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Truckie Couldnt See A Car In Front Of Him....

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seriously....how can you not notice a car stuck to your truck...there must have been smoke from the cars tyres and you would think the driver of the car would be tootin his horn like crazy.

i dont like those interstate truckers, they are always on a rush to meet their timeframe. I always stay behind the truck until theres enough room for me to boot it past them. not a fan of driving next to them.

i dont like those interstate truckers, they are always on a rush to meet their timeframe. I always stay behind the truck until theres enough room for me to boot it past them. not a fan of driving next to them.

i do the exact same thing, never drive next to a truck

It's pretty scary that he has no idea, never mind that he couldn't see it,

* there'd be the physical shock of the truck hitting the car he should be able to feel,

* the noise of striking the car,

* the noise of the car tyres squealing on the road,

* the truck labouring as it suddenly has to push over 1000 kgs of car sideways down the road.

There's also the fact he didn't seem to upset about it, he seemed to be angry rather than remorseful?

Look, my old man's a truckie, and I've driven a few in my time, and most of the drivers I know are amongst the best drivers on the road, but it's d**kheads like this that grab media attention and give the general public the impression that all truckies are drugged up maniacs.

And generally, the average driver who has an incident with a truckie has usually brought it upon themselves, eg, pulling in front of them leading up to a red light, because there's space - which of course the truckie has created, and needs to slow and stop his 50 tonne vehicle.

on the lighter side - Aussie cops - " oi, are you fair dinkum?" lol.

Saw that on ACA... ...they played it up in the usual way...

Years ago I was with a mate in his truck and a car cut him off as we were coming up to a red light... ...We were in one of the long nose trucks...

So at the lights my mate kept creeping up on the car... ...and the car would move forward and they'd wave their arms out the windows and we'd move up closer again... ...and they'd wave their arms again... ...and move forward again... ...and we'd creep up again... ...wave arms... ...and they'd move forward... ...and we'd creep...

Then the lights went green and they took off like crazy...

And they were towing little 4x4ft trailer...


I always give trucks plenty of room... ...And blast past them when I can... ...And I'll also drop back and flash my lights whenever I see one trying to change lanes to let them know I'm clear of their rear...

In one of those long nose trucks, you can't see shat right in front of you. If the car was sideways, I doubt he saw it.

As for the noise, those trucks aren't quiet, if he was at higher revs, and it was an impact like that one in the tunnel, he might not have heard it.

The noise of tyres squealing should have been audible though, it's not a normal noise.

As for the truck labouring to push the car, I very much doubt it, you could throw another few tonnes in the back and it wouldn't notice, why would it notice a small tin can attached to the front?

I learnt to drive a heavy rigid (loaded to 16 tonne), and that's scary the first time you're out with other traffic. Car drivers don't appreciate how different it is until they drive one. I always thought I gave trucks enough space (I wish some of them would do the same), turns out they need more.

The truck driver should have been using his mirrors a lot for situational awareness, and then wondered where the car had gone when he couldn't see it.

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