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Rb25 Takushi


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yeah pretty much hit a pole head on after comin out of a roundabout, i lost it an locked up

next thing i know the front of me car is farrrrked

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yeah theres not too many in perth

im pickin up a white one in bout a week or so, complete stocker

its immaculate white black interior so stay tuned coz it'll be up soon

will try and get crash pic up soon

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  • 3 weeks later...

and here it is in all its f@%ked up glory

Pickin up new one this comin week as soon as im back from sydney, also picked up a genuine factory cefiro key that hasnt been cut yet so that'll make a good little addition to the new car.

Got all my insurance sorted and was able to get a nice little pay out and buy my wreck back for a very reasonable price of $600 haha its worth a tad more than that in parts haha, so its now a matter of buy the car and put all my parts onto that one.

Also getting uras kit with the car, just what i also wanted, im taking the crash as a sign to start again and do things right haha and not drive it into poles, ill start a seperate thread on new car once i pick it up


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yeah scored the wreck back for 600 from insurance, not sure bout parting it yet as ill be taking all my current mods off the wreck and they're going onto the new ceffy then the tail lights, bumpers, old grille and vent under the wipers are going to someone over here, then pretty sure the wreck is going to the guy i bought my new ceffy off. Not sure yet might be able to sell bits and pieces but i dont really want the wreck sittin round any longer than it has to

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  • 1 month later...

bummer bout the old cef, keep it and part everything out, some of the stuff is worth a small fortune (ig power windows and sunroof stuff) if it was option out at the factory like mine was...

cheers, matt.

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