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ok well i checked out my original thought for meeting place poorly lit unfortunately. soo 730pm meet at sunnybank plaza rooftop carpark above cinemas. any cars welcome feel free to spread to other forums. from there will do a meet and greet. then cruise out along ipswich motorway to centenary highway out to mount cootha. do a slow cruise up the back of the mountain and come down and re-meet or others can meet up at the gravel patch. should be there approx 830-845. from there if more cruising is wanted we will work something out thats more common area for all involved or feel free to bail after this point. i know i may possibly end up doing my usual wit you dave and headin up that mad view from nebo. Also guys feel free to bring the missus. as (A) its a social thing and (B) you wont get castrated for ditching them for cars lol hope to see you all there.



P.s if anybody has any other ideas/ suggestions for meeting place send me a pm by monday approx 12 noon whatever is posted in this first post by monday 8pm is the final rundown

Edited by chubs
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Thats sounds like a great pro-active idea...

(Changed topic title to EOI)

Good Luck, just a little advice.

* Set a date and post it (at least 2 weeks in advance) and they will come.

* After time they will either grow in popularity or decline and you can go from there.

* If your waiting for others to say "he we will come" it will never get there, so just set a date and do it.

Cheers Col

Sounds like a sweet idea, count me in aye.

So a meet then cruse after? cause thatd be mint.

Wana make it Wednesday nights? cause nissan silvia have there tuesday nights, thursday friday saturday night the cops are out more than usual?

set a date for for next week on wednesday night champ?

So Callum we will make it wednesday night at 730? give ppl time to finish work, get ready n all.

and in the big carpark we talked about, import frendly, well lit. cant remember the street names but ill see if i can get a pic on whereis.com , circle it n post it up (the ns boys do that and it works well)

Make it a meet and greet, put screen names to faces to cars n try get to know eachother talk crap n all.

maby even go for a cruse after if we can all agree on somewhere to cruse to.

oh and we dont want any illeagal activities going on so keep the drugs and burnouts at home peoples :thumbsup:

yay? nay?

Sounds great but we need more week end cruises cuase i only got a 1 point licence and cant drive between 11pm and 5am. the biggest let down is i live in toowoomba. but the wont stop me from coming to brisbane for a cruise

Ok guys times and date are set. Had hoped to see some posts as to people going to attend but hope to see you all there. Should be a fun night. cheers for the advice col. Hope if turn out is good i can organise these for every fortnight.

Google search for Sunnybank Plaza

can someone check this is the place, I hope so because I just moved like 20 businesses listed at the plaza too it.

might come down for a look around, can I confirm a 7:30 meet, what time is departure tho?

Edited by Keeper

Yeah mate you got the right place. If you turn in at maccas then go to round about turn right and up the ramp to the very top. Departure time from there would be approx 2000 to 2015 as if people are just goin to join with the rest of us at cootha will be there roughly on designated time. yeah dave that gearbox is hella loud. I reckon with the cash you save with us installin the replacement you buy a new clutch.

Lol yeah there is dave. Its called your left foot. Although its usually your right foot that causes you drama. Will give you a call prob bout 1 or 2 in the arvo should be awake by then. God dam 12 hour nights.

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