drive your own car john how would you drive mine with that extra gtr power

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you cant drive your own car john how would you drive mine with that extra gtr power

and if you didn't have such a fat arse I would let you drive my Radical buddy. But alas I have Frosty at the helm.


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Drink till you spew, isnt that the point?

not really, and for most people that means a fair bit more than two white wine spritzers and a midori illusion.... kekekegay.gif

lets just hope you drive better than you drink!

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where is this drinking comp going to be held...ive been to many of these events attended by a lot of so called hardcore drinkers only to be left the only man left standing at dawn when the sun has risen. We are staying in Parramatta so somewhere around there would be good.

I vote for rugby style schooner races between the winning clubman team and winning open team to get the overall winner for the day.

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mmm drinking comps


5 years of engineering at uni

only thing i have to show for it is the year book award saying im the bigest pisstank in engineering

20k hecs bill well spent!


hek i only played rugby for the boat race as well

roy time to step up

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only thing i have to show for it is the year book award saying im the bigest pisstank in engineering

you say that like is a dissapointment. you should be proud of that. head drinker in gingerbeering is quite an achievement.

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i dont have a fat arse, can i drive , can i , can i

Only if we can cut your legs off at the knees,,,shit your legs would end up in the crash box. :laugh::P:D I love the banana man!!!.

All this drinking talk has me thinking I better get some practice in,,,off to the fridge for another.


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Hey guys i went looking for a fire extinguisher today and none of them had cams approved on them. What do i have to look for? There was a 10BE 1 Kg and a 20BE 1 Kg and a ??BE 1.5 Kg.

What do i need to get?


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It just has to be 1kg or above as far as I'm aware, with a metal mounting bracket.

Correct me if I'm wrong though

Your on the money there phunky,,,no need for hi octane "sparco" expensive ones. Cheap crap supercheap and the like are cool,,but they have to be bolted as ADZ says as well as with big-arse washers,.,,NO rivets.


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