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So many examples that I know of, that could justify this situation. For example money.

Or if someone was a complete and utter little prick, liked to mouth off, stir shit and generally beleive it didn't matter what they said or did they could get away from it because they couldnt accept the culturally acceptable behaviour of the country they chose to live in.

That would probably get you bashed one day when you said the wrong shit to the wrong people when driving down the road???

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Another show to look at is "Dangerous" on fox 8 - far worse then underbelly IMO, it basically glorified car theft of imports...

Someone said holden makes for a market, and that we shouldnt give crap on holdens cause its the same same as giving crap on lines. Well I dont really dislike holden cars. I mean I dont think there a good car, I think there poorly built etc but thats not my beef with them, just a reason why I wouldnt buy one. The main reason I dislike seeing a "tough" commodore is because of the demograph of people who drive them. Hard-nut terry tough-kent wankers for the most part, as thats the market holden caters to. Its why they keep putting bigger motors in there cars rather then trying to say, go a smaller turbo motor or get something like v-tech going. The bogan wankers wouldnt understand how it works. They'd go "less cubes? oh noes!"

/end rant.

Two things with that. They are a cheap car, and you get what you pay for, fair enough.

But with the people who own them... Being Australias most popular car does mean just based on percentages yoru going to get more fools owning them. But I do see a LOT of rude, stuck up, stupid, bogan etc, that think they own the road because they have a skyline, and feel they are superior to all other cars on the road. Both have their good and bad. Just trying to keep this in perspective for some people. (yourself not included)

Two things with that. They are a cheap car, and you get what you pay for, fair enough.

But with the people who own them... Being Australias most popular car does mean just based on percentages yoru going to get more fools owning them. But I do see a LOT of rude, stuck up, stupid, bogan etc, that think they own the road because they have a skyline, and feel they are superior to all other cars on the road. Both have their good and bad. Just trying to keep this in perspective for some people. (yourself not included)


I guess I should clarify - 9 / 10 or more commo's are owned by ordinary people who take the kids to school then go shopping or whatever and therefore dont count, at least to me. I look at thoes cars and think nothing really, there just another car on the road bog stock soccer mum ect etc.

The commos I refer to are the ones people would refer to as tough - the older SS's, v8's etc. The newer ones tend to be too expensive to be affordable to the tough-nut demograph also. My main problem is too many times I have been sitting in traffic or driving through a shoping center ect minding my own business and had some tough guy come up and tell me my asian rice car was a piece of crap and that I should buy a tough holden.

The point I am trying to make here, and in my last post, is that this seems to be, at least to me, unique to holden drivers. I have never seen, or heard of, someone or a group of someones, yelling down some random person in a commdore to sell there badly-built POS and buy an import / nissan / skyline. Yet if I was to jump in my car right now (it being quater to 10 at night) and drive down to the local boozer, park infront of the front door, theres a very good chance I would be verbally and possibly physically attacked, unprovoked. Now drive a 1990 V8 commo down and park it in the same place, nothing or nothing bad would be said.

I have no doubt this does not apply to all commo drivers, like I said its only a small group of commos which it is applicable to. But its a small percentage of a very high number, like you said, and its enough to be pretty much omni-present in public society today, or at least in the younger aspects of it.

mate, get a sense of history.

you live in a country where for along time a large V8 was, and in country Australia still is the most economical engine to run. They provide heaps of low end grunt when you need it and are pretty basic to do rolling repairs on if you have to. Not to mention they sound like hells trumpet when they are angry.

Then enter the Hairdressers car, sure they are fast and nimble and all that but the connotation will always be there, especially since these new wave of metro culture bullshit has come about where some guys see fit to put makeup on themselves and their cars. I love all cars but you have to see why your going to cop shit from people.

its like on a work site, the V8 gets the job done but the dolled up 2/2.5L is pretty much useless, the most useless prick on site always cops shit, always.


If you were paying attention to the history which your so keen on, youd know Australia is supposed to be a place where people give each other a fair go. Whats fair about bashing someone or there property just because they drive a certain car? Is it because the skylines beat your bogan pos at Bathurst and your still sore over that? Or is it envy?

Your trying to justify stupid, violent and illegal actions as being Australian and in the process draging the country's name and image through the mud and sewerage. Its a crock of shit.

Besides, most of holdens parts are made overseas anyway for christs sake! Holden isnt even Australian owned as far as I know, isnt it owned by GM, the US company?

But anyway, onto your post:

mate, get a sense of history.

Where in history are bogans granted the right to put down, abuse and damage others property because it doesn’t conform to some bullshit image of what it is to be a blockhead bogan aussie male?

you live in a country where for along time a large V8 was, and in country Australia still is the most economical engine to run. They provide heaps of low end grunt when you need it and are pretty basic to do rolling repairs on if you have to. Not to mention they sound like hells trumpet when they are angry.

A whaaaat? A v8 commo is the most economical engine to run? Do you honestly believe that? I mean, one of those diesel VW's that get 1000 kms to a tank, or a matiz or something has nothing on a v8 commo for economics, right?

However your right, basic indeed they are. Basic does not however mean good.

As for low end grunt, too lazy to drop a gear?

Then enter the Hairdressers car, sure they are fast and nimble and all that but the connotation will always be there, especially since these new wave of metro culture bullshit has come about where some guys see fit to put makeup on themselves and their cars. I love all cars but you have to see why your going to cop shit from people.

So wait, because some guys like to dress (which by the way, seems to work? I always see metros with hot chicks... maybe this is why bogans hate them so much, because all it leaves you guys with are the mountain billy-goats?) a certain way, bogans are allowed to heap shit on everything that hasn’t got a Holden badge? I don’t see why I’m going to cop shit at all, where do you/they get the right to come up to random’s and heap it out?

its like on a work site, the V8 gets the job done but the dolled up 2/2.5L is pretty much useless, the most useless prick on site always cops shit, always.

What the f**k does that have to do with anything??? I don’t live, work or go near work-sites, so why does that matter? What, because a skyline is too good to bush bash around on a construction yard or whatever its instantly fair game to belittle the owners of them, and damage the cars when the owners aren’t around?

ok so i think my point was missed a bit.

In no way am I justifying the incident this thread was originally about.

i was responding to the hypothetical situation setup in IanB post about going to the local public bar and maybe copping words from some smart ass person. Once again I was not trying to advocate or justify any violent attack on you or your car dude.

As per the V8 economy I'm making reference to country Australia where roads are straight long and 100+ km/h, at that speed for the huge distances traveled the V8 is allot more suited then a 2L engine. A shit load more of this country is rural then city dude you should know that.

as per dropping a gear, not appropriate when your pulling over one tonne of farming equipment for 5-10 km in one hit.

as per the metro stuff, I'm not saying its wrong or right those kind of arguments at pointless and ignorant. What I'm pointing out is that a difference exists, (for want of a better word) bogan culture sees fit to heap shit on things they don't like, it may not be moral it may not be right (especially when violence is involved) but its just how that culture is. I merely tried to provide an explanation as to why this happens not justify it.

and finally as per the construction site, i was trying to put the difference in a context in which you would understand, which i think was worked because you see exactly why a skyline is too good for a construction site.

I'm not a bogan, I deplore violence unless it is absolutely necessary, I'm certainly not advocating random attacks based on cultural difference.

If i was you i would simply view their cruel words/actions as a result of tall poppy syndrome and try where ever you can to avoid violence by simply taking the comments with a grain of salt.

after reading this + the article it just proves that there are still wankers out there that make it hard on everyone.

wankers will always be wankers, its just a shame you cant hit them back with a crowbar

This thread stinks of funky man love..

to all you armchair justice leaguers; why bother with two sides of the story?

NOTHING justifies getting beaten up that badly.


edit: those of you that think the guys in the skyline may have deserved what they got, pending information, are f**king idiots and no better than street thugs

Nice work Einstein.....sarcasm or not? you choose..

Not really relevant - I walked out of the pub recently to find some prick on a bmx lining my 34 up to bunny-hop onto the bonnet, his mates are in a VE ute egging him on. Nothing I could do to stop him in time so off he goes, onto the bonnet, then the wheels go out from underneath him and he puts his head clean through the windscreen, blood everywhere.... instant karma I guess (and a well waxed bonnet :D ) His wanker mates grab him and his bike and throw them in the back of the ute and scream off, not before I got the number plate of course. The damage, well aside from the windscreen the bmx pedals put two tear jerking gouges down the bonnet plus other small scratches, the front bar had a 5 inch crack in it, and the smashed glass/blokes head tore up my dash. Anyways, cops got them, charged him, and he has a lovely 2 grand bill to fork out for, oh and a fractured cheekbone... but come on, grow up you f***s!

Not really relevant - I walked out of the pub recently to find some prick on a bmx lining my 34 up to bunny-hop onto the bonnet, his mates are in a VE ute egging him on. Nothing I could do to stop him in time so off he goes, onto the bonnet, then the wheels go out from underneath him and he puts his head clean through the windscreen, blood everywhere.... instant karma I guess (and a well waxed bonnet :D ) His wanker mates grab him and his bike and throw them in the back of the ute and scream off, not before I got the number plate of course. The damage, well aside from the windscreen the bmx pedals put two tear jerking gouges down the bonnet plus other small scratches, the front bar had a 5 inch crack in it, and the smashed glass/blokes head tore up my dash. Anyways, cops got them, charged him, and he has a lovely 2 grand bill to fork out for, oh and a fractured cheekbone... but come on, grow up you f***s!

Oh but in their eyes your the bad one for having a clean waxed car.

Not really relevant - I walked out of the pub recently to find some prick on a bmx lining my 34 up to bunny-hop onto the bonnet, his mates are in a VE ute egging him on. Nothing I could do to stop him in time so off he goes, onto the bonnet, then the wheels go out from underneath him and he puts his head clean through the windscreen, blood everywhere.... instant karma I guess (and a well waxed bonnet :P ) His wanker mates grab him and his bike and throw them in the back of the ute and scream off, not before I got the number plate of course. The damage, well aside from the windscreen the bmx pedals put two tear jerking gouges down the bonnet plus other small scratches, the front bar had a 5 inch crack in it, and the smashed glass/blokes head tore up my dash. Anyways, cops got them, charged him, and he has a lovely 2 grand bill to fork out for, oh and a fractured cheekbone... but come on, grow up you f***s!

glad it worked out for u mate, ur a better man than i am. i wouldve ripped him off his bike and kicked him to the kerb, you just dont f*k with someone elses car

  • 10 months later...

I've got an idear i've seen on tv think it was ripleys believe it or not don't quote me but people were fitting them to there car in south america and what not where Grand theft auto was a real problem what it was is a whole series of pipes that ran down the side of the car facing out and if someone can up and tryed to pull you out of your car you pressed a button and it shot flames out the the pipes and gave the poor fool 2nd degree burns sure stopped him trying to steal your car couldwork for someone trying to bash your head in...little extreme but i'll let you be the boss of that!

I agree... it is a lot of commodore drives out there that think that they own the streets they are the only group of ar dirves that have given me shit about skylines saying there rice and there weak i'm waiting for the day when someone comes up and and says why don't you get yourself a toyota prius there fuel effeciently dwarfs yours!!!

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